

单词 尤指
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Amerasian〕A person of American and Asian descent, especially one whose mother is Asian and whose father is American.美亚混血儿:美洲人和亚洲人的后裔,尤指母为亚洲人,父为美洲人美国传统〔Norman〕A descendant of this people, especially one ruling or inhabiting England from the time of the Norman Conquest.诺曼人后裔:这些人的后裔,尤指诺曼征服后统治或居住在英国的人美国传统〔Sitka spruce〕The light, strong wood of this tree, used especially in construction, furniture, and musical instruments.西特卡云杉材:西特卡云杉质轻而坚硬的木材,尤指用于构架、家具和乐器美国传统〔anorexia〕Loss of appetite, especially as a result of disease.厌食:食欲缺乏,尤指疾病引起美国传统〔anticipate〕To look forward to, especially with pleasure; expect.期望;期待:期望,尤指怀着喜悦;期待美国传统〔apiary〕A place where bees and beehives are kept, especially a place where bees are raised for their honey.养蜂场:放置蜜蜂及蜂窝的场所,尤指为酿蜜而养蜂的场所美国传统〔apparatchik〕An unquestioningly loyal subordinate, especially of a political leader or organization.政府机构的成员:尤指一政治领导人的或组织的绝对忠诚的下属美国传统〔appraise〕To evaluate, especially in an official capacity.评估:评价,尤指以官方身份作的评价美国传统〔appropriation〕Something appropriated, especially public funds set aside for a specific purpose.拨款:某些分拨的东西,尤指拨作特殊目的的公共基金美国传统〔archconservative〕Highly conservative, especially in political viewpoint.高度保守的:高度保守的,尤指在政治观点中美国传统〔ausform〕To subject (especially steel) to deformation, quenching, and tempering to improve its wear properties.奥氏形变法炼钢:使(尤指钢)在经受形变后淬火和回火以增加抗磨损性美国传统〔backflip〕To perform a backward somersault, especially in the air.表演后翻筋斗,尤指空中后翻筋斗美国传统〔backlog〕An accumulation, especially of unfinished work or unfilled orders.积压:堆积物,尤指没完成的工作或未兑现的定单美国传统〔bait〕To feed (an animal), especially on a journey.喂动物:喂(动物),尤指在旅行中美国传统〔bandit〕Slang A hostile aircraft, especially a fighter aircraft.【俚语】 敌方战斗机:敌方的飞机,尤指战斗机美国传统〔bankcard〕A card issued by a bank especially to identify the holder, used for receiving credit or for operating an automated teller machine.银行信用卡,提款卡:银行发给存款人的卡,尤指标明持卡人身份,用于赊购货物或用于操纵自动取款机美国传统〔blackball〕To vote against, especially to veto the admission of.投反对票:投反对票,尤指反对吸收美国传统〔buggy〕Chiefly Southern U.S. A shopping cart, especially for groceries.【多用于美国南部】 运货车,尤指为杂货店运货的车美国传统〔burst〕To come open or fly apart suddenly or violently, especially from internal pressure.爆裂,炸破:突然或剧烈的开裂或炸开,尤指由内部压力而引起的美国传统〔card catalog〕An alphabetical listing, especially of books in a library, made with a separate card for each item.卡片目录,卡片索引:一种按字母顺序排列的目录,尤指图书馆里书的目录,每一条目都有一张单独的卡美国传统〔catalectic〕Lacking one or more syllables, especially in the final foot. Used of verse.最后音步缺少一个音节的:缺少一个或多个音节的,尤指在最后一个音步中。用于诗歌中美国传统〔cementitious〕Of or relating to a chemical precipitate, especially of carbonates, having the characteristics of cement.水泥质的:一种具有水泥特性的化学沉淀物的或与之相关的,尤指碳酸盐美国传统〔cenacle〕A clique or circle, especially of writers.小集团:党派或小团体,尤指作家小集团美国传统〔combat boot〕A boot that laces up the front and has a thick rubber outsole, worn especially by infantry.战斗靴:用带子系紧前面,而且有一个厚的橡皮外底的靴子,尤指步兵穿的美国传统〔complexion〕The natural color, texture, and appearance of the skin, especially of the face.肤色:自然的颜色、质地和肤色,尤指面部的美国传统〔control surface〕A movable airfoil, especially a rudder, an aileron, or an elevator, used to control or guide an aircraft, a guided missile, or a rocket.