

单词 很成功
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EARLY〕It's still early days, but all the signs are that the operation has been a success. 现在说还太早,但一切迹象都显示手术很成功。朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕She was glad that the birthday party was a success. 生日晚会开得很成功,她很高兴。朗文写作活用〔NEW〕The recent movie version of the book was not a big success. 这本书最近出的电影版不是很成功。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕After a long run in the band Genesis, he had a successful solo career. 他在“创世纪”乐队待了很长一段时间之后,他的独唱事业也很成功。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕Christopher came from a comfortable family of upper-middle-class achievers. 克里斯托弗来自一个很成功的中上层阶级富裕家庭。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕The competition was a great success. Nearly two hundred people took part. 这次比赛很成功,差不多有二百人参加。朗文写作活用〔adaptation〕His stage adaptation of the novel was a success..他根据小说改编成的舞台剧很成功。韦氏高阶〔adaptation〕The television adaptation of the stage play was very successful.由这个舞台剧改编成的电视剧很成功。麦克米伦高阶〔arena〕The company has been very successful in the commercial arena.这家公司在商界一直很成功。牛津搭配〔brilliance〕It's extremely hard working together but on the whole it works brilliantly and we're still good friends.一起共事很不容易,但是总体来说我们合作得很成功,我们还是好朋友。柯林斯高阶〔call〕You could hardly call the show perfect, but it was successful.这场演出称不上十全十美,但很成功。牛津搭配〔campaign〕Jones ran a good campaign .琼斯搞了一次很成功的宣传活动。朗文当代〔carry sth off〕She was nervous about giving a talk to her colleagues, but she carried it off very well.给同事们作演讲让她很紧张,但她讲得很成功。剑桥高阶〔concern〕If not a large concern, Queensbury Nursery was at least a successful one.即使规模不算大,昆斯伯里托儿所至少办得很成功。柯林斯高阶〔concern〕If not a large concern, Queensbury Nursery was at least a successful one.昆斯伯里托儿所虽然不算大企业, 但至少很成功。外研社新世纪〔conduct〕Dennis had recently begun a successful career conducting opera in Europe.丹尼斯最近开始在欧洲担任歌剧指挥, 事业发展得很成功。外研社新世纪〔conduct〕Dennis had recently begun a successful career conducting opera in Europe.丹尼斯最近开始在欧洲担任歌剧指挥,事业发展得很成功。柯林斯高阶〔conduct〕His conduct of the business was very successful.他的商业经营很成功。英汉大词典〔contradiction〕I think I can say, without fear of contradiction, that tonight has been a real success.我想我可以很有把握地说,今晚确实很成功。麦克米伦高阶〔drop〕The food drop was a success.食品空投很成功。外研社新世纪〔effort〕Tom's determined efforts to stop smoking haven't been very successful.汤姆决心戒烟,其努力却不很成功。朗文当代〔excursion〕The few excursions into stylistic experiment do not entirely come off.几次体裁上的尝试都不算很成功。柯林斯高阶〔exploit〕The company has been successful in exploiting new technology to the full.这家公司在充分利用新技术方面很成功。牛津搭配〔financial〕It was a wonderful film, but not exactly a financial success (=something that makes a profit) .这是一部出色的影片,但在票房上不是很成功。朗文当代〔flying〕They both passed with flying colours.他俩都很成功地通过了。麦克米伦高阶〔fly〕But Manchester City are flying high, so we will be taking nothing for granted.但曼城队做得很成功, 因此我们什么事情都不能想当然。外研社新世纪〔focus〕He's successful, but he feels that his life lacks focus.他虽然很成功,却感到自己的生活没有目标。韦氏高阶〔freshman〕She had a successful freshman year.她大一一年很成功。韦氏高阶〔from the word go〕The show was a success from the word go.这场演出从一开场就很成功。