

单词 小孔
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-filled〕Fill small holes with wood filler in a matching colour.用颜色相配的木质填料填平小孔。柯林斯高阶〔Gruyère〕A pale yellow cheese, with or without holes, that has a firm texture and a golden-brown rind and is often used in cooking.瑞士格律耶尔干酪:一种淡黄色奶酪,带或不带小孔,质地坚韧,有黄褐色外皮,常用于烹调菜肴美国传统〔HOLE〕A shaft of light came in through a hole in the corrugated iron roof. 一道亮光从瓦楞铁皮屋顶上的一个小孔射进来。朗文写作活用〔HOLE〕We drilled several small holes in the lid of the jar. 我们在瓶盖上钻了几个小孔。朗文写作活用〔brogue〕A strong oxford shoe, usually with ornamental perforations and wing tips.拷花皮鞋:一种结实的浅口便鞋,通常带有装饰性小孔和翼尖美国传统〔chukka〕A short, ankle-length boot, usually made of suede, having two or three pairs of eyelets.短靴,高帮皮靴:一种短的到脚踝的靴子,通常由麂皮制成,有两对或三对小孔美国传统〔cribriform〕Perforated like a sieve.筛状的:象筛子那样穿有小孔的美国传统〔drill〕Drill three holes in the wall for the screws.在墙上打3个拧螺丝钉用的小孔。剑桥高阶〔enable〕A series of holes in the side panels enables the position of the shelves to be adjusted.通过侧板上的一系列小孔可以对隔板位置进行调整。外研社新世纪〔enable〕A series of holes in the side panels enables the position of the shelves to be adjusted.通过侧板上的一系列小孔可以对隔板位置进行调整。柯林斯高阶〔etch〕The acid etched holes in the crystal surface.那种酸在晶体表面蚀刻出一些小孔。柯林斯高阶〔eyelet〕A metal ring designed to reinforce such a hole; a grommet.金属圈:一种金属环,用于嵌在小孔上;垫圈美国传统〔fenestra〕The opening in a bone made by surgical fenestration.小孔:由外科内耳开窗术在骨上切割出的开口美国传统〔foveola〕A small fovea.小孔穴美国传统〔grommet〕A reinforced eyelet, as in cloth or leather, through which a fastener may be passed.扣眼:一个加固过的小孔,如在布料或皮革上,纽扣可以穿其而过美国传统〔infiltrate〕To cause (a liquid, for example) to permeate a substance by passing through its interstices or pores.渗透:透过间隙或小孔使一种物质(如水)渗过另一种物质美国传统〔inosculate〕To unite (blood vessels, nerve fibers, or ducts) by small openings.使接合,吻合:将(血管、神经网或内分沁腺)通过小孔连接起来美国传统〔jet〕A high-velocity fluid stream forced under pressure out of a small-diameter opening or nozzle.喷射流体:在压力迫使下从小喷嘴或小孔中喷出的高速流体美国传统〔mend〕She helped me mend the puncture.她帮助我修补轮胎上扎出来的小孔。外研社新世纪〔micropyle〕Zoology A pore in the membrane covering the ovum of some animals through which a spermatozoon can enter.【动物学】 卵膜孔:一些动物卵细胞覆盖膜上的小孔,精子可由此进入美国传统〔open〕Not stopped by a finger. Used of a string or hole of an instrument.不用手指按压的:不用手指按住而通过弦或小孔结束的美国传统〔ostiole〕A small opening or pore, as of a fruiting body.小孔:小的开口或小孔,如子实体的美国传统〔ostium〕A small opening or orifice, as in a body organ or passage.小孔:小口或小洞,如在人体器官或人体内的通道上的美国传统〔ostium〕Any of the small openings or pores in a sponge.孔隙:海绵上的小孔或小口美国传统〔peepshow〕A short pornographic film presentation seen usually in a small coin-operated projection booth.透过小孔看下流表演:一种通常在小的投币放映厅看的短的淫秽电影美国传统〔percolate〕To cause (liquid, for example) to pass through a porous substance or small holes; filter.过滤:使(如液体)穿过多孔物或小孔;用过滤纸过滤美国传统〔perforated〕Having a hole or holes, especially a row of small holes.有孔的或多孔的,尤指有一排小孔的美国传统〔perforation〕A hole or series of holes punched or bored through something, especially a hole in a series, separating sections in a sheet or roll.孔:穿过某物的一个孔或一系列孔,尤指用以分割一张或一卷东西的一系列小孔美国传统〔perforation〕A tea bag is full of tiny perforations.茶包上满是小孔。剑桥高阶〔perspire〕To expel through external pores; exude.渗出,流出:通过外部的小孔排出;渗出美国传统〔pinhole〕A tiny puncture made by or as if by a pin.针眼,针孔:用针或似用针刺的小孔美国传统〔pinhole〕The water was leaking through a pinhole in the pipe.水正从管子上的小孔渗漏。韦氏高阶〔pink〕To decorate with a perforated pattern.打出小孔图案:用孔形图案装饰美国传统〔pinprick〕A slight puncture made by or as if by a pin.针孔,小孔:用针或好象用针戳的小孔美国传统〔prick〕Prick the skin of the potatoes with a fork before baking them.