

单词 布斯
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANGRY〕Robert was resentful of the fact that Forbes had been given the promotion. 罗伯特因为福布斯得到提升而恼恨不已。朗文写作活用〔Arbus〕American photographer best known for her portraits of prostitutes, transvestites, persons with physical deformities, and other unconventional subjects.亚布斯,戴尼:美国摄影师,以其拍摄的人物闻名,包括妓女、易装癖、畸形人和其它非传统主体美国传统〔Aristippus of Cyrene〕Greek philosopher who founded the Cyrenaic school, based on the pursuit of pleasure tempered by prudence to avoid discomfort.亚里斯提布斯:希腊哲学家,创立了塞勒尼学派,倡导在巧妙地避开困苦的基础上以寻求快乐为人生目的美国传统〔COUNTRY〕Krebs was granted French citizenship in 1992. 1992年,克雷布斯正式取得法国公民身份。朗文写作活用〔Count〕Count Otto Lambsdorff, leader of the Free Democratic Party.自由民主党领袖,奥托·兰布斯多夫伯爵柯林斯高阶〔DO/NOT DO〕Mrs Hobbs told me about the meeting but she omitted to tell me where it was. 霍布斯太太告诉我开会的事,可忘了告诉我地点。朗文写作活用〔EXCHANGE〕In exchange for giving evidence in court, Jacobs was granted freedom and allowed to leave the country. 雅各布斯出庭作证,条件是他得到自由,获准离开这个国家。朗文写作活用〔FINALLY〕Forbes ended up in prison for not paying his taxes. 福布斯因未付税结果进了监狱。朗文写作活用〔Isle au Haut〕An island of south-central Maine at the entrance to Penobscot Bay.霍特岛:缅因中南部一座岛屿,在佩诺布斯科特湾入口处美国传统〔LIE〕Forbes’ book on Bonham is littered with half-truths, and, in some cases, outright lies. 福布斯写的关于博纳姆的那本书里充满了失实的内容,有的纯粹是弥天大谎。朗文写作活用〔LIMIT〕Because Forbes was using his own money, he was not restricted by federal limits on campaign spending. 因为福布斯用的是他自己的钱,他的竞选开支不受联邦政府规定上限的约束。朗文写作活用〔OLD〕Jacobs collects antique fountain pens. 雅各布斯收藏古董钢笔。朗文写作活用〔PRISON〕Stubbs was an ex-convict who got a job as a security guard. 谋到了一份保安工作的斯塔布斯以前曾因犯罪入狱。朗文写作活用〔Penobscot〕A member of this people.佩诺布斯科特人美国传统〔Penobscot〕The Algonquian language of the Penobscot, a dialect of Eastern Abenaki.一种东阿贝那基方言佩诺布斯科特语(指其使用的阿尔冈昆语)美国传统〔RULE/REGULATION〕Hobbs had blatantly ignored the legal profession's code of conduct. 霍布斯公然无视法律行业的行为守则。朗文写作活用〔Somerset Island〕An island of Northwest Territories, Canada, separated from Boothia Peninsula by a narrow strait.萨默塞特岛:加拿大西北地区的一岛屿,被一条狭窄的海峡从布斯亚半岛分开美国传统〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Forbes appeared on ‘Meet the Press’ to discuss recent political developments. 福布斯在“会见新闻界”节目中出现,讨论近来的政治形势。朗文写作活用〔TURN〕Dobbs yelled back and spun around with clenched fists, ready to fight. 多布斯也大吼着回应,然后急转过身来握紧了拳头准备打斗。朗文写作活用〔WOMAN〕Does anyone know a Ms. Jacobs? There's a letter for her here. 有没有人认识一位姓雅各布斯的女士?这里有给她的一封信。朗文写作活用〔appear〕Gibbs was shot in what appears to be a gangland killing.吉布斯在一起看似黑社会谋杀的事件中遭枪击。麦克米伦高阶〔assassin〕John Wilkes Booth was the assassin of Abraham Lincoln.约翰·威尔克斯·布斯刺杀了亚伯拉罕·林肯。韦氏高阶〔biscuit〕But this time Miss Gibbs's behaviour really takes the biscuit.但这次吉布斯小姐的行为真是太离谱了。外研社新世纪〔broken〕Gibbs had an X-ray which revealed no broken bones.吉布斯拍了 X 光片,显示他没有骨折。朗文当代〔combine〕David Jacobs was given the job of combining the data from these 19 studies into one giant study.戴维•雅各布斯受命将这十九项研究所得的数据整合起来, 使之成为一项重大研究成果。外研社新世纪〔count〕Count Otto Lambsdorff, leader of the Free Democratic Party奥托•兰布斯多夫伯爵, 自由民主党领袖外研社新世纪〔dynasty〕The Habsburg dynasty ruled in Austria from 1278 to 1918.哈布斯堡君主在 1278 至 1918 年间统治奥地利。朗文当代〔face〕Mr Hibbs came in with a face like thunder.希布斯先生面带怒容走了进来。牛津搭配〔fat〕Dobbs was smoking a fat cigar.多布斯正抽着一根粗大的雪茄。朗文当代〔fault〕There are two serious faults in Hobsbawm's discussion of nationalism.霍布斯鲍姆关于民族主义的论述中有两个严重缺陷。朗文当代〔florid〕Jacobs was a stout, florid man.雅各布斯身材结实,脸色红润。柯林斯高阶〔general semantics〕A discipline developed by Alfred Korzybski that proposes to improve human behavioral responses through a more critical use of words and symbols.普通语义学:由艾弗烈·卡基布斯基提出的一原则,主张通过单词或符号的更严格用法来发展人类的行为反映美国传统〔hour〕Gibbs was arrested in the early hours of yesterday morning.吉布斯于昨天凌晨被捕。柯林斯高阶〔inspector〕Inspector Maggie Forbes 玛吉 · 福布斯巡官牛津高阶〔neglect〕George Stubbs, so long neglected as being a mere horse painter作为一名不起眼的马像画家而长期被人忽视的乔治•斯塔布斯外研社新世纪〔placid〕Dobbs stood at the entrance, placidly smoking his pipe.多布斯站在入口处,静静地抽着烟斗。朗文当代〔plank〕Mr Forbes said tax reform would be a plank of his presidential campaign.福布斯先生称税制改革将是他总统竞选的重要政纲。外研社新世纪〔slant〕Beckham slanted the ball away from Hobbs.贝克汉姆斜着带球躲过霍布斯。麦克米伦高阶〔toast〕Eleanor and I drank a toast to Miss Jacobs.我和埃莉诺向雅各布斯小姐敬酒。外研社新世纪〔toast〕Eleanor and I drank a toast to Miss Jacobs.我和埃莉诺向雅各布斯小姐敬酒。柯林斯高阶〔yank off〕Hobbs seized the end of the tarpaulin and yanked it off.霍布斯抓住防水帆布的一头, 猛地拉开。外研社新世纪He had partnered Mr Hobbs in many business deals.他在很多生意中与霍布斯先生合作过。牛津商务Steve Dobbs will deliver the keynote address at the conference.史蒂夫 • 多布斯将在会议上作主题演说。牛津商务




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