

单词 尤指
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔BLAME〕to be blamed for something, especially unfairly 尤指不公正地受到指责朗文写作活用〔ENEMY〕someone you are fighting against, especially in a war 你在对抗的人,尤指在战争中朗文写作活用〔GET〕to succeed in getting something, especially something that is difficult to get 成功获取某物,尤指难以得到的东西朗文写作活用〔PRESS〕to push something firmly, especially with your fingers 尤指用手指按压朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕when someone causes problems, especially deliberately 有人制造麻烦,尤指故意地朗文写作活用〔Puritan〕puritan One who lives in accordance with Protestant precepts, especially one who regards pleasure or luxury as sinful. puritan 清教徒似的人:尤指那些把快乐或奢侈看作罪恶的根据新教戒律生活的人美国传统〔attention〕attentions Acts of courtesy, consideration, or gallantry, especially by a suitor. attentions 殷勤:尤指求婚者礼貌,体谅,英武的行为美国传统〔come-on〕give someone the come-on 【俚】(尤指女人)勾引某人文馨英汉〔cube〕cubes Slang Cubic inches. Used especially of an internal combustion engine. cubes 【俚语】 立方英寸:立方英寸。尤指用于内燃机美国传统〔derelict〕a derelict ship (尤指海上的)弃船英汉大词典〔dishabille〕in dishabille (尤指女人)穿著便衣文馨英汉〔drink〕have a drink 喝一杯(尤指酒)文馨英汉〔eidetic〕an eidetic image 重现形象(尤指儿童在幻觉中看到的过去事物的清晰形象)英汉大词典〔expectation〕expectations Prospects, especially of success or gain. expectations 希望,期望:期望中的事,尤指成功或收获美国传统〔fight〕a world title fight(= fighting as a sport, especially boxing) 一场世界冠军争夺战(尤指拳击)牛津高阶〔fingertip〕a sportsman to the fingertips (尤指具有公平竞赛及胜不骄败不馁精神的)地道的运动员英汉大词典〔go〕go native (尤指放下架子)入乡随俗英汉大词典〔hardhead〕pl. hardhead or hard.heads Any of several fishes having a bony head, especially the Atlantic croaker. 【复数】 hardhead 或 hard.heads 硬头鳟:尤指大西洋石首鱼等头上多骨的几种鱼中的任意一种美国传统〔inactive〕an inert mass of soil); applied to persons, it implies lethargy or sluggishness,especially of mind or spirit: 一片无活性的土壤); 用于人,意味着无生气或懒惰的,尤指在心态或精神上: 美国传统〔increase〕depression that augments with each visit to the hospital. Tomultiply is to increase in number, especially by propagation or procreation: 随着每次看病而增长的压抑之情。 multiply 指在数目上的增加, 尤指繁殖或生殖: 美国传统〔order〕go into orders 担任圣职(尤指牧师)英汉大词典〔paper〕papers A collection of letters, diaries, and other writings, especially by one person: papers 文集:书信、日记和其它作品的收集,尤指一个人的:美国传统〔pipe〕pipes Informal The vocal cords; the voice, especially as used in singing. pipes 【非正式用语】 嗓子,发声器官:声带;声音,尤指歌唱时发出的声音美国传统〔pretty〕pretties Delicate clothing, especially lingerie. pretties 漂亮的衣服,尤指女用内衣美国传统〔procedural〕procedural difficulties (尤指法院中的)程序上的困难文馨英汉〔prodigality〕the prodigality of the sea 海洋的富饶(尤指鱼产)英汉大词典〔rank〕ranks Personnel, especially enlisted military personnel. ranks 军队士兵:人员,尤指参加军事部队的成员美国传统〔remembrance〕a garden of remembrance (尤指阵亡将士的)纪念陵园 英汉大词典〔romper〕rompers A loosely fitted, one-piece garment having short bloomers that is worn especially by small children for play. rompers 连衫裤:尤指小孩穿着玩耍的一种有短灯笼裤的宽松且上下身连在一起的外衣美国传统〔round〕a round of golf 一场高尔夫球(指把球打进所有的穴尤指18个穴的全过程) 英汉大词典〔sit up〕to sit up with somebody熬夜陪着某人(尤指需要照看者)21世纪英汉〔spirit〕spirits An alcoholic beverage, especially distilled liquor. spirits 含酒精饮料,尤指非发酵的烈酒美国传统〔staff〕the staff of life 生命的支持物;(尤指)面包文馨英汉〔store〕stores Supplies, especially of food, clothing, or arms. stores 供应:供应,尤指食品、衣服或武器的供应美国传统〔taking〕takings Informal Receipts, especially of money. takings 【非正式用语】 收益,尤指金钱上的收益美国传统〔temporal〕temporal power 神职者(尤指教皇)在俗事方面的权力文馨英汉〔varsity〕the Varsity match 大学的体育比赛(尤指牛津与剑桥大学一年一度的英式橄榄球比赛) 英汉大词典〔welder〕also wel.dor [-dər] A person who welds, especially as a profession. also wel.dor [-dər] 焊接工人:尤指以焊接为职业的人美国传统〔work〕a work of art (尤指卓越的)美术品文馨英汉〔year〕years Age, especially old age: years 年龄,尤指老年:美国传统




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