

单词 干才
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAST〕You'll have to work a lot faster than this. 你得比这个速度再多多加快地干才行。朗文写作活用〔air〕Those sheets need to air before they go back on the bed.那些床单得先晾干才能铺回床上。外研社新世纪〔crazy〕You'll have to work like crazy to get this finished.你得拼命干才能把这活干完。英汉大词典〔sea〕The job was new to him,and for a few days he was at sea.这项工作对他来说是新的,有几天他不知怎么干才好。英汉大词典〔sweet〕You can't just go on in your own sweet way; we have to do this together.你不能我行我素,我们得配合着干才行。朗文当代〔will〕To will is not enough, one must do.想干还不够,必须动手干才行。英汉大词典




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