

单词 干活
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔PAY〕money that someone is paid for their work 因为干活而支付给某人的钱朗文写作活用〔arrears〕construction workers paid in arrears for their work 先干活后领工资的建筑工人韦氏高阶〔back〕put some back into the work 使出点劲儿干活英汉大词典〔below〕the miners working below 在地面下干活的矿工们英汉大词典〔blind〕work a horse with blinds 驱戴上眼罩的马干活英汉大词典〔broiling〕work in the broiling sun 在烈日下干活英汉大词典〔coffer〕working children contributing to the household coffers 为增加家庭收入而干活挣钱的孩子们英汉大词典〔demon〕a real demon for work 干活玩命的人英汉大词典〔farm〕be farmed out to work for another family 被作为劳力出租给另一家干活英汉大词典〔field〕work in the fields 在田间干活英汉大词典〔go〕go on with one's work 继续干活英汉大词典〔harum-scarum〕do one's work harum-scarum 马马虎虎地干活 英汉大词典〔leisurely〕working at a leisurely pace 不慌不忙地干活朗文当代〔mouth〕a useless mouth 不能干活而需要赡养的人(如孩子、老人) 英汉大词典〔navvy〕a blackened young navvy, swinging a pickaxe in the sweating tunnel. 在闷热的隧道里挥舞着丁字镐干活的一个肤色黝黑的年轻挖土工柯林斯高阶〔oneself〕do the job oneself 亲自干活英汉大词典〔quick〕a quick worker 干活快的工人麦克米伦高阶〔ranch〕work on a ranch 在大牧场干活英汉大词典〔receive〕receive money for one's work 干活取酬英汉大词典〔roughen〕hands roughened by work 因为干活而变粗糙的双手朗文当代〔servable〕to serve the landlord为地主干活21世纪英汉〔shatter〕to shatter oneself working干活干得筋疲力尽21世纪英汉〔sit〕sit back and let others work 自己在旁边闲着尽让别人干活英汉大词典〔sloppy〕a sloppy worker 干活马虎的人牛津高阶〔slow〕a slow but meticulous worker; 干活很慢但很细致的工人;美国传统〔slow〕a slow worker; slow progress in the peace negotiations. 干活慢的工人;和平谈判中缓慢的进展美国传统〔towser〕a towser for work 精力充沛的干活好手英汉大词典〔vim〕put plenty of vim into a job 出大力干活英汉大词典〔work-shy〕a work-shy parasite 怕干活的寄生虫英汉大词典〔work-shy〕work-shy layabouts 不愿干活的懒汉韦氏高阶〔work〕work a horse nearly to death 驱马干活干得几乎累死 英汉大词典〔work〕work sb. like a slave 驱使某人奴隶般地干活 英汉大词典




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