

单词 并不是
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALTHOUGH〕She always buys us expensive presents, even though she can't really afford them. 她常常给我们买一些昂贵的礼物,尽管她并不是真的有这个能力。朗文写作活用〔ASK〕Eventually his questioners realized he was not the man they wanted and let him go. 终于,盘问他的人意识到他并不是他们所要找的人,于是就放他走了。朗文写作活用〔EXPLAIN〕I'm afraid I can't help you. What I mean is that I'm not a detective, and I don't solve crimes. 我恐怕帮不了你,我是说,我并不是侦探,我不会破案。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕We haven't yet quite succeeded, but not for want of trying. 我们还没有完全成功,但并不是我们没去努力。朗文写作活用〔IGNORE〕Her absence was not intended as a snub. 她的缺席并不是要故意怠慢。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕In the past, gifted children have not always been given appropriate educational support. 在以前,有天赋的儿童并不是总能得到适当的教育帮助。朗文写作活用〔JOKE〕It wasn't that I didn't get the joke - I just didn't think it was funny. 我并不是听不懂那个笑话,我只是不觉得它好笑罢了。朗文写作活用〔PART〕The issue of abortion rights is obviously not the only factor affecting the female vote. 堕胎权问题显然并不是影响女性选票的唯一因素。朗文写作活用〔SEEM〕It looks like a simple case of burglary, but there may be more to it than meets the eye. 这案子看上去像一起纯粹的盗窃案,但也许并不是这么简单。朗文写作活用〔SYMPATHIZE〕Just because a family has money does not guarantee that the children have responsible and caring parents. 并不是说家里有钱,小孩子就一定会有负责、关心爱护他们的父母。朗文写作活用〔abstract〕The word 'man' does not name all men, but the abstract idea of manhood.“man”这个词并不是指所有的人, 而是指人类这个抽象概念。外研社新世纪〔adversity〕He is no stranger to adversity.他并不是第一次身陷逆境。英汉大词典〔all〕They're not as rich as all that.他们并不是那么富有。牛津高阶〔appetizing〕The food wasn't particularly appetizing.那些食物并不是让人特别想吃。朗文当代〔appreciate〕She feels that her family doesn't really appreciate her.她感觉她的家人并不是真正赏识她。麦克米伦高阶〔aware〕I am very much aware that not everyone agrees with me.我非常清楚并不是每个人都与我意见一致。牛津搭配〔backbiting〕Corporate backbiting is nothing new.公司间的背后诽谤并不是什么新鲜事。外研社新世纪〔bad faith〕This agreement was made in bad faith.这个协议并不是诚心签订的。麦克米伦高阶〔badly〕I was affected badly, not by the abortion itself, but by the reactions of my family.我受到了极大震动, 并不是由于堕胎本身, 而是由于我家人的反应。外研社新世纪〔bad〕The exams weren't so bad.考试并不是很糟糕。朗文当代〔barrel〕Weddington is the first to admit she's not exactly a barrel of laughs.韦丁顿第一个承认她并不是个有趣的人。外研社新世纪〔begrudge〕I don't begrudge the time.我并不是吝惜时间。外研社新世纪〔certainty〕He usually does quite well, but it's not a certainty.通常他都做得相当好,但并不是每次都好。朗文当代〔coincide〕Although his mental illness had coincided with his war service it had not been caused by it.虽然他的精神病刚好在他参战期间发作,但并不是由此引起的。柯林斯高阶〔crazy〕Maybe Lou's idea wasn't so crazy after all.也许卢的主意并不是那么不切实际。麦克米伦高阶〔cure-all〕He said the introduction of market discipline to the economy was not a magic cure-all for its problems.他说把市场规范引入该国经济,并不是解决其经济问题的灵丹妙药。柯林斯高阶〔delimit〕This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.这并不是为了限定社会研究人员所能采用的方法。外研社新世纪〔demigod〕A male being, often the offspring of a god and a mortal, who has some but not all of the powers of a god.半神半人:神与人的男性子孙,有一部分但并不是全部神的力量美国传统〔desirability〕Prolonged negotiation was not desirable.拖长了的谈判并不是大家所想要的。柯林斯高阶〔deviance〕Of course, not all alcoholics and drug abusers produce deviant offspring.当然,并不是所有的酗酒者和吸毒者都会生育出不正常的后代。柯林斯高阶〔devotion〕I don't mean to keep criticizing his devotion to his job.我并不是要一再批评他对工作的专注。外研社新世纪〔dishonour〕There's no dishonour in losing.