

单词 局局长
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAUSE〕The Surgeon General's speech will give new impetus to the anti-smoking campaign. 卫生局局长的讲话将为反吸烟运动带来新的动力。朗文写作活用〔CRITICIZE〕As head of the police department, Hall is constantly on the firing line. 作为警局局长,霍尔不断首当其冲受到指责。朗文写作活用〔Surgeon General〕The chief medical officer in the U.S. Public Health Service or in a state public health service.卫生局局长:美国公众卫生机构或州卫生中心的主要医疗官员美国传统〔agency〕Webster is retiring as head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).韦伯斯特即将从中央情报局局长的位子上退下来。外研社新世纪〔anything〕The Los Angeles police chief was not always so insulated from politicians; anything but.洛杉矶警察局局长并不总是如此疏远政客,根本不会。柯林斯高阶〔authority〕Local police chiefs should re-emerge as figures of authority and reassurance in their areas.各地警察局局长应当重树其维护辖区安定的执法者形象。柯林斯高阶〔castigate〕Bradley's public castigation of the police chief.布拉德利对警察局局长的公开申斥柯林斯高阶〔chief〕Sanger was appointed chief of the Fire Department.桑格被任命为消防局局长。牛津搭配〔clipped〕The Chief Constable's clipped tones crackled over the telephone line.电话线那头噼噼啪啪传来警察局局长急促的声音。外研社新世纪〔entry〕Fire marshals barred entry to the hall.消防局局长下令禁止进入大厅。牛津搭配〔figure〕Local police chiefs should re-emerge as figures of authority and reassurance in their areas.地方警察局局长应该重新成为其所治一方具有权威和安定人心的人物。柯林斯高阶〔manhunt〕The police chief immediately began a manhunt for Velasquez.警察局局长立即开始搜捕贝拉斯克斯。外研社新世纪〔manor〕The Chief Constable deeply resented any intrusions into his manor.警察局局长对侵入其辖区的行为深恶痛绝。柯林斯高阶〔manor〕The Chief Constable deeply resented any intrusions into his manor.警察局局长对别人侵入他的管辖区深恶痛绝。外研社新世纪〔marshal〕A federal marshal was killed in a shoot-out.枪战中一名联邦警察局局长身亡。柯林斯高阶〔marshal〕A fire marshal.消防局局长美国传统〔postmaster general〕The executive head of a national postal service.邮政部长,邮政管理局局长:国家邮政服务业的执行首脑美国传统〔push〕Primakov was pushed aside but later became head of Intelligence.普里马科夫遭到排挤,但是后来却成为情报局局长。朗文当代〔surgeon general〕Surgeon General's warning: cigarette smoking causes cancer 衞生局局长警告大家:吸烟致癌牛津高阶〔tsar〕The former New York police chief was appointed as 'drug tsar' by Bill Clinton.前纽约警察局局长被比尔•克林顿任命为“缉毒专员”。 外研社新世纪〔useful〕All this information will be useful to chief constables.所有这些信息对郡警察局局长都会有用。外研社新世纪〔worthy〕I have not achieved my goal in becoming chief constable, a rank I know I could have worthily held.我没有实现当警察局局长的目标,但我知道自己已经能够胜任这个职位。柯林斯高阶The Surgeon General has determined that smoking cigarettes is bad for your health.卫生局局长断定吸烟有害健康。剑桥国际The chief of police has been suspended from duty (= is not allowed to work) until the claims against him have been investigated.警察局局长被暂停工作,直到对他的指责被调查完毕。剑桥国际




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