

单词 干果
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bun〕A small bread roll, often sweetened or spiced and sometimes containing dried fruit.小圆面包:一种甜的或奶香料的,有时还有干果的小面包圈美国传统〔capsule〕A dry, dehiscent fruit that develops from two or more united carpels.蒴果:裂开的干果,由两个或多个结合在一起的心皮发展而成美国传统〔coccus〕Botany A division containing a single seed that splits apart from a many-lobed fruit.【植物学】 小干果:包含从许多有裂片的果实分开的单个种子的部美国传统〔counterpoint〕A good sharp dressing counterpointed the sweetness of the dried fruit.上好调味料的辛辣与干果的甜味形成了对比。外研社新世纪〔counterpoint〕A good sharp dressing counterpointed the sweetness of the dried fruit.味道浓烈的上好调味品和香甜的干果形成有趣的对比。柯林斯高阶〔dish〕Dishes of dried fruit and nuts were placed on the counter.柜台上放着一盘盘的干果和坚果。麦克米伦高阶〔excess〕The energy value of dried fruits is considerably in excess of that of fresh items.干果的能量值大大超过新鲜水果。柯林斯高阶〔frail〕A rush basket for holding fruit, especially dried fruit.灯心草篓:一个灯心草编的篮子,用于装水果,尤指干果美国传统〔fruitarian〕One whose diet includes fruits, seeds, and nuts but no vegetables, grains, or animal products.果食主义者:一个主食只包括水果、果实和干果而没有蔬菜、谷物或动物产品的人美国传统〔fruitcake〕A heavy, spiced cake containing nuts and candied or dried fruits.果糕:一种包括坚果、糖渍果或干果的且含有过多香料的糕饼美国传统〔gorp〕A mixture of high-energy foods, such as dried fruit, nuts, and seeds, eaten especially as a snack.高能量的一种混合食品,如干果,坚果和种子,特别是作为零食吃美国传统〔granola〕Rolled oats mixed with various ingredients, such as dried fruit, brown sugar, and nuts, and used especially as a breakfast cereal.格兰诺拉麦片:在燕麦卷中混有许多配料,如干果、黄糖和坚果,尤用作指早餐食品美国传统〔may〕The dried fruit may be used through the winter.干果能在整个冬天食用。麦克米伦高阶〔nibble〕I bought some crisps, nuts, and other nibbles.我买了些薯片、干果和其他小吃。剑桥高阶〔nut〕To gather or hunt for nuts.采干果,拾坚果美国传统〔orchard〕An area of land devoted to the cultivation of fruit or nut trees.果园:一块用于种植水果或干果的土地美国传统〔pedlar〕The pedlar had wicker baskets of roast chickpeas and seeds and nuts.货郎拿着柳条筐, 里面装着烤鹰嘴豆、瓜果籽和干果。外研社新世纪〔plum pudding〕A rich boiled or steamed pudding made with flour, suet, raisins, currants, citron, and spices.葡萄干布丁,浓味干果布丁:一种煮的或蒸的味道浓厚的布丁,由面粉、板油、葡萄干、香橼和香料制成美国传统〔praline〕A confection made of nut kernels, especially almonds or pecans, stirred in boiling sugar syrup until crisp and brown.干果糖:用干果仁,尤指杏仁或山核桃仁在沸腾的糖浆里搅拌直至发焦变脆而制成的蜜饯美国传统〔schizocarp〕A dry fruit that splits at maturity into two or more closed, one-seeded parts, as in the carrot or mallow.离果:一种干果,在成熟时分裂成两个或更多闭合的含一颗种子的部分,如胡萝卜或锦葵美国传统〔sundae〕A dish of ice cream with a topping such as syrup, fruits, nuts, or whipped cream.圣代冰淇凌:圣代冰淇凌,顶部有诸如糖浆、水果、干果或搅打起泡的奶油美国传统〔trail mix〕A mixture of high-energy foods, such as dried fruit, nuts, chocolate, and seeds, eaten as a snack especially by hikers.旅行高热量食物,综合高热量食物:徒步旅行者当作点心食用的高热量食物,如干果、坚果、巧克力和瓜子美国传统〔vegetarianism〕The practice of subsisting on a diet composed primarily or wholly of vegetables, grains, fruits, nuts, and seeds, with or without eggs and dairy products.素食主义:靠食用主要或全部由蔬菜、谷物、水果、干果和种子构成的(包括或不包括蛋类和乳制品)日常食物,维持生存的做法美国传统〔weigh〕He weighed out every portion of sugar, flour, and dried fruit.他称出了每一份蔗糖、面粉和干果的重量。麦克米伦高阶I bought a bag of mixed nuts:Brazil nuts, almonds, hazelnuts and cashews.我买了一袋什锦干果,其中有: 巴西果,杏仁,榛果和腰果。剑桥国际People who crunch nuts at the movies can be very annoying. 看电影时嘎吱作声地嚼干果的人会使人十分讨厌。译典通She sprinkled some roasted chopped nuts on top of the ice cream.她在冰淇淋上撒了一些烤过的干果碎块。剑桥国际The nuts are packaged for resale by the big supermarket chains. 这些干果由大型连锁超市包装后进行转卖。牛津商务




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