操纵台面:一种用来控制或操纵飞机、导弹或火箭的活动翼面,尤指方向舵、副翼或升降舵美国传统〔conveyance〕A means of conveying, especially a vehicle for transportation.运输工具,尤指交通工具美国传统〔detail〕A discrete part or portion of a work, such as a painting, building, or decorative object, especially when considered in isolation.细部:某项作品(例如绘画、建筑、装饰)的一部分,尤指这些部分被分开来独立考虑的部分美国传统〔discipline〕Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement.训练;修养;磨练:为有某一特定性格或行为方式而进行的训练,尤指为在道德和智力上的进步改善而进行的训练美国传统〔donkey engine〕A small auxiliary steam engine used for hoisting or pumping, especially aboard ship.辅助机车:尤指船上的小型辅助蒸汽发动机,用来吊升货物或抽水美国传统〔downtick〕A decrease, especially a small or incremental one.减少:尤指小规模或逐步增加者的减少美国传统〔downturn〕A tendency downward, especially in business or economic activity.衰退:下降趋势,尤指商业或经济活动的下降趋势美国传统〔duomo〕A cathedral, especially one in Italy.教堂,尤指意大利教堂美国传统〔dysgenics〕The biological study of the factors producing degeneration in offspring, especially of a particular race or species.劣生学:以种族退化为研究对象的一门生物学学科,尤指一定的种族或种属美国传统〔ejaculation〕An abrupt discharge of fluid, especially of seminal fluid.射精:突然排放液体,尤指排放精液美国传统〔flunk〕To fail, especially in a course or an examination.不及格:尤指考试或功课不及格美国传统〔flying machine〕A machine designed for flight, especially an early experimental type of aircraft.飞行机:尤指早期试验性的飞行器等为飞行而设计的机械美国传统〔foehn〕A warm, dry wind coming off the lee slopes of a mountain range, especially off the northern slopes of the Alps.焚风:尤指从阿尔卑斯山脉北坡等山坡上吹下来的干热风美国传统〔habit〕A distinctive dress or costume, especially of a religious order.宗教服装:独特的衣服或装束,尤指宗教教派所穿的美国传统〔hart〕A male deer, especially a male red deer over five years old.尤指超过五岁以上的雄赤鹿美国传统〔hemistich〕A half line of verse, especially when separated rhythmically from the rest of the line by a caesura.半行:诗的半行,尤指由于休止而有节奏地和诗行的其余部分分开者美国传统〔hive〕A structure for housing bees, especially honeybees.蜂箱:尤指为让蜜蜂居住而筑的结构美国传统〔iron〕An implement made of iron alloy or similar metal, especially a bar heated for use in branding, curling hair, or cauterizing.铁制工具:用铁合金或类似金属制造的工具,尤指用来烙印、卷发或烧灼的被加热过的条或块美国传统〔joey〕A young animal, especially a baby kangaroo.幼袋鼠,幼兽:幼小的动物,尤指幼袋鼠美国传统〔jump-off〕A jumping contest at a horse show, especially a final or tie-breaking round.平分决胜:马匹展览会上的骑马跨越障碍比赛,尤指最后一轮或平分决胜局美国传统〔killick〕A small anchor, especially one made of a stone in a wooden frame.锚:一种小型锚,尤指用木棒缠缚石块做成的锚美国传统〔latch〕A fastening, as for a door or gate, typically consisting of a bar that fits into a notch or slot and is lifted from either side by a lever or string.门闩:闩,例如门闩,尤指带有一横销,插在槽或狭缝中通过把手或铁链从一头提到另一头美国传统〔lick〕Music A phrase improvised by a soloist, especially on the guitar or banjo.【音乐】 小过门:一段由独奏演员即兴创作的乐句,尤指在吉它或班卓琴上完成的美国传统〔livery〕Law Official delivery of property, especially land, to a new owner.【法律】 财产所有权让渡:官方的财产让渡,尤指把土地让渡给新主人美国传统〔lure〕A decoy used in catching animals, especially an artificial bait used in catching fish.诱饵,囵子:用来捕捉动物的诱饵,尤指用来捕捉鱼的人造诱饵美国传统〔manipulation〕Shrewd or devious management, especially for one's own advantage.操纵:精明的或欺骗性手段,尤指为占有个人的优势美国传统〔mechanistic〕Philosophy Of or relating to the philosophy of mechanism, especially tending to explain phenomena only by reference to physical or biological causes.