

单词 形成的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔HOLE〕a hole in something that has been damaged, allowing water, air etc to escape 因受到破坏而形成的漏水、漏气等的孔朗文写作活用〔agglomeration〕an economic agglomeration created for the pursuit of profit 为追求利润而形成的经济凝聚体文馨英汉〔chiaroscuro〕the natural chiaroscuro of the place这个地方自然形成的明暗对照外研社新世纪〔compound〕an attitude compounded of experience and faith 由经验和信仰共同形成的态度英汉大词典〔consciousness〕her newly-developed political consciousness 她最近形成的政治观念牛津高阶〔dereliction〕any accretion formed on a riverbank or dereliction formed by water receding from a bank河岸上形成的冲积层或水从沙洲上退去后形成的冲积地外研社新世纪〔dereliction〕lands which have previously been formed by accretion or dereliction由冲积加积作用形成的土地外研社新世纪〔derivation〕a custom of recent derivation. 近来才形成的风俗美国传统〔evolve〕the theory which eventually evolved from this study 由这项研究最终形成的理论牛津搭配〔expectation〕the way in which expectations are formed 期望形成的方式牛津搭配〔formation〕evidence of recent star formation in the galaxy 银河系新恒星形成的证据牛津高阶〔formative〕the formative years of childhood 童年性格形成的时期牛津高阶〔form〕coal deposits formed in prehistoric times 史前时期形成的煤层 英汉大词典〔gold〕a gold-rush town 淘金热时期形成的小镇牛津搭配〔grow〕crystals that grow in cavities in the rock. 岩石洞穴中形成的水晶柯林斯高阶〔in infancy〕a skill developed in infancy 婴儿时期形成的技能韦氏高阶〔incrustation〕give sufficient weight to the incrustations from the past—in thinking and behaviour 对在思想和行为方面日积月累形成的传统予以足够的重视英汉大词典〔knit〕a town knit/knitted together by farming 因农耕形成的小镇韦氏高阶〔landform〕landforms created by glaciers 冰川形成的地貌韦氏高阶〔layer〕rocks that formed in layers from flows of lava 火山熔岩流形成的岩石层韦氏高阶〔masonry〕a dark hole formed by the fallen masonry一处由下落石块形成的黑洞外研社新世纪〔misconception〕views based on misconception and prejudice 由误解和偏见而形成的观点牛津高阶〔mixture〕a society formed by the gradual mixture of different cultures 不同文化逐渐融合而形成的社会韦氏高阶〔patina〕a mahogany door that is golden brown with the patina of age. 红木门因为年深日久形成的金棕色包浆柯林斯高阶〔peg〕a pattern made with coloured pegs on a board 彩色钉子钉在木板上而形成的图形朗文当代〔persistent〕puddles caused by the persistent rain持续降水形成的水洼外研社新世纪〔rhyme〕a skyline without rhyme or reason (城市因无计划营造而形成的)参差无方的建筑物空中轮廓线 英汉大词典〔rivulet〕rivulets of rain running down the window 雨水沿窗而下形成的涓涓细流朗文当代〔rock〕rocks that formed beneath the sea 海下形成的岩石牛津搭配〔scoop〕a lake that was scooped out by glaciers long ago 很久以前因冰川侵蚀地表形成的湖韦氏高阶〔sculpt〕a coastline sculpted by the wind and sea 在风和海水的作用下形成的海岸线牛津高阶〔sedimentation〕rock formed by sedimentation 沉积而形成的岩石韦氏高阶〔self-made〕a self-made pond. 自然形成的池塘美国传统〔situational〕a situational analysis of prejudice 对偏见形成的环境因素分析英汉大词典〔skim〕a skim of milk on the cold coffee 冷咖啡上形成的一层牛奶膜英汉大词典〔underlying〕hills with the hard underlying rock poking through the turf坚硬的下层岩石透过草皮形成的山丘外研社新世纪〔universe〕theories of how the universe began 关于宇宙形成的各种理论牛津高阶〔view〕the experiences which shape our view of the world 影响我们世界观形成的那些经历牛津搭配〔weave〕the complex patterns which evolve when individuals' lives are woven together 每个人的生活交织在一起形成的复杂格局朗文当代〔wisdom〕the patience and wisdom that comes from old age. 历尽岁月沧桑而形成的耐心与智慧柯林斯高阶




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