韦氏高阶〔gauge〕The fact that the play is being performed on Broadway is a gauge of its success.该剧在百老汇演出,从这一点就可以判定它是很成功的。剑桥高阶〔giddy〕Although she had been quite a successful model, she had never reached the giddy heights of the Paris fashion world.她虽然是一个很成功的模特,但是她从来没有到达巴黎时装界那个高不可攀的顶峰。朗文当代〔go (like/down) a bomb〕The party's really going a bomb, isn't it? 聚会真的很成功,对吧?剑桥高阶〔go〕The concert went off well. 音乐会开得很成功。英汉大词典〔go〕The play went over well.这出戏的演出很成功。英汉大词典〔hail〕The new service has been hailed a success.新推出的服务被认为很成功。朗文当代〔hand〕You have to hand it to her. She's really made a success of that company.你不得不佩服她,她的确把那家公司经营得很成功。朗文当代〔hitch〕In spite of some technical hitches, the first program was a success.尽管出现了一些小小的技术故障,第一个节目还是很成功。朗文当代〔idiosyncrasy〕His teaching methods are idiosyncratic but successful.他的教学方法很奇特,但很成功。牛津高阶〔impersonate〕They do a pretty good job of impersonating Laurel and Hardy.他们扮演劳莱和哈代很成功。牛津高阶〔impostor〕He succeeded in his profession, but he always secretly considered himself an impostor.他在专业方面很成功,但他常暗自认为是个冒牌货。美国传统〔in all modesty〕I'll admit with all modesty that I have had a very successful career.我会毫不自夸地承认我的事业已很成功。韦氏高阶〔judge〕The meeting was judged (to have been) a success.人们认为会议很成功。剑桥高阶〔made〕Her acting makes the show.她的表演使这场演出很成功。21世纪英汉〔middle〕He was very successful in his middle forties.他在四十五六岁时很成功。牛津高阶〔notwithstanding〕Notwithstanding some major financial problems, the school has had a successful year.虽然有些重大的经费问题,这所学校一年来还是很成功。牛津高阶〔offer〕We have been successful because we are offering a quality service.我们因提供的服务水准一流一直经营得很成功。柯林斯高阶〔off〕The operation was a success, and she's off the morphine.手术很成功,她已不再需要注射吗啡了。朗文当代〔open〕The centre has been a great success since it opened its doors a year ago.该中心自一年前开张以来经营得很成功。朗文当代〔operation〕The first indications were that the life-saving operation had gone well.最初的迹象表明急救手术做得很成功。朗文当代〔planning〕Careful planning made the party a success.精心的筹划使得聚会很成功。韦氏高阶〔practicality〕Jonathan has demonstrated enormous practicality in his successful management of the store.乔纳森经营这家商店很成功,表现出非常强的执行能力。剑桥高阶〔preparation〕The festival was a great success, and preparations are underway (=have started) for another one next summer.节庆活动举办得很成功,现在已经开始筹备明年夏天的下一届活动了。朗文当代〔prosperous〕He predicted a prosperous future.他预言未来会很成功。韦氏高阶〔prove〕The design proved to be a success.那个设计后来证明很成功。朗文当代〔pull through (sth)〕They said the operation had been successful and they expected his wife to pull through.他们说手术很成功,预计他妻子能度过危险。剑桥高阶〔rating〕His new sitcom was a ratings success.从收视率看,他的新情景喜剧很成功。牛津搭配〔record〕He recorded that the operation was successful.他在记录里说手术很成功。朗文当代〔regret〕I left school at 16, but I've had a great life and I have no regrets.我16岁就辍学了,但是我的人生很成功,我没有什么可遗憾的。剑桥高阶〔rehabilitate〕His rehabilitation was successful.他的康复治疗很成功。韦氏高阶〔remission〕The chemotherapy was successful, and she is now in remission.化疗很成功,现在她的病情有所好转。朗文当代〔result〕His social investigation results sucessfully.他的社会调查工作结果很成功。21世纪英汉〔score〕She seems to have scored with her latest novel.她的最新小说似乎很成功。麦克米伦高阶〔score〕We wanted to attract new recruits, and on that score, the campaign has been successful.我们想招募新兵,在那一点上,活动很成功。