失败并不是耻辱。牛津同义词〔disparage〕This is not intended to disparage the advances in communications.这并不是要贬低通信事业方面的发展。英汉大词典〔episodic〕Support has been episodic rather than consistent.支持只是偶尔有, 并不是一直都有。外研社新世纪〔estimation〕This is not, in my estimation, an efficient use of our resources.据我看,这并不是在有效地利用我们的资源。韦氏高阶〔fact〕I'm not angry that you took my car - it's just the fact that you didn't ask me first.我生气并不是因为你用了我的车,而是你事先没征得我同意。剑桥高阶〔fair〕Women don't always get a fair shake in business.女性在工作上并不是总能获得公平的待遇。朗文当代〔false hopes〕I don't want to raise any false hopes, but I believe your son is still alive.我并不是想让你心存奢望,但我相信你的儿子还活着。剑桥高阶〔forte〕He found that running long distances was not his forte .他发现长跑并不是他的强项。朗文当代〔free〕They weren't always so free with their advice.他们并不是一直都如此好为人师。柯林斯高阶〔get at〕It is no easy thing to get at the meaning of every idiom in English.理解英语中每一个习语的含义并不是件容易事。21世纪英汉〔honey〕Honey, I don't really think that's a good idea.亲爱的, 我真的觉得那并不是一个好主意。外研社新世纪〔idea〕Chocolate milk and a piece of cake is not my idea of dinner.巧克力牛奶加一块蛋糕并不是我想象中的晚餐。朗文当代〔impugn〕I did not mean to impugn her professional abilities.我并不是怀疑她的专业能力。朗文当代〔intention〕It wasn't my intention to exclude her from the list - I just forgot her.我并不是故意将她排除在名单之外——只是把她忘了而已。剑桥高阶〔itself〕Using someone else's name is not of itself a crime, unless there is an intention to commit a fraud.使用他人的名字本身并不是犯罪,除非存有诈骗动机。麦克米伦高阶〔it〕It's not that I didn't want to be with my family.并不是我不想和家人在一起。柯林斯高阶〔laundering〕He said that the laundering transaction itself was not illegal.他说这笔洗钱交易本身并不是非法的。英汉大词典〔limiting〕The conditions laid down to me were not too limiting.为我制定的条件并不是太有限定性。外研社新世纪〔look back〕It wasn't such a bad experience when I look back on it.现在回想起来,我觉得那并不是一段特别糟糕的经历。剑桥高阶〔magic wand〕The new law is not a magic wand that will solve all our problems.这项新法并不是所有问题都能解决的万能魔法棒。韦氏高阶〔make up〕Organizational ability is not one of the most obvious parts of his make-up.组织才能并不是他各项素质中最突出的部分。剑桥高阶〔makeweight〕He has not been signed to the club as a makeweight to fill out the numbers.俱乐部签下他并不是为了凑人数的。外研社新世纪〔mean〕I didn't mean to upset you.我并不是要让你不高兴。朗文当代〔mean〕I don't mean that you are a hypocrite.我并不是说你是个伪君子。文馨英汉〔misunderstand〕I'm not saying what he did was good, don't misunderstand me.别误会,我并不是说他所做的是好事。柯林斯高阶〔naturism〕Naturism attracts voyeurs but that doesn't last because it's not a sexual experience.裸体主义虽然吸引窥淫癖者, 但不会持续很久, 因为它并不是性体验。外研社新世纪〔not all that〕I'm not all that excited about going camping.我并不是特别喜欢露营。剑桥高阶〔not〕She couldn't always afford a babysitter.她并不是总能请得起临时保姆。柯林斯高阶〔no〕I'm no expert on Japan, but I feel sure the economy will improve dramatically.我并不是日本问题的专家,但是我确信它的经济将会有很大改善。麦克米伦高阶〔no〕Today's elections are of no great importance in themselves.今天的选举本身并不是很重要。柯林斯高阶〔opinion〕I wasn't asking for your opinion, Dick.我并不是在征求你的意见,迪克。柯林斯高阶〔personally〕He didn't mean it personally.他并不是有意冒犯。韦氏高阶〔phenomenon〕Social violence is not a new phenomenon.社会暴力并不是一种新现象。外研社新世纪〔phenomenon〕This form of civil disobedience isn't a particularly new phenomenon.这种形式的非暴力反抗并不是特别新的现象。柯林斯高阶〔practice〕I don't make a practice of forgetting to pay my bills, I assure you! 我向你保证,我并不是经常忘记付账的!牛津搭配〔predictor〕Cholesterol level is not a strong predictor of heart disease in women.胆固醇水平在预示女性患心脏病方面并不是一个很准确的因素。牛津高阶〔pressure〕The children are not pressured to empty (或into emptying) their plates.