

单词 形状
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Parker House roll〕A yeast-leavened roll, shaped by folding a flat round of dough in half.派克饭店卷饼:一种用酵母发松形状是对折一块薄面皮的卷饼美国传统〔SEE〕My aunt still has some vision in her left eye - she can make out colours and shapes. 我姨妈左眼还有一点视力—还能分辨颜色和形状。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕The fruits are similar in shape and size to plums. 那种水果的形状和大小跟李子差不多。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕What shape is the swimming pool? 那游泳池是什么形状的?朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕You can get pasta in lots of different shapes. 意大利面有各式各样的形状。朗文写作活用〔anisogamy〕A union between two gametes that differ in size or form.异性配子结合:大小或形状不同的两个配子的结合美国传统〔arrowhead〕Something, such as a mark indicating a limit on a drawing, that is shaped like the head of an arrow.箭头:形状像箭头的东西,如图中指示范围限制的符号美国传统〔artful〕There is also an artful contrast of shapes.形状的对比也很巧妙。柯林斯高阶〔baluster〕An upright support, such as a furniture leg, having a similar shape.支柱:一种直立的具有相似形状的支撑物,如家具腿美国传统〔blacksmith〕One that forges and shapes iron with an anvil and hammer.铁匠:用砧和锤来锻造和改造铁的形状的人美国传统〔boxy〕Resembling a box, especially in simplicity or rectangularity.盒状的:象盒子的,尤指简单形状或矩形的美国传统〔brassiere〕A woman's undergarment worn to support and give contour to the breasts.奶罩:支持乳房和具有乳房形状的女用内衣美国传统〔breadstuff〕Bread in any form or shape.面包:各种形式或形状的面包美国传统〔bullet〕An object resembling a projectile in shape, action, or effect.弹丸:在形状,作用或效果上和射弹相似的东西美国传统〔campanulate〕Shaped like a bell, as certain flowers are.钟状的:形状象钟一样的,如某些花朵美国传统〔candle〕Something resembling this object in shape or use.烛形物:在形状或用途上类似这种物体的事物美国传统〔cheek〕Something resembling the cheek in shape or position.两侧相对的物体:在形状或位置上象脸颊的东西美国传统〔circular〕Shaped like or nearly like a circle; round.圆形的:形状为圆或近似为圆的;圆的美国传统〔cloverleaf〕Resembling or shaped like a leaf of the clover plant.形状似苜蓿叶的:似苜蓿植物叶或其外形的,或与之相似的美国传统〔cochleate〕Shaped like a snail shell; spirally twisted.螺旋状的:形状像蜗壳的;螺旋形扭曲的美国传统〔cock〕A weathervane shaped like a rooster; a weathercock.风标:形状像雄鸡的一个风标;风标美国传统〔cordiform〕Heart-shaped.心脏形状的美国传统〔cornute〕Shaped like a horn.形状象角的美国传统〔cowled〕Having the shape of a hood.头巾状的:具有头巾形状的美国传统〔craniology〕The scientific study of the characteristics of the skull, such as size and shape, especially in human beings.头盖学:对头盖,尤其是对人类头盖的各个特征,如大小和形状的科学研究美国传统〔crazy quilt〕A patchwork quilt of pieces of cloth of various shapes, colors, and sizes, arranged haphazardly.百衲被:用各种不同的形状、颜色和尺寸的布随意拼凑而成被单的棉被美国传统〔crown〕Something resembling a diadem in shape.王冠状物:形状象王冠的东西美国传统〔cylindrical〕Of, relating to, or having the shape of a cylinder, especially of a circular cylinder.圆柱形的,圆筒状的:圆筒状的,与圆柱形有关的,或具有圆柱体形状的,特别是圆形的柱体美国传统〔deform〕Physics To alter the shape of by pressure or stress.【物理学】 使变形:通过压力或拉力改变…的形状美国传统〔dendriform〕Shaped like or having the form of a tree.树状的:形状上象树的或有树的形态美国传统〔determine〕Mathematics To fix or define the position, form, or configuration of.【数学】 确定:确定位置,形状或结构美国传统〔dictate〕The basket's function dictates its size and shape.篮子的用途决定了它的大小和形状。韦氏高阶〔distortion〕A change in the shape of an image resulting from imperfections in an optical system, such as a lens.失真,畸变:光学系统,如透镜的不完美而导致的图象形状的变化美国传统〔fender〕A guard over each wheel of a motor vehicle, for example, that is shaped and positioned so as to block the splashing of water or mud.