

单词 序曲
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anticipation〕Music Introduction of one note of a new chord before the previous chord is resolved.【音乐】 先来音:在前一个音未结束之前一个新的音符已奏出的音阶序曲美国传统〔curtain raiser〕A preliminary event.序曲:作为起始的事件美国传统〔curtain〕The curtain rises toward the end of the Prelude.序曲将近结束时帷幕升起来了。柯林斯高阶〔curtain〕The curtain rises toward the end of the Prelude.序曲快要结束时帷幕升起来了。外研社新世纪〔evening〕The orchestra opened the evening with an overture.管弦乐队以一首序曲拉开了晚会的序幕。牛津搭配〔introduction〕Music A short preliminary movement in a larger work.【音乐】 序曲:大型作品中的短小的起始乐章美国传统〔lead-in〕Some members of the audience recognized the lead-in to the 'Wedding March'.观众中有些人听出是《婚礼进行曲》的序曲。外研社新世纪〔open〕The concert opens with Beethoven's Egmont Overture.音乐会以贝多芬的《埃格蒙特序曲》开场。朗文当代〔overture〕A similar orchestral work, such as one written as a concert piece or an introduction to a play.序曲,序乐:一种类似的管弦乐曲,如谱写的作为合唱篇或话剧的前奏曲的此类乐曲美国传统〔overture〕I sensed that this was the overture to an argument.我察觉到这是引向一场争吵的序曲。英汉大词典〔overture〕Prokofiev's overture to ‘Romeo and Juliet’ 普罗科菲耶夫的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的序曲牛津高阶〔overture〕The programme opened with the overture to Wagner's Flying Dutchman.节目以瓦格纳的歌剧《漂泊的荷兰人》的序曲开场。外研社新世纪〔overture〕The programme opened with the overture to Wagner's Flying Dutchman.节目以瓦格纳的歌剧《漂泊的荷兰人》的序曲开场。柯林斯高阶〔poem〕Wordsworth describes his boyhood in his autobiographical poem 'The Prelude'.华兹华斯在他的自传体诗《序曲》中描述了自己的童年生活。牛津搭配〔preamble〕His early travels were just a preamble to his later adventures.他早期的旅行只是后来冒险经历的一个序曲。韦氏高阶〔prelude〕Music An independent piece written for piano and usually based on a single, short thematic motif.【音乐】 序曲:一首为钢琴所做的独立曲目,通常以一单独的,较短的主旋律为基调美国传统〔prelude〕The deal is a prelude to a merger of the two companies.这笔生意是两家公司合并的序曲。麦克米伦高阶〔prelude〕The overture to an oratorio, opera, or act of an opera.序曲:圣乐、歌剧或一幕歌剧的序曲美国传统〔prelude〕The theme recalls the prelude to Wagner's 'Lohengrin'.主题曲使人想到了瓦格纳的《罗恩格林》序曲。牛津搭配〔prelude〕To introduce with or as if with a prelude.开头:用或似乎用序曲来引入美国传统〔prelude〕To serve as a prelude to.作为前奏:作为…的序曲美国传统〔prelusive〕Of or serving as a prelude; introductory.序曲的,序言的:序幕(曲)的或作为序曲的;介绍性的美国传统〔symphony〕An instrumental overture or interlude, as in early opera.序曲,插曲:由乐器演奏的前奏曲或插曲,如在早期歌剧中美国传统〔voluntary〕A short piece of music, often improvised on a solo instrument, played as an introduction to a larger work.即兴曲:一段短音乐,常为乐器即兴独奏,作为大型作品的序曲美国传统Some of Chopin's preludes are suitable for beginners to play, while others are among the most sophisticated pieces written for the piano.肖邦的一些序曲很适合初学者弹奏,而另外的则是些为钢琴创作的最复杂的曲子。剑桥国际The song's great, but the introduction's a bit too long.这首歌很棒,但序曲部分有点太长。剑桥国际The tape has two Beethoven symphonies, plus a few overtures as makeweights.磁带录有贝多芬的两部交响乐,另附加了几段序曲。剑桥国际




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