

单词 弗里
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AREA〕Jaffrii is now one of the richest and most successful men in the business world. 贾弗里现在是商界最富有、最成功的人士之一。朗文写作活用〔Antioch〕An ancient town of Phrygia north of present-day Antalya, Turkey. It was a center of Hellenistic influence and was visited by Saint Paul in biblical times.安提克:今土耳其北部弗里吉亚的一座古镇。是受古希腊文化影响的中心,《圣经》年代圣保罗曾参观过这里美国传统〔Attis〕A Phrygian man, the consort of Cybele, whom the goddess out of sexual jealousy drove mad, whereupon he castrated himself and died.阿提斯:弗里吉亚人和西布莉的配偶,西布莉出于性妒忌将阿提斯逼疯,阿提斯因此自宫而死美国传统〔Corybant〕A priest of the Phrygian goddess Cybele whose rites were celebrated with music and ecstatic dances.科瑞本特:弗里吉亚自然女神西布莉的侍从,自然女神的礼拜仪式以音乐和欢快的舞蹈来庆祝美国传统〔Cybele〕The Phrygian goddess of nature of ancient Asia Minor.西布莉:古代小亚细亚的弗里吉亚自然女神美国传统〔Deepfreeze〕A trademark used for a refrigerator designed to freeze food for long periods.迪普弗里兹:一种冷冻箱的商标名。这种冷冻箱是用来长时间冷冻食物的美国传统〔EARLY〕Geoffrey was up bright and early on Saturday morning, and had everything packed before breakfast. 杰弗里星期六一大早就起床,在吃早餐之前把所有的东西都收拾好了。朗文写作活用〔FAIRLY/QUITE〕Geoffrey was young, handsome and probably quite wealthy. 杰弗里年轻英俊,也许还相当有钱。朗文写作活用〔Frisian〕A native or inhabitant of the Frisian Islands or Friesland.弗里西人:弗里西岛或弗里斯兰省的土著或居民美国传统〔Frisian〕The West Germanic language of the Frisians. It is the language most closely related to English.弗里西语:弗里西人的西日耳曼语。是一种最接近英语的语言美国传统〔HELLO〕Siegfried bustled in, muttered a greeting, and began to pour his coffee. 西格弗里德急匆匆地进来,咕咕哝哝地打了声招呼,就开始倒咖啡。朗文写作活用〔HOPE〕Everett soon forgot all his hopes of fame and fortune. 埃弗里特很快就忘却了他对名利的一切期望。朗文写作活用〔Holstein-Friesian〕A Holstein.霍斯坦一弗里斯牛美国传统〔Holstein〕Any of a breed of large black and white dairy cattle originally developed in Friesland.霍斯坦种乳牛:一种原产于荷兰弗里斯兰的黑白花大奶牛美国传统〔LOOK AFTER〕I've told you, I can't come. There's no one to look after Frieda. 我告诉过你了,我不能来,没有人照顾弗里达。朗文写作活用〔Midas〕The fabled king of Phrygia to whom Dionysus gave the power of turning to gold all that he touched.迈达斯:传说中的弗里吉亚国王,酒神狄俄尼索斯赐给他一种力量使他能够把他用手触摸的任何东西变成金子美国传统〔NEAR〕After Dunseverik, the path hugs the clifftop near Brebane Head. 过了顿塞弗里克,在布雷汉岬附近,山路绕着崖顶而行。朗文写作活用〔PERSUADE〕Betty Friedan was a forceful advocate of women's rights. 贝蒂·弗里丹是一位极有说服力的妇女权益的倡导者。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Beveridge is usually thought of as the architect of the British National Health Service. 贝弗里奇通常被认为是英国国民保健制度的创始人。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕The film stars Morgan Freeman as a criminal mastermind. 这部影片由摩根·弗里曼主演一名犯罪主脑。朗文写作活用〔Phrygian〕A native or inhabitant of Phrygia.弗里吉亚人:弗里吉亚土著人或居民美国传统〔Phrygian〕Of or relating to Phrygia or its people, language, or culture.