

单词 小丘
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Cupid〕Pictures of little cupids floating in pink clouds covered the ceiling.天花板上到处是漂浮在粉色云朵上的小丘比特像。麦克米伦高阶〔be etched somewhere〕The foothills of the Himalayas were sharply etched against the pale blue sky.在淡蓝色天空的映衬下,喜马拉雅山的山麓小丘轮廓清晰鲜明。剑桥高阶〔foothill〕A hill near the base of a mountain or mountain range.山麓小丘:靠近山基或山脉的小山美国传统〔height〕An eminence, such as a hill or mountain.高地,高处:高处,如小丘或山脉美国传统〔hillock〕A small hill.小丘美国传统〔hill〕A small heap, pile, or mound.一堆,一叠,小丘美国传统〔hummock〕A low mound or ridge of earth; a knoll.小丘:低土丘或圆岗;小丘美国传统〔knob〕A prominent rounded hill or mountain.圆形小丘,山:突出的圆形丘陵或山岳美国传统〔knoll〕A small rounded hill or mound; a hillock.圆丘,土墩:圆形的小山或土墩;小丘美国传统〔monticule〕A minor cone of a volcano.火山小丘美国传统〔mound〕The castle was built on top of a natural grassy mound.这座城堡建在一个天然的绿草如茵的小丘上。牛津高阶〔pustule〕A small inflamed elevation of the skin that is filled with pus; a pimple.小脓疮:皮肤上充满脓液的小的发炎了的隆肿;小丘疹美国传统〔roche moutonnée〕An elongate mound of bedrock worn smooth and rounded by glacial abrasion.羊背石:一种由于冰川的磨损而变得平滑且呈圆形的由基岩构成的细长小丘美国传统〔toft〕A hillock.小丘美国传统〔tumulose〕Having many mounds or small hills.布满小丘陵的或土岗的美国传统There is a restaurant that sells specialty foods on top of the knoll. 在圆顶小丘的顶上,有一间贩卖特殊食物的餐厅。译典通




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