

单词 弄成
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLUMSY〕You clumsy idiot! Look what you've done to my car. 你这个笨手笨脚的白痴!看看你把我的车子弄成什么样了。朗文写作活用〔COLOUR〕Last time I tried to colour my hair it turned red! 上次我想染头发,结果弄成红色的了!朗文写作活用〔MAKE〕With a few clever twists, he had formed the balloon into the shape of a dog. 他巧妙地把气球扭了几下,把它弄成了一只狗的形状。朗文写作活用〔ball〕To form into a ball.把…弄成球状美国传统〔break〕Break the chocolate up into squares.把巧克力掰开弄成方块。麦克米伦高阶〔break〕She broke the chocolate up into small pieces.她把巧克力弄成小块。牛津搭配〔buff〕To make the color of buff.弄成牛皮色美国传统〔contortion〕I could not force my body into the contortions required by classical ballet.我无法按古典芭蕾的要求把自己的身体弄成扭曲的姿势。朗文当代〔crumble〕Crumble the cheese over the salad.把干酪弄成碎屑洒在色拉上。牛津高阶〔fritter〕To break, tear, or cut into bits; shred.弄碎:分或切成小片;弄成碎片美国传统〔get into〕Who got me into this situation? You did!是谁把我弄成这个样子的?是你!外研社新世纪〔hand〕Purée with a hand blender or food processor.用手动搅拌器或食品加工器弄成泥状。牛津搭配〔intend〕I never intended it to turn out like that.我从未料到事情会弄成那样。麦克米伦高阶〔knot〕The little cat is knotting the thread into a ball.小猫把线弄成了一团儿。21世纪英汉〔lord〕Good Lord, what have you done to your hair! 天啊,你把头发弄成什么样子啦!牛津高阶〔mad〕Dad went mad when he saw what I'd done to the car.爸爸看到我把车子弄成那样子后大发脾气。麦克米伦高阶〔make〕Let's not make a mess of this.我们不要将这弄成一团糟。文馨英汉〔need〕It needn't be like that.不必弄成那样。外研社新世纪〔neutral〕Kelly wants dark red walls, but I'd like a more neutral colour like cream.凯莉想把墙弄成暗红色,而我更喜欢乳白之类的中性色。剑桥高阶〔ravel〕The cat has ravel(l)ed the ball of wool up.猫儿把那团毛线弄成一团糟了。英汉大词典〔right〕They have made a right mess of that.那事真被他们弄成一团糟了。英汉大词典〔soundproof〕The studio is soundproofed.演播室被弄成隔音的。韦氏高阶〔spike〕She spikes her hair.她把头发弄成一缕缕穗子似的样式。韦氏高阶〔to〕What have you done to your hair? 你怎么把头发弄成这个样子?牛津高阶〔walk〕Ican't walk around with my hair like this.我不能把头发弄成这样到处行走。麦克米伦高阶He spent all morning wittering on about what a mess the builders had made in his back yard.他整个早晨都在喋喋不休地讲建筑工人把他的后院弄成了怎样的一团糟。剑桥国际She broke the shells into little bits.她把那些贝壳弄成了小片。剑桥国际She has her hair blonde and curly a la Marilyn Monroe.她把自己的头发按玛丽莲·梦露的那样弄成金黄卷曲状。剑桥国际She must be a contortionist to have avoided getting any blame for the mess she caused.她把事情弄成一团糟却能避开指责,真是一个善于开溜的人。剑桥国际The cat has been playing with the wool and has ravelled it up.猫一直在玩毛线,把它弄成一团糟了。剑桥国际The rods are sharpened at one end and squared off at the other.棒子的一头被削尖,另一头被弄成方形。牛津商务〔à la〕She has her hair blonde and curly, à la Marilyn Monroe.她仿照玛丽莲•梦露的样子,把自己的头发弄成金色卷发。剑桥高阶




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