弗里吉亚的:弗里吉亚或其民族、语言或文化的美国传统〔Phrygian〕The Indo-European language of the Phrygians.弗里吉亚语:弗里吉亚人的讲的印欧语系语言美国传统〔SEEM〕I know appearances can be deceptive, but Jeffrey didn't seem like a wife-beater. 我知道人不可貌相,可是杰弗里并不像是个会打老婆的人。朗文写作活用〔SOLVE〕Beveridge believed that unemployment could be cured by state intervention. 贝弗里奇认为,失业问题可以由政府干预来解决。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕The six-year-old's talents earned him an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show. 那个六岁儿童的才华使他得到在奥普拉·温弗里节目中出镜的机会。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕Winfrey revealed on the air that she had been sexually abused as a child. 温弗里在广播中透露她小时候受到过性侵犯。朗文写作活用〔Texel〕An island of northwest Netherlands in the North Sea in the southwest Frisian Islands. It is the largest of the West Frisian Islands and a popular resort area.太克斯:荷兰西北一岛屿,位于弗里西群岛西南的北海。该岛是西弗里西群岛中最大岛屿,并是一个深受欢迎的休假地美国传统〔USELESS〕Wilfrid Owen's poems stress the absolute futility of war. 威尔弗里德·欧文的诗强调战争的徒劳无益。朗文写作活用〔Waddenzee〕An inlet of the North Sea off northern Netherlands between the Ijsselmeer and the West Frisian Islands.瓦登海:北海上荷兰北海岸艾瑟尔湖和西弗里西亚群岛间一个海湾美国传统〔West Germanic〕A subdivision of the Germanic languages that includes High German, Low German, Yiddish, Dutch, Afrikaans, Flemish, Frisian, and English.西日耳曼语支:日耳曼语族的一个分支,包括高地德语、低地德语、意第绪语、荷兰语、南非荷兰语、佛兰德斯语、弗里西亚语和英语美国传统〔Whidbey Island〕An island of northwest Washington in Puget Sound northwest of Everett and east of Admiralty Inlet.惠德贝岛:华盛顿西北一岛屿,位于埃弗里特西北和阿德默勒尔蒂湾以东的普吉特湾美国传统〔accustomed〕Freed acted with his accustomed shrewdness.弗里德以他一贯的精明风范行动起来。柯林斯高阶〔alien〕Sitting patiently in line must be an alien concept to Jeffrey.对杰弗里来说, 耐心地坐着排队一定是一种陌生的体验。外研社新世纪〔animosity〕Sir Geoffrey had no personal animosity towards the Prime Minister.杰弗里爵士对首相并无私人恩怨。外研社新世纪〔animosity〕Sir Geoffrey had no personal animosity towards the Prime Minister.杰弗里爵士对首相并无私人恩怨。柯林斯高阶〔art〕The Frick is an art gallery in New York.弗里克是纽约的一家艺术品收藏馆。剑桥高阶〔avenue〕Fremont Avenue 弗里蒙特大街剑桥高阶〔bad〕Economist Jeffrey Faux says a tax cut is a bad idea.经济学家杰弗里•福克斯说减税是个坏主意。外研社新世纪〔beating-up〕Can you beat it; there was Graham Greene in Freetown and there was I on the other side of Africa.真是岂有此理!格雷厄姆·格林在弗里敦,而我却在非洲的另一边。柯林斯高阶〔beat〕Can you beat it; there was Graham Greene in Freetown and there was I on the other side of Africa.你想得到吗?格雷厄姆•格林在弗里敦而我在非洲的另一边。外研社新世纪〔butt〕Frieda grinned, pinching him on the butt.弗里达咧嘴笑了,捏了捏他的屁股。柯林斯高阶〔cannibal〕Cannibal killer Jeffrey Dahmer has been caught trying to hide a razor blade in his cell.食人杀手杰弗里·达默被抓到试图将一片剃须刀片藏在牢房里。柯林斯高阶〔clearly〕Mr O'Friel made it clear that further insults of this kind would not be tolerated.