

单词 弄伤
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HURT/INJURE〕I can't go running this week - I've hurt my foot. 这个星期我不能去跑步了—我的脚弄伤了。朗文写作活用〔HURT/INJURE〕Nick's hurt his back, and the doctor says he will have to rest for a few weeks. 尼克弄伤了背部,医生说他得休息几个星期。朗文写作活用〔ankle〕I hurt/twisted/sprained/broke my ankle.我弄伤/扭伤/摔断了脚踝韦氏高阶〔bang〕She banged into the table and hurt her knee.她猛地撞在桌子上,弄伤了膝盖。麦克米伦高阶〔bite〕To grip, cut into, or injure something with or as if with the teeth.咬:用牙咬、叮或弄伤美国传统〔come off〕I hurt my knee when I came off my bike.我从自行车上摔下来时弄伤了膝盖。外研社新世纪〔come〕She'd come off her new bike and hurt her knee.她从新买的自行车上掉下来,把膝盖弄伤了。麦克米伦高阶〔fall〕I fell down and hurt my knee.我摔倒弄伤了膝盖。麦克米伦高阶〔fate〕She broke her ankle before the big game, then suffered the same fate a month later.大赛之前她弄伤了脚踝,一个月后她又遇到了同样的不幸。牛津搭配〔fit〕She hurt her arm during one of her fits.她在一次发病时弄伤了胳膊。牛津搭配〔herself〕She hurt herself quite badly.她把自己弄伤得十分严重。文馨英汉〔herself〕She hurt herself.她弄伤了自己。牛津高阶〔hurt〕Be careful with that knife or you could hurt yourself.小心用那把刀,否则你会弄伤自己。韦氏高阶〔injury〕Don't do that. You'll do yourself an injury(= hurt yourself).别那样做。你会把自己弄伤的。牛津高阶〔its〕The dog had hurt its paw.狗弄伤了爪子。牛津高阶〔it〕Stop it. You're hurting me.快停下。你弄伤我了。麦克米伦高阶〔knife〕To use a knife on, especially to stab; wound with a knife.用刀切割,用刀割伤:用刀,尤指刺伤;用刀弄伤美国传统〔lame〕The accident temporarily lamed him.他在那次意外中弄伤了腿,有一段时间不能走路。牛津同义词〔my〕I've hurt my foot.我弄伤了脚。外研社新世纪〔ourselves〕We injured ourselves.我们弄伤了自己。英汉大词典〔overdo〕I overdid it in the gym and hurt my back.我在健身房练得过火了,结果弄伤了背。牛津高阶〔pain〕To cause pain to; hurt or injure.伤害:引起痛苦;伤害或弄伤美国传统〔poor〕The poor kitten hurt its paw.这只可怜的小猫弄伤了自己的爪子。韦氏高阶〔shave〕I cut myself while I was shaving.我刮脸时弄伤了自己。麦克米伦高阶〔slacken〕Slacken the reins or you'll hurt the horse's mouth.松开缰绳,否则你会弄伤马的嘴。剑桥高阶〔sore〕To mutilate the legs or feet of (a horse) in order to induce a particular gait in the animal.弄伤:为了使动物走出某种特殊的步伐而要伤其腿或脚(如马)美国传统〔so〕I've hurt myself.—So I see.我弄伤了自己。——的确如此。外研社新世纪〔strap sth up〕He injured himself playing football and his arm was strapped up.他踢足球弄伤了自己,胳膊打了绷带。剑桥高阶〔trip up〕I tripped up and hurt my foot.我绊了一跤, 把脚弄伤了。外研社新世纪〔warmup〕He injured himself during warmups.他在热身时弄伤了自己。韦氏高阶〔wrist〕I hurt/sprained/broke my wrist.我弄伤/扭伤/摔断了手腕。韦氏高阶〔yourself〕Be careful with that knife or you'll cut yourself! 用那把刀要当心,否则你会弄伤自己的!剑桥高阶Mind where you're going with that sharp pole--you might kill someone! 你扛着那根尖的竿子走路要小心,你会弄伤别人的。剑桥国际She injured her leg on a rusty spike.她被一个生锈的尖钉弄伤了腿。剑桥国际The hunter was mauled by a lion. 猎人被狮子弄伤。译典通Their mockery of John hurt his feeling. 他们对约翰的嘲弄伤害了他的感情。译典通




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