

单词 形态
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Boston fern〕Any of numerous other forms derived from the sword fern.一种从剑蕨衍化而来的其他形态美国传统〔DTD〕A set of rules for marking up a document in SGML.文件形态定义:SGML中对文件的标记定义规格美国传统〔KEEP〕The new design will be more modern, while retaining the graceful shape of the original. 新的设计会更为现代化,同时会保留原来的优雅形态。朗文写作活用〔MIDI〕A standard for representing musical information in a digital format.乐器数字接口:以数字形态表现音乐讯息的一种标准美国传统〔Marxist〕Marxist ideology.马克思主义意识形态柯林斯高阶〔Marxist〕Marxist ideology源自马克思主义的意识形态外研社新世纪〔Nazi〕Nazi ideology 纳粹主义意识形态韦氏高阶〔SMALL〕A primitive form of microscopic life may have existed on Mars billions of years ago. 微生物的原始形态可能数十亿年前就已在火星上存在了。朗文写作活用〔accord〕Such an approach accords with the principles of socialist ideology.这种方法与社会主义意识形态的原则相符。柯林斯高阶〔adenomyosis〕A form of endometriosis characterized by the invasive, usually benign growth of tissue into smooth muscle such as the uterus.子宫内膜异位形成:子宫内膜异位的形态,症状为良性组织扩散性地生长在子宫的平滑肌上美国传统〔atomic pile〕An early type of nuclear reactor whose core consisted of layers of graphite block interspersed with uranium, designed to create a sustained fission reaction.原子堆,原子反应堆:核反应堆的早期形态,核反应堆中心由散布铀的石墨块层构成,用于产生持续的裂变反应美国传统〔baggage〕The party has shed its ideological baggage.该党抛弃了其意识形态包袱。牛津搭配〔battleground〕Children's literature is an ideological battleground.儿童文学是各种意识形态交锋的战场。柯林斯高阶〔conformation〕The structure or outline of an item or entity, determined by the arrangement of its parts.形态:由其部件的配置决定的一件物品或实体的结构或轮廓美国传统〔conservative〕Her views are by no means ideologically conservative.她的观点在意识形态上毫不保守。牛津搭配〔contour map〕A map showing elevations and surface configuration by means of contour lines.等高线地图:一种用等高线表示海拔高度及地表形态的地图美国传统〔contour〕Often contours A surface, especially of a curving form. 常作 contours 外形:表面,尤指曲线形态美国传统〔cordon sanitaire〕A chain of buffer states organized around a nation considered ideologically dangerous or potentially hostile.(国与国之间的)封闭线:针对一个被认为在意识形态上具有危险性或有潜在侵略性的国家而组织起来的一系列缓冲国美国传统〔crystallize〕To assume a crystalline form.使结晶:采取晶体的形态美国传统〔crystallize〕To take on a definite, precise, and usually permanent form.成形,具体化:获得确定的、精确的而且通常是永久的形态美国传统〔crystal〕A mineral, especially a transparent form of quartz, having a crystalline structure, often characterized by external planar faces.水晶:一种具有晶体结构的矿石,尤指石英的一种透明形态,通常其晶面在同一平面上美国传统〔degree〕The programmes differ in degree and emphasis rather than ideology.这些方案的区别在于程度和重点, 而非意识形态方面。外研社新世纪〔dendriform〕Shaped like or having the form of a tree.树状的:形状上象树的或有树的形态美国传统〔durative〕A durative verb or verb form.持续动词:持续性动词或动词形态美国传统〔durative〕Of, related to, or being the verbal aspect that expresses action continuing unbroken for a period of time.(动词)持续性的:用来表示动作继续一段时间而未中断的动词形态的,或与其相关的美国传统〔evolution〕The movement is undergoing an ideological evolution.这个运动正在经历意识形态的演变。牛津搭配〔feature〕Outward appearance; form or shape.轮廓:外貌;形态或形状美国传统〔figuration〕A shape, a form, or an outline.形态,形状,外观美国传统〔film noir〕The genre or style of such movies.灰色影片:此种形态的电影美国传统〔finesse〕The ideological divide was artfully finessed in the final communiqué.在最终的公报里, 意识形态上的分歧被巧妙地避开了。外研社新世纪〔flame〕Something resembling a flame in motion, brilliance, intensity, or shape.热情,激情:在动态、亮度、强度或形态方面类似火焰的东西美国传统〔form genus〕A genus of fossil plants or imperfect fungi classified according to their asexual organs.形态属:按无性生殖器分类的化石植物或半知菌属美国传统〔formation〕Marx founded a new science: the science of the history of social formations.马克思创立了一门新的学科 社会形态历史学。朗文当代〔form〕Two weeks later the moth will emerge in its adult form.两周后飞蛾就会变成成虫形态。牛津搭配〔fruit〕An edible, usually sweet and fleshy form of such a structure.水果:此结构的可食形态,通常是新鲜的且带甜味美国传统〔fruit〕The ripened ovary or ovaries of a seed-bearing plant, together with accessory parts, containing the seeds and occurring in a wide variety of forms.