

单词 幢幢
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HOUSE〕Small apartment buildings filled with families line the street. 沿街是一幢幢小型的公寓楼,楼里住满了人家。朗文写作活用〔bulk〕We looked up at the great dark bulk of the cathedral.我们抬头看那黑影幢幢的大教堂。麦克米伦高阶〔fall〕We watched buildings fall on top of people and pets.我们看到一幢幢大楼倒塌,砸在人和宠物身上。柯林斯高阶〔gutted〕We drove slowly past the gutted buildings.我们开车慢慢地经过一幢幢破败的楼房。朗文当代〔nowhere〕Houses had sprung up out of nowhere on the hills.山丘上突然冒出一幢幢的房子。柯林斯高阶〔pierce〕New hotels pierce the skyline.幢幢新酒店高耸入云。英汉大词典〔prank〕White houses prank where once were huts.一幢幢白房子傲然矗立在一度只有破败陋屋的地方。英汉大词典〔prank〕White houses prank where once were huts.一幢幢的房子傲然矗立在一度只是破败陋室的地方。21世纪英汉〔rend〕The buildings were rent by the earthquake.一幢幢房屋经过地震都成了颓垣断壁。英汉大词典〔resound〕The buildings resounded the siren's warning.幢幢大楼回响着警报声。英汉大词典〔sprawl〕New houses sprawled over the countryside outside the city.在城外的乡村地区散乱地分布着一幢幢新建的房屋。英汉大词典〔sprout〕Skyscrapers have sprouted in the heart of the city.一幢幢摩天大楼迅速出现在市中心。英汉大词典〔tower〕The buildings towered into the sky.一幢幢大楼高耸入云。英汉大词典




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