【哲学】 机械论的:机械论的,有关机械论的,尤指仅通过物理学的或生物学的原因来解释现象的倾向美国传统〔midsection〕A middle section, especially the midriff of the human body.中部,中间部分:中间部分,尤指人体的上腹部美国传统〔mince〕Finely chopped food, especially mincemeat.切碎的食物:切得很碎的食物,尤指粉碎美国传统〔minimill〕A small mill or plant, especially a steel mill that uses electric furnaces to produce steel from scrap.小工厂:一个小型工厂,尤指使用电炉将废铁炼成钢的小钢铁厂美国传统〔modeling〕Visual shape and texture of something regarded aesthetically, especially the human face or form.造型:从审美的角度观察某事物的形状或质地,尤指人的脸或外形美国传统〔mugwump〕A person who acts independently or remains neutral, especially in politics.中立人物:尤指在政治上独立的或中立的人美国传统〔needlewoman〕A woman who does needlework, especially a seamstress.女裁缝,绣女:缝纫、刺绣的妇女,尤指女裁缝美国传统〔neutrophil〕A neutrophil cell, especially an abundant type of granular white blood cell that is highly destructive of microorganisms.嗜中性白细胞:嗜中性染料细胞,尤指多种吞噬微生物的白细胞美国传统〔nondeductible〕Not deductible, especially for income-tax purposes.不扣除的:不扣除的,尤指为所得税的目的而不扣除的美国传统〔organ〕An instrument or a means of communication, especially a periodical issued by a political party, business firm, or other group.喉舌,报刊:通讯的机构或形式,尤指由政党、商业、公司或其它组织定期发行的美国传统〔ototoxic〕Having a toxic effect on the structures of the ear, especially on its nerve supply.耳毒性的:对耳结构有毒害影响的,尤指对耳神经感觉美国传统〔paddleboard〕A long, narrow, floatable board used especially in surfing.浆叶式冲浪板:一种长的狭窄的可漂浮的板,尤指用来冲浪美国传统〔pendant〕Something suspended from something else, especially an ornament or a piece of jewelry attached to a necklace or bracelet.垂饰,挂件:尤指项链或手镯上的饰物或珠宝等悬挂在他物之上的小物件美国传统〔photoelectric effect〕Ejection of electrons from a substance by incident electromagnetic radiation, especially by visible light.光电效应,光电现象:由附带的电磁辐射引起的一种物质的电子散射,尤指可见光美国传统〔photoemission〕Emission of photoelectrons, especially from metallic surfaces.光电发射:光电子的放射,尤指从金属表面美国传统〔photoperiodism〕The response of an organism to changes in its photoperiod, especially as indicated by vital processes.光周期现象:生物在暴露于阳光期间对变化产生的反应,尤指通过生物过程显示出来的反应美国传统〔polder〕An area of low-lying land, especially in the Netherlands, that has been reclaimed from a body of water and is protected by dikes.圩田:填筑水体并用堤坝保护的一片地势很低的地区,尤指位于荷兰的美国传统〔preemption〕The right to purchase something before others, especially the right to purchase public land that is granted to one who has settled on that land.先买权:先于他人的购某物的权利,尤指给予公地定居者的购买该公地的权利美国传统〔prelate〕A high-ranking member of the clergy, especially a bishop.高级教士:牧师中的高级成员,尤指主教美国传统〔prisoner〕A person held in custody, captivity, or a condition of forcible restraint, especially while on trial or serving a prison sentence.犯人,囚犯:被拘留、逮捕或拘禁的人,尤指在审讯或服刑期间美国传统〔puddling〕Purification of impure metal, especially pig iron, by heating and stirring in an oxidizing atmosphere.搅炼:尤指将生铁等不纯净的金属在氧化环境中加热并搅动将其炼纯美国传统〔punka〕A fan used especially in India, made of a palm frond or strip of cloth hung from the ceiling and moved by a servant.薄葵扇:尤指在印度用的一种由棕榈叶或一块布制成的扇子,挂在天花板上并由一个仆人扇动美国传统〔recipe〕A set of directions with a list of ingredients for making or preparing something, especially food.调制器:带有原料表的有关如何制做或准备某物,尤指食品的一系列指导美国传统〔remake〕Something in remade form, especially a new version of an old movie.翻版:重新制作后的事物,尤指在电影的新版本美国传统〔renominate〕To nominate again, especially for a subsequent term.