

单词 屈辱
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔OFFEND〕advice that is extremely insulting to unemployed people 令失业者极感屈辱的建议朗文写作活用〔degradation〕the misery and degradation of prison life 监狱生活的艰辛和屈辱剑桥高阶〔dust〕be humbled in the dust 蒙受屈辱 英汉大词典〔dust〕rise again from the dust of past defeats 从过去失败的屈辱中重新站起来英汉大词典〔humiliation〕suffer the humiliation of failure 蒙受失败的屈辱英汉大词典〔humiliation〕the humiliation of being asked to leave 被赶走的屈辱麦克米伦高阶〔ignominious〕ignominious defeat.屈辱的败绩。牛津同义词〔ignominy〕the ignominy of being made redundant作为冗员被裁的屈辱外研社新世纪〔infliction〕the infliction of pain/guilt/humiliation 使遭受疼痛/内疚/屈辱韦氏高阶〔seesaw〕a seesaw of shame and defiance 屈辱和违抗的交替英汉大词典〔shamefully〕the most shameful episode in US naval history. 美国海军最屈辱的一段历史柯林斯高阶〔shameful〕a shameful episode in our history 我们的一段屈辱历史麦克米伦高阶




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