

单词 层面
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔area〕a building with a floor area of 100 square feet 一座楼层面积为 100 平方英尺的大楼牛津搭配〔astral〕the astral plane 精神世界层面牛津高阶〔batter〕lightly/thickly battered pieces of fish 裹上薄薄/厚厚一层面糊的鱼韦氏高阶〔breadcrumb〕coated in breadcrumbs裹上一层面包粉外研社新世纪〔dimension〕the social dimension of unemployment 失业的社会性层面牛津高阶〔ethical〕the ethical aspects of animal experimentation动物实验的道德层面外研社新世纪〔experimentation〕the ethical aspects of animal experimentation动物实验的道德层面外研社新世纪〔interchange〕the interchange of matter and energy at atomic or subatomic levels. 物质与能量在原子或亚原子层面的交换柯林斯高阶〔negative〕the negative aspects of ageing 年岁增长的消极层面朗文当代〔ply〕a single ply of fabric 一层面料韦氏高阶〔space〕the factory's floor space (=the size of the available floor area) 这家工厂的楼层面积朗文当代〔spinach〕spinach lasagne/salad 菠菜千层面/色拉剑桥高阶discussions at board level 董事会层面上的讨论牛津商务




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