果实:包括种籽且形态多样丰满的植物子房或结籽的植物的子房,常带有附属部分美国传统〔gaseous〕Freon exists both in liquid and gaseous states.氟利昂有液态和气态两种形态。柯林斯高阶〔hamper〕An obsolete ideology can hamper an economy.过时的意识形态会束缚经济。英汉大词典〔heteromorphic〕Having different forms at different periods of the life cycle, as in stages of insect metamorphosis.异态的:在生命周期中的不同阶段有不同的形态的,如在昆虫变形的阶段美国传统〔ideologically〕Others left the party for ideological reasons.其他人由于意识形态原因而脱党。柯林斯高阶〔ideologically〕The ideological divisions between the parties aren't always obvious.政党之间的意识形态界线并不总是泾渭分明的。柯林斯高阶〔ideological〕The party is split by ideological differences.意识形态的不同造成该政党的分裂。朗文当代〔ideological〕There are some fairly profound ideological disagreements within the movement.该运动内部在意识形态上存在一些比较严重的分歧。剑桥高阶〔ideologue〕An advocate of a particular ideology, especially an official exponent of that ideology.理论家,倡导者:某一理论的提倡者,尤指对此意识形态的正式阐释美国传统〔ideology〕A set of doctrines or beliefs that form the basis of a political, economic, or other system.意识形态:作为政治、经济或其它制度基础的一系列主义或信仰美国传统〔ideology〕He says that the election is not about ideology.他说本次选举与意识形态无关。韦氏高阶〔ideology〕They are divided by opposing ideologies.他们因意识形态冲突而彼此对立。牛津搭配〔ideology〕They're rooted in a shared ideology.他们植根于共有的意识形态。牛津搭配〔indeclinable〕Of, relating to, or being a word that lacks grammatical inflection though belonging to a form class whose members are usually inflected.无词形变化的:无语法形态变化的词或与其有关的,尽管通常该词所属类型的其他词都要发生语法形态的变化美国传统〔indeclinable〕Without grammatical inflection.无语法形态变化的美国传统〔interphase〕The stage of a cell between two successive mitotic or meiotic divisions.分裂间期:两个相继的有丝分裂或减数分裂之间的一个细胞形态美国传统〔intertwine〕History and ideology intertwined.历史与意识形态盘根错节。英汉大词典〔iron curtain〕Often Iron Curtain The military, political, and ideological barrier established between the Soviet bloc and western Europe after World War II. 常作 Iron Curtain 铁幕:第二次世界大战后在苏联集团和西欧之间设置的军事,政治和意识形态上的屏障美国传统〔justification〕She never presents an ideological justification of her work.她从来不会从意识形态角度为自己的工作提出辩解。牛津搭配〔leftism〕The ideology of the political left.左派,左翼:政治左派的意识形态、观点美国传统〔metamorphosis〕Metamorphosis is a favourite game in fairy tales.凭借魔力改变形态是神话故事的惯用手法。英汉大词典〔minimize〕Some have minimized the importance of ideological factors.有些人淡化了意识形态因素的重要性。柯林斯高阶〔morphogen〕Any of various chemicals in embryonic tissue that influence the movement and organization of cells during morphogenesis by forming a concentration gradient.构形素,定形素:在形态发生过程中通过形成浓度梯度从而对细胞的运动和组织产生影响的胚胎组织中多种化学品的任何一种美国传统〔morphology〕Linguistics The study of the structure and form of words in language or a language, including inflection, derivation, and the formation of compounds.【语言学】 形态音位学:语言或某一语言中对于单词的结构和形式的研究,包括词尾变化、派生和合成词的构成美国传统〔morphology〕The branch of biology that deals with the form and structure of organisms without consideration of function.形态生物学:生物学一个分支,以有机体的形式和结构为研究对象,而不考虑其功能美国传统〔morphology〕Whereas an octopus has eight arms, this new, superficially octopus-like creature had ten, like squids. The rest of its external morphology was equally strange.章鱼有八条腕足, 而这个看上去像章鱼的新生物却如同乌贼般有十条腕足。它身体其余部分的外部形态同样也很奇怪。外研社新世纪〔morph〕Biology One of various distinct forms of an organism or a species.【生物学】 形态:一个有机体组织或一物种的多种不同形态之一美国传统〔negritude〕An aesthetic and ideological concept affirming the independent nature, quality, and validity of Black culture.黑人的特征:一个美学和意识形态概念,确认黑人文化的独立性、特性和有效性美国传统〔no-man's land〕The failure has helped to drive Labour even further into a no-man's land of ideological muddle.失败使得工党内部的意识形态混乱局面进一步加剧。柯林斯高阶〔not〕One does not (或 doesn't) have to share in your ideology to respect your civilization.人们无须非要和你们有同样的意识形态才能尊重你们的文明。英汉大词典〔orography〕The study of the physical geography of mountains and mountain ranges.山志学,山岳形态学:一门研究山脉及山山脉地区的自然地理学美国传统〔overemphasis〕He attributed the party's lack of success to an overemphasis on ideology and ideas.