奥弗里尔先生明确表示,绝不容忍这样的侮辱行为再次发生。柯林斯高阶〔conduct〕At the Curtis Institute he studied conducting with Fritz Reiner.在柯蒂斯学院,他师从弗里茨·赖纳学习指挥。柯林斯高阶〔conduct〕At the Curtis Institute he studied conducting with Fritz Reiner.在柯蒂斯音乐学院他师从弗里茨•莱纳学习指挥。外研社新世纪〔credentials〕Actor Brent Everett has impressive credentials.演员布伦特・埃弗里特的资历令人印象深刻。牛津搭配〔dealing〕Although he had never met Geoffrey Hardcastle, he knew a good deal about him.尽管从没有见过杰弗里·哈德卡斯尔,但他对他知之甚多。柯林斯高阶〔deal〕Although he had never met Geoffrey Hardcastle, he knew a good deal about him.尽管他从没有见过杰弗里•哈德卡斯尔, 他却对他知之甚多。外研社新世纪〔deposit〕Fritz deposited a glass and two bottles of beer in front of Wolfe.弗里茨把一个玻璃杯和两瓶啤酒放在沃尔夫面前。柯林斯高阶〔elope〕In 1912 he eloped with Frieda von Richthofen.1912年他与弗里达•冯•里希特霍芬私奔了。外研社新世纪〔eminence〕Beveridge was a man of great eminence.贝弗里奇是个非常有名的人。柯林斯高阶〔fantasy〕One of the most famous fantasy films is Fritz Lang's Metropolis.弗里茨•兰的《大都会》是最有名的科幻电影之一。外研社新世纪〔fastidious〕Little Fritz's mother is not too fastidious to cut open a fish.小弗里茨的母亲没有娇气到不敢给鱼开膛破肚的地步。外研社新世纪〔godfather〕Afrika Bambaataa, the Godfather of hip hop 嘻哈乐的教父阿弗里卡‧班巴塔朗文当代〔good〕You can always rely on good old Frieda.弗里达老兄总是靠得住的。外研社新世纪〔grandmother〕Betty Friedan, the grandmother of modern feminism, draws derision with her talk of 'elderly liberation'.现代女权运动的创始人贝蒂·弗里丹因其“老年人解放”的言论而引来嘲笑。外研社新世纪〔gut〕Beverly had a gut feeling there was something seriously wrong.贝弗里本能地感觉到一定出了严重的差错。麦克米伦高阶〔have〕Geoffrey's got lectures all day tomorrow.杰弗里明天一整天都有讲座。麦克米伦高阶〔hit〕Tim Jeffries seems to be a hit with the girls.蒂姆•杰弗里斯好像很受女孩们的喜欢。外研社新世纪〔impressive〕Freeman is impressive in the title role, playing a disillusioned cop.弗里曼扮演的剧名角色——一位理想破灭的警察——给人留下了深刻的印象。麦克米伦高阶〔indulgent〕Jeffrey's tone was indulgent.杰弗里语气宽容。外研社新世纪〔intention〕Beveridge announced his intention of standing for parliament.贝弗里奇宣布他打算竞选议员。外研社新世纪〔intention〕Beveridge announced his intention of standing for parliament.贝弗里奇宣布他打算竞选议员。柯林斯高阶〔itself〕Can the government in Freetown defend itself against rebel attacks? 弗里敦政府能够保卫自己免受叛乱袭击吗?麦克米伦高阶〔it〕Hello, it's me, Geoffrey.你好,是我,杰弗里。麦克米伦高阶〔lately〕Timothy Jean Geoffrey Pratt, lately deputy treasury solicitor.新卸任的政府法务部副部长蒂莫西·琼·杰弗里·普拉特柯林斯高阶〔lately〕Timothy Jean Geoffrey Pratt, lately deputy treasury solicitor蒂莫西·让·杰弗里·普拉特, 新任财政部次席律师外研社新世纪〔lighting〕Peter Mumford's lighting and David Freeman's direction make a crucial contribution to the success of the staging.彼得·芒福德的灯光和戴维·弗里曼的导演对演出的成功功不可没。柯林斯高阶〔lighting〕Peter Mumford's lighting and David Freeman's direction make a crucial contribution to the success of the staging.彼得·芒福德的照明技术和大卫·弗里曼的执导为演出的成功作出了关键性的贡献。外研社新世纪〔long-standing〕Jeffrey is a long-standing friend.杰弗里是一个老朋友。