

单词 形成对
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPARE〕In the film, the peaceful life of a monk is contrasted with the violent life of a murderer. 影片中,修道士的清静生活与凶犯的暴力生活形成对比。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕His extrovert personality contrasts with his sister's quiet, shy character. 他外向的个性正与他妹妹文静腼腆的性格形成对比。朗文写作活用〔antithesis〕Collage had all the qualities that might be put in antithesis to minimalism.拼贴艺术的各种特质都可以与极简抽象艺术形成对比。外研社新世纪〔banded〕Having bands or stripes of contrasting color or texture.有条纹的:颜色或质地形成对照鲜明的条纹的美国传统〔band〕A strip or stripe that contrasts with something else in color, texture, or material.条纹:在颜色、织物质地或材料上与另外的东西形成对照的条带或条纹美国传统〔complacency〕The old lady's complacency contrasted with the dissatisfied air of her daughter.老妇人的满足和她女儿的不满神态形成对照。英汉大词典〔conflict〕To be in or come into opposition; differ.对立或形成对立;不同美国传统〔contrastive〕Containing or forming a contrast; contrasting.对比的:包含或形成对比的;对照的美国传统〔contrast〕His fine words contrasted with his unscrupulous behaviour.他的漂亮言词与他肆无忌惮的行为形成对照。英汉大词典〔contrast〕His style contrasts with mine.他的风格和我的形成对照。牛津同义词〔contrast〕Silk was used with wool for contrast.丝绸和毛料用在一起以形成对比。柯林斯高阶〔contrast〕The black paint on the door provides a contrast for the white walls.门上的黑漆与白墙形成对照。英汉大词典〔contrast〕The fresh fruit provides a contrast to the rich chocolate pudding.新鲜的水果同甜腻的巧克力布丁形成对比。牛津搭配〔contrast〕The snow was icy and white, contrasting with the brilliant blue sky.这雪冰冷洁白,与晴朗的蓝天形成对照。朗文当代〔counterpoint〕The violence of the movie is counterpointed by/with ironic humor.影片嘲讽式的幽默与其表现的暴力形成对比。韦氏高阶〔couple〕To form pairs; join.形成对;连接美国传统〔dim-out〕The semidarkness resulting from restricted use of lights at night.实行灯火管制:形成对夜间限制使用灯光的半灯火管制美国传统〔epode〕The third division of the triad of a Pindaric ode, having a different or contrasting form from that of the strophe and antistrophe.第三节:品达体颂歌中三节诗的第三节,其形式和第一、二诗节不同且形成对比美国传统〔fog bank〕A dense mass of fog defined against clearer surrounding air, often as viewed from a distance at sea.雾堤:通常可在远方的海上看到的与周围清亮的空气形成对比的一团浓雾美国传统〔mat〕A decorative border placed around a picture to serve as a frame or provide contrast between the picture and the frame.衬边:在画四周装上装饰的衬边作为框边或使画与镜框之间形成对比美国传统〔over〕As opposed to; contrasted with.在…对面;与…形成对照美国传统〔over〕I was impressed by Leonard's confidence and certainty over against his brother's weakness and hesitation.与他弟弟的软弱和优柔寡断形成对比的是,伦纳德自信又果断,给我留下了很深的印象。麦克米伦高阶〔polarize〕The war has polarized the nation.那场战争使国家形成对立的两派。韦氏高阶〔rondo〕A composition having a principal theme that occurs at least three times in its original key between contrasting subordinate themes.回旋曲:一种主题在形成对应的副主题之间的最初旋律中至少出现三次的音乐作品美国传统〔sit-down〕An obstruction of normal activity by the act of a large group sitting down in public to express a grievance or protest.静坐示威:通过在公共场所进行的大型集体静坐以表达悲愤和抗议从而形成对正常活动的阻碍美国传统〔stripe〕A textile pattern of parallel bands or lines on a contrasting background.条纹:与背景形成对比的平行条带或线条的编织图案美国传统〔tame〕You'll find life here pretty tame after New York.这里的生活相当枯燥,与纽约形成对比。牛津高阶Bacteria are evolving resistance to antibiotics faster than new chemicals are being invented.细菌形成对抗生素的抵抗力的速度比新化学药品发明的速度还要快。剑桥国际




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