

单词 布制
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Vandyke collar〕A large collar of linen or lace having a deeply indented or scalloped edge.锯齿形饰边:一种麻布制或带花边的大领,具有深深的锯齿形或扇形的饰边美国传统〔amice〕A liturgical vestment consisting of an oblong piece of white linen worn around the neck and shoulders and partly under the alb.礼拜用僧衣披肩:教士做礼拜时围在颈部和肩部,部分套在僧袍下面的长方形布领,通常用白麻布制成美国传统〔belt〕A flexible band, as of leather or cloth, worn around the waist to support clothing, secure tools or weapons, or serve as decoration.腰带:柔韧灵活的带子,用皮革或布制造,围在腰间用以扎系衣服、稳固工具或武器,或用作装饰物美国传统〔blue jeans〕Clothes, especially pants, made of blue denim.粗蓝衣裤:用蓝色粗布制成的衣服,尤指蓝色粗布制的长裤美国传统〔brattice〕A partition, typically of wood or cloth, erected in a mine for ventilation.间壁,风障:在煤矿中竖立的用于通风的木制或布制隔板美国传统〔canopy〕A protective rooflike covering, often of canvas, mounted on a frame over a walkway or door.帆布篷:一个保护性的屋顶状遮蔽物,常用帆布制成,置于一个走廊或门的架上美国传统〔canvas〕The tent is made from a lightweight canvas.这顶帐篷是用轻质帆布制作的。外研社新世纪〔director's chair〕A light, folding armchair having a plastic, wooden, or metal frame and a back and seat usually made of canvas.导演椅,轻便扶手折椅:一种轻便扶手折椅,有塑料、木头或金属制的框架,和通常由帆布制成的座美国传统〔espadrille〕A shoe usually having a fabric upper part and a sole made of a flexible material, such as rope or rubber.平底凉鞋:这种鞋通常鞋面由布制成,鞋底由麻绳和橡胶一类的柔软物质制成美国传统〔friction tape〕A sturdy, moisture-resistant adhesive tape, usually made of cloth, used chiefly to insulate electrical conductors.绝缘胶布:一种结实、防水的胶带,常用棉布制成,主要于导体绝缘美国传统〔kaffiyeh〕A cloth headdress fastened by a band around the crown and usually worn by Arab men.头巾:通常为阿拉伯男子戴的一种布制头巾,用头箍绑牢在头顶部位美国传统〔lava-lava〕A Polynesian, especially Samoan, garment consisting of a rectangular piece of printed cotton tied loosely around the waist.萨摩亚花裙:一种由长方形印花布制成的波利尼西亚服装,尤指萨摩亚人的,松散地围于腰间美国传统〔oiler〕Informal An oilskin garment.【非正式用语】 防水油布制的服装美国传统〔oilskin〕A garment made of oilskin.油布衣服:由油布制成的衣服美国传统〔punka〕A fan used especially in India, made of a palm frond or strip of cloth hung from the ceiling and moved by a servant.薄葵扇:尤指在印度用的一种由棕榈叶或一块布制成的扇子,挂在天花板上并由一个仆人扇动美国传统〔rochet〕A white ceremonial vestment made of linen or lawn, worn by bishops and other church dignitaries.白色法衣:一种主教或其他高级神职人员穿的由亚麻布或上等细布制成的白色礼服美国传统〔sit〕The way in which an article of clothing, such as a dress or jacket, fits.合身,适合:由布制成的物品合身的方式,例如衣服或夹克美国传统〔slicker〕A long water-repellant coat usually made of oilskin.油布雨衣:一种防水外衣,通常用油布制成美国传统〔southwester〕A waterproof hat of material such as plastic, oilskin, or canvas, with a broad brim behind to protect the neck.防水帽:一种用塑料、油布或帆布制成的防水帽,其后带有宽檐用以护颈美国传统〔stole〕A woman's long scarf of cloth or fur worn about the shoulders.女用披肩:妇女披在两肩的布制或皮毛制的长披巾美国传统〔tent〕A small, cylindrical plug of lint or gauze used to keep open or probe a wound or an orifice.塞子:用软麻布或纱布制成的小的圆柱状塞子,用以撑开或探查伤口或孔洞美国传统〔thickness〕The bandage was made up of three thicknesses of gauze.这绷带是用三层纱布制成的。英汉大词典〔toga〕A loose one-piece outer garment worn in public by male citizens in ancient Rome.托加袍:古罗马男性公民在公共场合穿的宽松的由一块布制成的外衣美国传统〔trampoline〕A strong, taut sheet, usually of canvas, attached with springs to a metal frame and used for gymnastic springing and tumbling.蹦床:一张通常由帆布制的结实坚韧的床布,和弹簧一起连接在金属框架上,用于体操跳跃及翻滚美国传统〔unbleached〕Our natural range is manufactured from 100% unbleached cotton.我们的自然系列是用100%的原色纯棉布制作的。外研社新世纪〔untreated〕All the bedding is made of simple untreated cotton.所有床上用品全部用天然棉布制成。外研社新世纪〔wad〕A plug, as of cloth or paper, used to retain a powder charge in a muzzleloading gun or cannon.炮塞(弹塞):一个塞子,如用纸或布制,用于给前装式枪或炮上火药美国传统Her shoes were made of canvas.她的鞋子是帆布制成的。剑桥国际Linoleum consists of canvas that has been covered with a mixture of powdered cork and linseed oil under high pressure while being heated.合成地毡是由在加热高压条件下用粉状软木与亚麻油混合物覆盖其表面的毡布制成的。剑桥国际My clothes were made of coarse cloth. 我的衣服是用粗布制成的。译典通You'll find a drapery department in one of the big stores.在一家大商店里,你可以找到布制品部。剑桥国际




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