烤土豆前先用叉子在土豆上扎几个小孔。剑桥高阶〔prick〕There were pricks at the top of the papers where they had been pinned together.这些文件的顶部用针别过的地方有小孔。英汉大词典〔punch tape〕A paper ribbon in which holes representing data to be processed by a computer are punched.穿孔带:一种其上打有代表计算机所处理数据的小孔的纸带美国传统〔punch〕A tool for forcing a pin, bolt, or rivet in or out of a hole.起压钉器:一种把钉、锞栓或铆钉打入或拔出小孔的工具美国传统〔puncture〕A hole or depression made by a sharp object, especially a hole in an automotive tire.用尖物弄出来的尤指机动车车带上的小孔或凹陷美国传统〔puncture〕My bike has had two punctures in the last three weeks.在过去的三周里我的自行车被扎了两个小孔。剑桥高阶〔ricer〕A kitchen utensil used for ricing soft foods by extrusion through small holes.压米条机,压碎器:一种厨房器具,通过小孔压碎用来加工软食美国传统〔seep〕To pass slowly through small openings or pores; ooze.渗漏:从小孔或小缺口中缓慢地流过;渗出美国传统〔selvage〕The edge plate of a lock that has a slot for a bolt.锁孔板:锁的金属板,带有可以插入栓的小孔美国传统〔snip〕Snip a tiny hole in the paper.在纸上剪一个小孔。牛津高阶〔soak〕To absorb (liquid, for example) through or as if through pores or interstices.吸:通过小孔或者空隙吸收(例如液体)美国传统〔spinneret〕A device for making rayon, nylon, and other synthetic fibers, consisting of a plate pierced with holes through which plastic material is extruded in filaments.喷丝头:用来制造人造丝、尼龙及其他合成纤维的装置,由一钻有小孔的金属片组成,塑料物质就从小孔中以细丝的形式喷出美国传统〔spiracle〕A small respiratory opening behind the eye of certain fishes, such as sharks, rays, and skates.鳃孔:某些鱼类眼睛后面的呼吸小孔,例如鲨、鳐及灰鳐美国传统〔spiracle〕An aperture or opening through which air is admitted and expelled.通气孔:空气进出的小孔或开口美国传统〔stiletto〕A small, sharp-pointed instrument used for making eyelet holes in needlework.打眼锥:在针线活中用来穿小孔眼的小而尖的工具美国传统〔stoma〕Anatomy A small aperture in the surface of a membrane.【解剖学】 细胞膜表面的小孔美国传统〔trickle〕Oil was trickling from a tiny hole in the tank.油正从油罐上的一个小孔往下滴。剑桥高阶〔trickle〕Sand trickled from a hole in the bag.沙从袋子的一个小孔中泄出。英汉大词典〔truck〕Nautical A small piece of wood placed at the top of a mast or flagpole, usually having holes through which halyards can be passed.【航海】 桅(旗)杆帽:放在桅杆或旗杆顶端的一小木片,通常带有小孔,可让旗绳或扬帆绳穿过美国传统〔ventage〕A small opening; a vent.小孔,小口;排气孔美国传统〔vent〕The small hole at the breech of a gun through which the charge is ignited.火门:弹药通过其点燃的枪后膛上的小孔美国传统〔vesicle〕A small bladderlike cell or cavity.泡,囊:一个类似囊状的小细胞或小孔美国传统〔vinaigrette〕A small decorative bottle or container with a perforated top, used for holding an aromatic preparation such as smelling salts.香料嗅瓶:小装饰瓶或容器,瓶顶上有小孔可用作撒调味料(如嗅盐)美国传统〔water key〕A lever covering a small hole on certain brass instruments, such as the trombone, that is pressed to drain saliva that has accumulated in the instrument.乐器排水口:盖住诸如长号等某些铜管乐器上小孔的杆状物,可以压下,以排出乐器中积下的口水美国传统A tea bag is full of tiny perforations to let the flavour out, but not the tea leaves.茶叶袋有许多小孔便于茶味逸出,但茶叶却出不来。剑桥国际My bike has had two punctures in the last three weeks.在过去三个星期里我的自行车被刺了两个小孔。剑桥国际Our garden table has a hole in the centre of it through which you can put a sunshade.我们花园里那张桌子的中心有一个插遮阳伞的小孔。剑桥国际Prick the skin of the potatoes with a fork before baking them.烤土豆时先用叉在表皮上扎几个小孔。剑桥国际She held her finger to the bike wheel and felt the jet of air coming out of the puncture.她把手指放在自行车轮胎上,感到气流从小孔里喷出。剑桥国际The front tyre is looking a bit flat -- it may have a slow puncture (Am slow leak).前轮看上去有点瘪----可能是有慢性漏气的小孔。剑桥国际The uneven floor can be treated with a substance which fills in small holes and irregularities.不平的地板可以用一种能够填充小孔及凹凸不平处的物质处理。剑桥国际We saw light through a small aperture in the wall. 我们透过墙上的小孔看到了亮光。译典通




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