麦克米伦高阶〔similarly〕Husband and wife were similarly successful in their chosen careers.夫妇俩在各自所选择的事业上都很成功。牛津高阶〔spirit〕The party went well because everyone entered into the spirit of things.晚会很成功,因为每个人都很投入。牛津高阶〔successful〕He has been remarkably successful at keeping his private life private.他很成功地保护了自己的私生活。牛津搭配〔successful〕The treatment was successful.这种疗法很成功。韦氏高阶〔successful〕We have been very successful in attracting some top quality firms to the area.我们已经很成功地把一些一流公司吸引到这个地区来了。麦克米伦高阶〔success〕She set up her own business and made a success of it.她成立了自己的公司并且办得很成功。麦克米伦高阶〔success〕The plan was a success.计划很成功。牛津同义词〔tank〕His last film tanked in the States, but did well in the UK.他最新的电影在美国一败涂地,但在英国却很成功。朗文当代〔translate〕The play translated quite successfully to the big screen.这部剧很成功地被搬上大银幕。韦氏高阶〔transplant〕The heart transplant was successful.这台心脏移植手术很成功。韦氏高阶〔triumphant〕She emerged triumphant in every film.她在每部电影里都演得很成功。麦克米伦高阶〔triumph〕The party was a triumph.这次聚会很成功。韦氏高阶〔undoubted〕The film was an undoubted success.那部电影无疑很成功。朗文当代〔undoubted〕The show was an undoubted success.毋庸置疑,演出很成功。麦克米伦高阶〔unlike〕The festival has been a great success, unlike last year when it rained non-stop.这次的庆祝活动很成功,不像去年那样雨下个不停。麦克米伦高阶〔vote〕The evening was voted a great success.都认为晚会办得很成功。朗文当代〔vote〕The event was voted a great success.大家认为这项活动很成功。牛津高阶〔whole〕It was a pretty good conference on the whole.总的说来,这是一次很成功的会议。麦克米伦高阶〔work〕The experiment has not worked very well.实验并不很成功。英汉大词典〔work〕This recipe seems to work.这个食谱似乎很成功美国传统Alexa has done well for herself (= has achieved great personal success), getting that highly paid job.亚力克莎做得很成功,她得到了那份高薪工作。剑桥国际Because she has been so successful herself, she has no time for special pleading for women.因为她本人一直很成功,所以她没时间为妇女作特殊辩护。剑桥国际Everyone present judged the meeting (to have been) a success. [+ obj + (to be) n/adj] 出席的人都认为这次会议很成功。剑桥国际Grandpa pulled through the heart surgery with flying colors. 祖父的心脏手术很成功,他渡过危机了。译典通His presidency was very successful--it'll be a hard act to follow.他当总统很成功----这将是别人很难赶上的。剑桥国际I've never had much success getting him to part with his cash.我从来没能很成功地叫他放弃现金。剑桥国际She had a fruitful career. 她在事业上很成功。译典通She's really making a go of her new antique shop.她新开的古玩店经营得很成功。剑桥国际She's the current golden girl of American ice-skating.她目前在美国的滑冰事业很成功。剑桥国际The company is successful now, but at first it was a real struggle to keep going.这家公司如今很成功,然而刚开始时连生存都很困难。剑桥国际The film was very successful--using such an inexperienced director was a gamble which paid off.影片很成功----冒险用了那么一位无经验的导演得到了回报。剑桥国际The meeting passed off successfully. 会议开得很成功。译典通The meeting was a great success and by the end of it we were all on first-name terms with each other.会议开得很成功,最后我们都以名字互称,关系很好。剑桥国际The party turned out to be very successful. 晚会结果开得很成功。译典通The party was voted a great success. 大家一致认为聚会很成功。译典通The surgeon who carried out the operation said that it had been a success.主刀外科医生说手术很成功。剑桥国际Their business was so successful that they managed to pay back the bank loan before the year was out.他们的生意做得很成功,所以他们年终之前就还清了银行贷款。剑桥国际




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