孩子们并不是被迫把盘子里的东西吃完的。英汉大词典〔pretend〕She's not really hurt - she's only pretending.她并不是真的受了伤——她只是在装。剑桥高阶〔price〕We obviously want to see the hostages home, but not at any price.我们显然也希望看到人质回家,但并不是不惜任何代价。柯林斯高阶〔proselytize〕I assured him we didn't come here to proselytize.我向他保证我们并不是来改变他的信仰的。柯林斯高阶〔prudishness〕I'm not prudish but I think these photographs are obscene.我并不是假正经的人,但我觉得这些照片非常淫秽。柯林斯高阶〔put〕We're not saying that activists should put all their effort and time into party politics.我们并不是说活动家应该把所有的精力和时间都用到政党政治上。柯林斯高阶〔real〕This is a real experience, not a dream.这是一次真实的经历,并不是做梦。英汉大词典〔reason〕I was angry with myself, and not without reason.我生自己的气, 这并不是没道理的。外研社新世纪〔say〕So far, no one's been sacked, but that's not to say it won't happen.迄今为止,没人被解雇,但这并不是说这种事以后不会发生。麦克米伦高阶〔scrupulous〕Not all lawyers are as scrupulous as she is.并不是所有的律师都像她那样正直。朗文当代〔sense〕He's not the leader in a political sense.他并不是政治意义上的领导者。柯林斯高阶〔sham〕She is not really angry but only shamming.她并不是真生气,只是假装而已。英汉大词典〔so〕He is not so deaf but he can hear a cannon.他并不是聋到听不见大砲声。文馨英汉〔stress〕I ought to stress the point that this was not a trial but an enquiry.我必须着重强调这一点: 这并不是审判,而只是调查。英汉大词典〔surprise〕Imagine my surprise when I found out he wasn't really a doctor.发现他并不是医生,我非常吃惊。牛津搭配〔technically〕Technically the war was over, but not all the fighting ceased immediately.严格来说战争已经结束,但并不是所有的战斗都马上就停止了。麦克米伦高阶〔try〕Not all is perfect, but it isn't for want of trying.不是一切都完美, 不过并不是努力不够。外研社新世纪〔try〕They didn't get any goals, but it wasn't for the lack of trying.他们没有进球,但并不是他们没有努力。朗文当代〔virtue〕Virtue is not confined to the Christian world.善行并不是仅限于基督教世界。外研社新世纪〔way〕Latvia is a country without much in the way of natural resources.拉脱维亚并不是一个自然资源丰富的国家。柯林斯高阶He asked me for my views on a recent book on Italian opera, but that's not really my area (=a subject of which I have special knowledge).他询问我对于新近一本关于意大利歌剧的书有何见解,可这并不是我的内行。剑桥国际He supports the administration on foreign policy, but not unquestioningly.他支持政府的对外政策, 但并不是盲目服从的。剑桥国际He's not particularly handsome but he's a pleasure to be with.他并不是特别英俊,但相处起来很愉快。剑桥国际His hypothesis, while unlikely, is neither logically nor physically impossible.他的假设虽然匪夷所思,但在逻辑上和客观上并不是不可能的。剑桥国际I'm not sure about the legalities, but I suggest we go ahead with the plan and see what happens.我对法律规定并不是很清楚,但我建议我们应该继续执行计划,看一看会发生什么。剑桥国际It's not that I'm prejudiced against older people, but I do think younger people should get better opportunities at work.我并不是对年龄大一些的人有偏见,但我的确认为年轻人应该得到更好的工作机会。剑桥国际Not everybody agreed that winning was the be-all and end-all.并不是每个人都认为赢是最重要的。剑桥国际Owning an old car is nothing to be ashamed of.拥有一辆旧汽车并不是什么丢面子的事。剑桥国际She may be the youngest member of the team, but she's no makeweight (= she is as good as the others).她可能是全队最年轻的队员,但她并不是滥竽充数之人。剑桥国际She said nothing about her brother, except for one parenthetical remark that they were not the best of friends.她未谈到她的兄弟,除了附带说了句他们并不是最好的朋友。剑桥国际Their criticism was not negative. 他们的批评并不是负面的。译典通This chair may be aesthetic but it's not very comfortable.这把椅子也许很美观,但并不是很舒适。剑桥国际We thought we'd bought lots of food, but it didn't add up to much (=did not seem to be a great amount) when we'd spread it out on the table.我们以为买了很多食物,但当摊放到桌上时,好像并不是很多。剑桥国际




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