重新提名:再提名,尤指某一连续任期美国传统〔rocket〕A vehicle or device propelled by one or more rocket engines, especially such a vehicle designed to travel through space.火箭:尤指为太空飞行而设计制造的,由一个或多个火箭发动机推动的飞行器或飞行装置美国传统〔seamstress〕A woman who sews, especially one who makes her living by sewing.女裁缝:缝纫的女人,尤指以缝纫为生的女人美国传统〔sectionalize〕To divide into sections, especially into geographic sections.划分:分成区域,尤指地理上的区域美国传统〔separatist〕One who secedes or advocates separation, especially from an established church; a sectarian or separationist.分离主义者:脱离或拥护分离的人,尤指从固定的教会中分离;宗派心强的人或分离主义者美国传统〔sewing circle〕A group of people, especially women, who meet regularly for the purpose of sewing, often for charitable causes.缝纫组:一群人(尤指妇女)为缝纫目的定期集会,通常是为慈善原因美国传统〔shed〕Something that sheds, especially an elevation in the earth's surface from which water flows in two directions; a watershed.分水岭:使散开的某些东西,尤指地球表面的高地,水由该处向两个方向流动;分水岭美国传统〔ski mask〕A knitted covering for the head and face, worn especially by skiers for protection from the cold.滑雪帽:遮盖头和脸的一种织物,尤指滑雪者所戴以免寒气侵入的美国传统〔smegma〕A sebaceous secretion, especially the cheesy secretion that collects under the prepuce or around the clitoris.阴垢,包皮垢:皮脂下的暗藏物,尤指集中在包皮下或在阴蒂周围的奶酪状暗藏物美国传统〔spectacle〕A public performance or display, especially one on a large or lavish scale.公开展示,演出:尤指大型或浪费的公开表演或展示美国传统〔splutter〕To speak incoherently, as when confused or angry.结结巴巴:说话不连贯,尤指当气急败坏或受到迷糊时所为美国传统〔squire〕An English country gentleman, especially the chief landowner in a district.英国乡绅,尤指一个地区的最大的地主美国传统〔stag〕The adult male of various deer, especially the red deer.成年牡鹿,尤指赤牡鹿美国传统〔stretch〕A straight section of a racecourse or track, especially the section leading to the finish line.终点直道:跑道的笔直部份,尤指通向终点线的部分美国传统〔titman〕A runt, especially one of a litter of pigs.最小的猪仔:最小的猪仔,尤指一群猪仔中的一个美国传统〔towhead〕A sandbar or a low-lying alluvial island in a river, especially one with a stand of trees.沙洲:沙洲或河流中略高出水面的冲积岛,尤指有一片树木的美国传统〔two-dimensional〕Having only two dimensions, especially length and width.二维的:只有二维的,尤指长度和宽度美国传统〔two-wheeler〕A vehicle with two wheels, especially a bicycle.有两个轮子的车,尤指自行车美国传统〔undocumented〕A person not having proper documentation, especially for immigration.没有合适文件的人,尤指移民美国传统〔vault〕A burial chamber, especially when underground.墓穴,墓室:墓室,尤指地下的美国传统〔visiting fireman〕A visitor, especially a tourist or conventioneer, thought to be a free spender.花钱大方的旅行家:被认为是花钱大方的来客,尤指旅游者或开会的人美国传统〔voucher〕A written authorization or certificate, especially one exchangeable for cash or representing a credit against future expenditures.证书:书面的委托或证书,尤指能换为现钞的或表示为能作为将来花费信用的凭证美国传统〔water bug〕Any of various aquatic insects, especially the water boatman and certain backswimmers.水蝽:多种水生昆虫之任一种,尤指划蝽和某些仰泳蝽美国传统〔waveform〕The mathematical representation of a wave, especially a graph obtained by plotting a characteristic of the wave against time.波形:波的数学表示,尤指通过描绘波随时间变化特征而得到的图形美国传统〔wind instrument〕An instrument, such as a clarinet, trumpet, or harmonica, in which sound is produced by the movement of an enclosed column of air, especially the breath.管乐器:声音由封闭的空气柱的运动(尤指呼吸)所发出的乐器,如单簧管、小号和口琴等美国传统




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