挡泥板:机动车每个轮子上的防护板,为了挡住水或泥的飞溅而使其有一定的形状并将其固定美国传统〔figuration〕The act of forming something into a particular shape.定形:把…做成独特形状的行为美国传统〔fit〕To be the proper size and shape.合适,合身:成为合适的尺寸和形状美国传统〔flagellate〕Resembling or having the form of a flagellum; whiplike.象鞭毛的,有鞭毛形状的;象鞭子的美国传统〔flowage〕The gradual plastic deformation of a solid body, as by heat.渐变:如用加热的方法造成一个固体物质缓慢的、人工的形状损坏美国传统〔form〕To shape or mold (dough, for example) into a particular form.塑造:将(面团等)塑造或浇铸成一特殊形状美国传统〔f〕Something shaped like the letter F.F形物:形状象字母F的物体美国传统〔grown up〕Ask a grown-up to cut the shape out for you.请大人来替你剪出这个形状。剑桥高阶〔hobbyhorse〕A child's riding toy that consists of a long stick with an imitation horse's head on one end.竹马,木马:一种儿童用来骑玩的有一根一端仿造马头形状木棍的玩具美国传统〔homeomorphism〕Chemistry A close similarity in the crystal forms of unlike compounds.【化学】 同质异晶:不同化合物组成的晶体在形状上的极其类似美国传统〔hydroid〕Any of numerous characteristically colonial hydrozoan coelenterates having a polyp rather than a medusoid form as the dominant stage of the life cycle.水螅虫:许多典型的移居的腔肠动物中水螅虫类的任何一种,在生命循环中最重要阶段以水螅的形状而不是水母的形状出现美国传统〔hyperbolic〕Of, relating to, or having the form of a hyperbola.双曲线的:属于双曲线的,与之有关的,或有双曲线形状的美国传统〔irregular〕The stone has an irregular shape.这块石头形状奇异。韦氏高阶〔jack-o'-lantern〕A lantern made from a hollowed pumpkin with a carved face, usually displayed on Halloween.杰克灯,南瓜灯:把南瓜挖空并雕成人面形状,通常在万圣节出现美国传统〔k〕Something shaped like the letter K.K形物:形状象字母K的物体美国传统〔laurel〕A shrub or tree, such as the mountain laurel, having a similar aroma or leaf shape.月桂属的树木:具有类似芳香和叶子形状的灌木或乔木,如山月桂美国传统〔lenticular〕Shaped like a biconvex lens.双凸透镜状的:形状像双凸透镜的美国传统〔male〕Designating an object, such as an electric plug, configured for insertion into a fitted bore or socket.阳的:表明具有一定的形状使能插入适当的孔或袋中的物体的,例如电插座美国传统〔malformed〕Abnormally or faultily formed.畸形的:形状异常或不对的美国传统〔modeling〕Visual shape and texture of something regarded aesthetically, especially the human face or form.造型:从审美的角度观察某事物的形状或质地,尤指人的脸或外形美国传统〔mold〕To form into a particular shape; give shape to.形成:形成一种特定的形状;给形状于美国传统〔mushroom〕To swell or spread out into a shape similar to a mushroom.呈菌状扩散:膨胀或者伸展成象蘑菇的形状美国传统〔navel orange〕A sweet, usually seedless orange having at its apex a navellike formation enclosing an underdeveloped fruit.脐橙:一种甜的,通常无籽的橘子,果实中包着一个肚脐形状的未发育好的水果美国传统〔odd〕Which shape is the odd one out? 哪个形状与其他的不同?朗文当代〔old〕Solid gold can be fashioned in any old way.纯金可做成任意形状。外研社新世纪〔peculiarly〕The girls stared at the peculiarly shaped tree.女孩们盯着这棵形状古怪的树。外研社新世纪〔penlight〕A small flashlight having the size and shape of a fountain pen.笔形电筒:一种形状及大小类似自来水笔的小闪光灯或手电筒美国传统〔phrenology〕The study of the shape and protuberances of the skull, based on the now discredited belief that they reveal character and mental capacity.颅相学:对颅骨形状和隆起的研究,基于他们揭示性格和大脑容量但现在还未被证实的信条美国传统〔piggy bank〕A child's coin bank shaped like a pig.猪形储蓄罐,猪形扑满:形状象猪的儿童硬币罐美国传统〔piliform〕Having the form of a hair.毛样的,长毛状的:有毛发的形状的美国传统〔pistol grip〕A grip used on certain tools, such as a saw, shaped to fit the hand.握把:一种用于一定工具上的握把,如锯上,形状正适合一只手握美国传统〔plastic surgery〕She had plastic surgery to change the shape of her nose.她做了整容手术来改变鼻子的形状。外研社新世纪〔proportion〕Cézanne managed to proportion and place his forms so that they tapped an underlying, invisible order.塞尚得以均衡各种形状, 塑造了一种内在的、无形的秩序。外研社新世纪〔protean〕Readily taking on varied shapes, forms, or meanings.变化多端的:能很容易地采取各种不同形状、形态或意义的美国传统〔purse seine〕A fishing seine that is drawn into the shape of a bag to enclose the catch.