

单词 应为
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISABLED〕The governor has guaranteed health care for pregnant women, preschool children, and the disabled. 州长答应为孕妇、学龄前儿童以及伤残人士提供健康保健服务。朗文写作活用〔Roman〕The type should be set in roman.字体应为罗马体。韦氏高阶〔accountable〕You are accountable to him for the great loss.你应为此巨大损失对他负责。英汉大词典〔age〕Because she was under age, her parents were still responsible for her.因为她还未成年,她的父母仍然应为她负责。柯林斯高阶〔aground〕The ship ran aground where there should have been a depth of 35ft.船搁浅在水深本应为35英尺的地方。柯林斯高阶〔assign〕We should assign values to each of these components.我们应为这些组件各自赋值。外研社新世纪〔bound〕The Foundation is bound by the treaty to help any nation that requests aid.根据条约规定,这个基金会应为任何请求援助的国家提供帮助。朗文当代〔breathe〕A director must breathe confidence into the actors.导演应为演员注入信心。外研社新世纪〔culpable〕I hold him culpable for the failure.我认为他应为那项失败受谴责。文馨英汉〔deserve〕The soldier deserves the award for his acts of bravery.这名战士应为他的英勇行为受奖。21世纪英汉〔difference〕He didn't have enough money, but his aunt agreed to make up the difference.他的钱不够,不过他姨妈答应为他补足差额。牛津搭配〔evade〕She is trying to evade all responsibility for her behaviour.她在试图逃避应为自己的行为承担的所有责任。牛津高阶〔exercise〕Stop frequently to rest during exercise until you are fitter.锻炼时要经常停下来休息,直至身体适应为止。牛津搭配〔himself〕Peter ought to be ashamed of himself.彼得应为自己感到羞耻。牛津高阶〔homeowner〕The new law should provide tax relief for homeowners.新法律应为房屋所有者提供税款减免条款。韦氏高阶〔indirect〕Perhaps I was indirectly responsible for the misunderstanding.也许我应为这个误解承担间接责任。朗文当代〔inside〕Someone on the inside must have helped with the robbery.一定有内应为这次抢劫提供了帮助。朗文当代〔made payable to〕All checks should be made payable to the university.所有支票的领款人应为那所大学。韦氏高阶〔mass murderer〕A person, especially a political or military leader, who is responsible for the deaths of many individuals.刽子手,屠夫,杀人狂:应为许多人的死亡承担责任者,尤指政治领袖或军事领袖美国传统〔metric〕In a metric Britain, Manchester will be 296 km from London, not 184 miles.英国改用公制后曼彻斯特距离伦敦应为296公里,而不是184英里。英汉大词典〔overshadow〕She said stations should be in the open, near housing, not overshadowed by trees or walls.她说车站应该建在住宅区附近的开阔地带, 不应为树木或墙壁所遮挡。外研社新世纪〔overshadow〕She said stations should be in the open, near housing, not overshadowed by trees or walls.她说车站应该建在住宅区附近的开阔地带,而不应为树木或墙壁所遮挡。柯林斯高阶〔partly〕I feel partly responsible for the problems we're in.我觉得应为我们遭遇的问题负部分责任。柯林斯高阶〔payable〕Cheques should be made payable to M&D Ltd.支票领款人应为M&D有限公司。麦克米伦高阶〔preparation〕Education should be a preparation for life.教育应为踏上生活道路作准备。英汉大词典〔promise〕The President ate his promises of a $50 rebate for each tax-payer.总统曾答应为每个纳税人减税50美元,但食言了。英汉大词典〔reactionary〕Characterized by reaction, especially opposition to progress or liberalism; extremely conservative.反应的,反动的,保守的:以反应为特征的,特点指反对社会进步或自由主义的;极端保守的美国传统〔read〕For ‘madam’ in line 3 read ‘madman’.第 3 行中的 madam 应为 madman。牛津高阶〔rulebook〕The rulebook said that he should be provided with protective clothing.规则手册上说,单位应为他提供防护服。英汉大词典〔should〕The total should come to £728.50.总数应为72850英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔sting〕He was stung into answering in his defence.他被激怒了,不得不作出回应为自己辩护。牛津高阶〔syntonic〕Characterized by a high emotional responsiveness to the environment.精神和谐的,人格完整的:以对环境产生很大的情绪反应为特征的美国传统He should take his share of the blame for what happened.他应为所发生的事承担他应负的责任。剑桥国际He was held culpable (=blamed) for all that had happened.他被认为应为发生的一切受到责备。剑桥国际His response was one of complete disbelief.他的反应为彻底的怀疑。剑桥国际Most spiritual leaders regard peace to be something we should all work for.大多数精神领袖把和平看作是一件我们都应为之奋斗的事情。剑桥国际Parents should set their children a good example/set a good example to their children.父母应为孩子树立良好的榜样。剑桥国际Shame on you (= You should feel ashamed) for being so unkind.你应为你的冷酷而感到羞耻。剑桥国际The method of payment shall be documents against acceptance, within 120 days after sight (= the time when the importer signs the bill of exchange).支付方式应为见票 120 天内承兑交单。牛津商务You shouldn't feel disgraced by finishing last--it was a good effort.你不应为最后一个完成感到难堪,这是一次很好的努力。剑桥国际




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