他将该党的失败归因于过分强调意识形态和理念。柯林斯高阶〔paedomorphism〕Retention of juvenile characteristics in the adult, occurring in mammals.幼稚形态:在成熟期对幼稚特征的保留,发生在哺乳动物身上美国传统〔parentage〕Does this reflect a parentage of pragmatism or ideology?这是否反映了实用主义或意识形态的来源?外研社新世纪〔physically〕Physical and ideological barriers had come down in Eastern Europe.物质和意识形态上的障碍在东欧已不复存在。柯林斯高阶〔physical〕Ghosts have no physical existence.鬼没有形态。牛津同义词〔pleomorphism〕Biology The occurrence of two or more structural forms during a life cycle, especially of certain plants.【生物学】 多型现象:一个生命循环中两个或多个结构形态的现象,尤指某些植物美国传统〔plural〕Abbr. pl.,plu.Grammar Of, relating to, or being a grammatical form that designates more than one of the things specified.缩写 pl.,plu.【语法】 复数形态的:属于、关于或是表示特定事物中的一个以上事物语法形式的美国传统〔polymorphism〕Biology The occurrence of different forms, stages, or types in individual organisms or in organisms of the same species, independent of sexual variations.【生物学】 多态性;多型现象:不受性别差异影响,在有机个体或同种物种的有机体中出现不同形态、阶段或类型美国传统〔protean〕Readily taking on varied shapes, forms, or meanings.变化多端的:能很容易地采取各种不同形状、形态或意义的美国传统〔prototype〕Biology A primitive or ancestral form or species.【生物学】 原形:一种原先或始祖性的形态或物种美国传统〔pseudomorph〕A false, deceptive, or irregular form.假象:一种假的、欺骗性的、不规则的形态美国传统〔purity〕He struggled to preserve his ideological purity.他努力保持自己意识形态的纯洁。牛津搭配〔reactive〕Ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen gas.臭氧是一种非常活跃的氧气形态。柯林斯高阶〔redifferentiation〕A process by which a group of once differentiated cells return to their original specialized form.再分化:一组曾经分化过的细胞回到它们原来的特定形态的过程美国传统〔remember〕Engineering To return to (an original shape or form) after being deformed or altered.【工程学】 恢复原状:在被变形或改变之后回到(原来的形状或形态)美国传统〔retardant〕Potted plants are commonly treated with (a) growth retardant so that they retain their shape.盆栽植物一般都施用阻长剂以保持其形态。剑桥高阶〔semielliptical〕Having the form or shape of half of an ellipse, especially when divided along the major axis.半椭圆的:形态或形状为椭圆的一半,尤指沿主要的长轴线分割的美国传统〔soul mate〕They are ideological soul mates.他们是意识形态上志同道合的人。韦氏高阶〔straitjacket〕He refused to be fitted into any ideological straitjacket.他不愿受到任何意识形态的束缚。剑桥高阶〔thin〕Lean or slender in form, build, or stature.纤瘦的:形态、结构或身材瘦或细长的美国传统〔type〕Garden plants sometimes revert to type.庭园植物有时会回复到原来的野生形态。英汉大词典〔umber〕Color Any of the shades of brown produced by umber in its various states.【色彩】 棕土色:由各种形态的棕土所产生的各种棕色美国传统〔uniformity〕The strength of the ideology is seen in the remarkable uniformity of attitudes and beliefs.从态度和信仰上的高度一致可以看出意识形态的力量。外研社新世纪〔variation〕Marked difference or deviation from the normal or recognized form, function, or structure.变异,变体:与正常或已被认可的形态、功能或结构有明显的不同或偏离美国传统〔variform〕Having a variety of forms; diversiform.有种种形态的;形形色色的美国传统〔vary〕The drug is available in several forms, and dosages vary accordingly.这种药有几种形态,服用剂量也相应不同。牛津搭配〔villiform〕Having the form of villi.绒毛状的:具有绒毛形态的美国传统Industrialists can not afford to be shackled by the ideologies of politicians. 工业家可不能被政客的意识形态束缚住。译典通Key decisions are in line with the core ideology of the organization.关键决策与这个机构的核心意识形态一致。牛津商务Revisionists within the Communist Party are trying to create a moderate new ideology.共产党内部的修正主义者正在试图建立一个温和的新意识形态。剑桥国际The framers of the Constitution (=The people who wrote the US Constitution) would never have thought that one day lawmakers would have to deal with issues surrounding the creation of new life forms.美国宪法的拟订人永远想不到有一天立法人不得不处理关于创造新的生命形态的问题。剑桥国际The government is ideologically opposed to spending more on the arts (=this is in opposition to its political beliefs).政府因意识形态的原因而反对在艺术方面拨更多的钱。剑桥国际The people are caught between two opposing ideologies.人民被夹在两种对立的意识形态之间。剑桥国际These bacteria have mutated into forms that are resistant to certain drugs.这些细菌已突变成对某些药物有抵抗力的形态。剑桥国际




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