大型袋网:一种捕鱼用的拖成袋子形状以包围捕鱼器的大拖网美国传统〔pyramid〕Anatomy A structure or part suggestive of a pyramid in shape.【解剖学】 角锥性器官:形状象角锥的结构和部分美国传统〔q〕Something shaped like the letter Q.Q形物:形状象字母Q的物体美国传统〔remember〕Engineering To return to (an original shape or form) after being deformed or altered.【工程学】 恢复原状:在被变形或改变之后回到(原来的形状或形态)美国传统〔remember〕Such metal has a retention technique to remember. If you crump it, you'll apply heat or pressure and it will spring back the way it was before.这种金属具有记忆性能。如果把它扭弯,只要加热或加压就能使它立即恢复原来形状。英汉大词典〔roundish〕Somewhat round.略圆的,圆形状的美国传统〔scutellum〕Botany Any of several shield-shaped structures, such as the cotyledon of a grass.【植物学】 盾状结构:一种似盾牌形状的结构,例如一种草的子叶美国传统〔semielliptical〕Having the form or shape of half of an ellipse, especially when divided along the major axis.半椭圆的:形态或形状为椭圆的一半,尤指沿主要的长轴线分割的美国传统〔shallow〕The office buildings have taken the form of shallow slabs.那些办公楼盖成薄板的形状。英汉大词典〔shapely〕Having a pleasing shape.具有美好形状的美国传统〔shape〕What shape is the room?那个房间是什么形状的?外研社新世纪〔shelf〕The shelves were packed with dolls of every shape and size.架子上摆满了形状各异、大小不一的娃娃。牛津搭配〔solid〕Of definite shape and volume; not liquid or gaseous.固体的:固定的形状和体积的;不是液体或气体的美国传统〔so〕There was snow everywhere, so that the shape of things was difficult to identify.到处是雪,所以万物的形状都难以辨认。柯林斯高阶〔square〕To cut to a square or rectangular shape.使成正方形:切割成正方形或长方形状美国传统〔tamburitza〕A Serbo-Croatian stringed instrument similar to a mandolin in shape and sound.坦姆布里扎琴:形状和音质上都类似曼陀林的一种塞尔维亚-克罗地亚弦乐器美国传统〔taut〕Kept in trim shape; neat and tidy.整洁的:保持整洁形状的;整洁的和有条不紊的美国传统〔toggle joint〕A joint made of two arms attached by a pivot shaped like an elbow, allowing force to be exerted at the ends of the arms as the joint is expanded.肘接:一种由两个连接在一个轴上的臂组成,形状象臂肘,当肘节展开时可以在两臂末端施力美国传统〔toric〕Of, relating to, or shaped like a torus or part of a torus.环形圆纹曲面:环形圆纹曲面的或其某一部分的;形状象环形圆纹曲面的或其某一部分的;与之有关的美国传统〔train〕To cause (a plant or one's hair) to take a desired course or shape, as by manipulating.整形:使(一植物或某人头发)向希望的方向生长或成为所希望的形状,如通过巧妙处理美国传统〔turn〕A distortion in shape.变形:形状扭曲美国传统〔unshaped〕Imperfectly shaped or formed.形状或形式不完美的美国传统〔various〕Tents come in various shapes and sizes.帐篷有各种各样的形状和大小。牛津高阶〔v〕Something shaped like the letter V.V形物:形状与字母V相似的物体美国传统〔zigzag〕In a zigzag manner or pattern.之字形:之字形风格的或之字形形状的美国传统Fingerprint classification is based on four groups of ridge patterns on your fingers.指纹分类法根据的是你手指上的四类褶皱形状。剑桥国际Molten metal (= Metal in a liquid state) is shaped by pouring it into a mould of the required shape and leaving it to cool.熔化的金属成形要通过把它注入需要形状的模具再冷却。剑桥国际Shortsightedness can be corrected by using a laser beam to vaporize microscopic layers of the eye's surface in order to reshape the eye.通过使用一种激光束将极微小的眼睛表层汽化,改造眼睛形状,近视可以得到矫正。剑桥国际So far you have not been able to describe the creature you saw. Either it is amorphous or it is just a figment of your imagination. 到目前为止你都无法描述怪物的长相。要不它就是没有固定形状,要不就是你的想像。译典通This carrot is rather unusually shaped.这根胡萝卜的形状很奇特。剑桥国际This substance is very flexible and stretches to any shape you want.这物质非常柔韧,可延展成你想要的任何形状。剑桥国际Those seven bright stars make the shape of a saucepan.那七颗闪亮的星星组成一个长柄锅形状。剑桥国际What I don't like about modern architecture is that it is four-square and lacks imagination.现代建筑让我不喜欢的地方是形状方方正正,缺乏想象力。剑桥国际




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