外研社新世纪〔mix-up〕Geoffrey rushed in late pleading a mix-up in his diary.杰弗里很晚才冲进来,说是把记事本上的时间搞错了。朗文当代〔montage〕She's part of a photo montage in Selfridge's windows.她在塞尔弗里奇专卖店橱窗里的蒙太奇照片中露了脸。外研社新世纪〔mortal〕Sir Geoffrey's departure represented a mortal blow to the Thatcher government.杰弗里爵士的离去严重削弱了撒切尔政府的力量。外研社新世纪〔nudge〕Bit by bit Bob had nudged Fritz into selling his controlling interest.鲍勃一步一步劝说弗里茨卖掉了他的控股权益。外研社新世纪〔nudge〕Bit by bit Bob had nudged Fritz into selling his controlling interest.鲍勃一步一步劝说弗里茨卖掉了他的控股权益。柯林斯高阶〔officiate〕Frik Burger will officiate when the Pumas play Scotland.弗里克·伯格将担任阿根廷队对苏格兰队比赛的裁判。柯林斯高阶〔officiate〕Frik Burger will officiate when the Pumas play Scotland.弗里克•伯格将担任普马斯队对阵苏格兰队比赛的裁判。外研社新世纪〔painterly〕Frigerio's painterly designs are delectable.弗里杰里奥强调色彩渲染的画面使人愉悦。外研社新世纪〔pasty〕Ron Freeman appeared pasty faced and nervous.罗恩·弗里曼脸色苍白,显得很紧张。柯林斯高阶〔pioneer〕Professor Alec Jeffreys, who invented and pioneered DNA tests.发明和倡导DNA检测的亚历克·杰弗里斯教授柯林斯高阶〔rainy〕Freetown, the perpetually rainy capital of Sierra Leone 弗里敦,塞拉里昂终年多雨的首都英汉大词典〔seem〕It seemed that Freeman had killed the man, and dumped the body in the lake.似乎是弗里曼杀死了这个男人,把尸体扔到了湖里。朗文当代〔shrink〕Siegfried cringed and shrank against the wall.西格弗里德畏缩了,退避到墙根。柯林斯高阶〔stuff〕Avery had great stuff, total command of all three of his pitches.埃弗里投球技术很好,3次投球都很有把握。剑桥高阶〔suspect〕Frears was rushed to hospital with a suspected heart attack.弗里尔斯疑似心脏病发作,被紧急送往医院。柯林斯高阶〔take〕The ship took on more fuel at Freetown.轮船在弗里敦停靠加燃料。牛津高阶〔touch〕Jeffrey has apparently never touched a computer in his life.杰弗里显然一辈子都没有摸过电脑。外研社新世纪〔unwittingly〕Friedmann had unwittingly broken the law.弗里德曼无意中触犯了法律。朗文当代〔wish list〕Another player on Coach Beane's wish list is center fielder Jeffrey Hammonds.比恩教练愿望单上的另一名球员是中锋杰弗里‧哈蒙兹。朗文当代Among the mid caps, Selfridges (= its share price) was up 3.5%.在中盘股中,赛弗里奇的股价上扬了 3.5%。牛津商务Avery had great stuff, total command of all three of his pitches.埃弗里投球技术很高,三投全好。剑桥国际Fritz Lang's film, ‘Fury’ is about a mob who lynch a traveller whom they mistake for a murderer.弗里茨·朗格的影片《愤怒》讲述了一群暴民把一个旅行者误认为杀人犯而将其绞死的故事。剑桥国际He rang Geoffrey, who was a good friend as well as the family doctor.他打电话给杰弗里,杰弗里既是他的家庭医生也是好朋友。剑桥国际Humphrey Bogart's my hero--I've seen every one of his films! 亨弗里·鲍加是我的偶像----他的每部影片我都看过!剑桥国际Jeffrey Archer's novels are all best sellers.杰弗里·阿切尔的小说都很畅销。剑桥国际Lt Jeffries 杰弗里斯中尉剑桥国际The Frick is an art gallery in New York.弗里克是纽约的一个美术馆。剑桥国际There was a small fairground just by the river, with a carousel, a roller coaster and a Ferris wheel.就在河边有一个游乐场,里面有旋转木马、环滑车和弗里斯转轮。剑桥国际They're dressing Selfridges’windows for Christmas.他们在为圣诞节布置塞尔弗里奇商店的橱窗。剑桥国际




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