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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔action〕How long before we can see the new ski lifts in action? 我们多久才能看见新的滑雪索道开始运行?麦克米伦高阶〔line〕If there is a power failure, the emergency generators should come on line within 15 minutes.如果出现停电的情况,应急发电机将在 15 分钟内开始运行。朗文当代〔live〕Our new payments system will go live at the beginning of next month.下个月初我们新的支付系统将开始运行。剑桥高阶〔loading program〕A sequence of instructions that starts the processing of a program entered by means of an automatic input device.装入程序:通过自动输入设备开始运行程序的一系列指令美国传统〔move〕To be put in motion or to turn according to a prescribed motion. Used of machinery.运转:使按照预先设计的步骤开始运行或启动。用于机械美国传统〔restart〕To begin operation again.重新开始运行美国传统〔rock and roll〕The Internet in Asia is ready to rock and roll.亚洲的因特网已准备开始运行。麦克米伦高阶〔start〕Success was assured and, at least to start with, the system operated smoothly.成功有保证了,至少该系统一开始运行得挺顺利。柯林斯高阶〔switch〕The machine switches on automatically.这机器会自动开始运行。麦克米伦高阶〔underground〕The Underground begins at 5.20 a.m.伦敦地铁在早上5点20分开始运行。英汉大词典〔up〕Their computers are now up.他们的计算机现在开始运行了美国传统It will be a lot easier when we have the database up and running.我们的数据库开始运行之后,事情就容易多了。牛津商务They'll need to raise £1 million in venture capital if they're to get the business off the ground.假如他们想要商务开始运行,需要筹集到一百万英镑的风险资本。剑桥国际




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