

单词 开始行动
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔battle〕Getting started is half the battle.开始行动就是成功的一半。外研社新世纪〔begin〕These verbs are compared as they denote coming or putting into operation, being, or motion or setting about taking the first step, as in a procedure.当这些动词表示开始行动,开始产生或着手采取行动的第一步时,可以互作比较。美国传统〔deck〕To prepare for action.准备开始行动美国传统〔full〕The troops were sent into action in full daylight.军队在大白天开始行动。外研社新世纪〔go〕Generally the action doesn't get going (=start) until after midnight.一般都是到半夜以后才开始行动。朗文当代〔go〕We've planned every detail and are ready to go.我们已经计划好每一个细节,就等着开始行动。麦克米伦高阶〔machinery〕The full state and police machinery ground into action.全州所有机构和警察部门已经开始行动了。柯林斯高阶〔motion〕Once the house had been sold, Jane set the wheels in motion (=started the process) to find somewhere smaller to live.房子一卖掉,简就开始行动起来,找一个小一点的住处。朗文当代〔move〕The cops are just waiting for the guy to make his move.警察正等着那家伙开始行动。 英汉大词典〔move〕The rebels waited until nightfall before they made their move.叛乱者一直等到夜幕降临才开始行动。牛津高阶〔patrimony〕In the 1930's, The National Trust began its campaign to save Britain's patrimony of threatened country houses.20世纪30年代,全国名胜古迹托管协会开始行动起来拯救英国面临威胁的文物级乡村宅第。柯林斯高阶〔show〕OK, the boat's ready, so let's get this show on the road.好吧,船已经备好,我们开始行动吧。麦克米伦高阶〔spring〕They were prepared and ready to spring into action.他们准备好随时开始行动。朗文当代〔start〕To begin an activity or a movement; set out.开始行动:开始一个活动成一个行动;出发美国传统〔step〕It's important for world leaders to step up to the plate and honor their commitments on global warming.对世界领导人来说,重要的是开始行动,兑现他们在全球变暖问题上的承诺。牛津高阶〔strike〕To begin a course of action.开始行动美国传统〔swing〕Politicians have already swung into action.政界人士已经开始行动了。朗文当代〔vandal〕The vandals struck at about 7.30 p.m. yesterday.破坏分子昨晚 7 点半左右开始行动。牛津搭配〔waiting game〕The stratagem of deferring action and allowing the passage of time to work in one's favor.伺机而动的策略:推迟行动,在对某人有利的时间开始行动的战略美国传统All the preparations have been completed, so we are ready to go. 一切准备就绪,我们随时可以开始行动。译典通She was jolted into action by the sudden realization that her exams began in less than a week.她突然意识到离考试不到一个星期才猛醒而开始行动。剑桥国际The emergency services swung into action as soon as the news of the bomb explosion reached them.紧急救援队一获悉爆炸事件,立即开始行动。剑桥国际We showed them where the crates had to be moved to, and they got stuck in straightaway.我们告诉他们这些木条箱应放在什么地方后,他们立刻开始行动。剑桥国际




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