

单词 屋角
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MEASURE〕Can you measure the desk to see if it'll fit into that corner? 你把书桌量一量,看看是否能放进那边屋角,行吗?朗文写作活用〔huddle〕Sophie was so frightened by the noise of the fireworks that she huddled (up) in a corner of the room.索菲被烟花爆竹的声音吓坏了,在屋角缩成一团。剑桥高阶〔sing〕The tea kettle sang gently in one corner.茶壶在屋角里轻轻地呜呜作响。英汉大词典A flower arrangement in a large basket stood on a (flower) pedestal (= one which supports an arrangement of flowers) in the corner of the room.一束花插在一个大篮子里,放在屋角的花座墩上。剑桥国际He sat in a nook between the fire and the corner of the room.他坐在炉火与屋角之间的隐蔽处。剑桥国际In the corner of the room, pieces of plaster had fallen away (= broken off).在屋角,一块块的墙皮剥落了。剑桥国际Sophie was so frightened by the noise of the fireworks that she huddled (up) in a corner of the room.索菲十分害怕爆竹的声音,她在屋角缩成一团。剑桥国际




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