

单词 尊重的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕To be good leaders, managers must create a climate of mutual trust and respect. 要成为好的领导,做经理的必须营造出相互信任和相互尊重的氛围。朗文写作活用〔ace-high〕The manager has an ace-high reputation.那位经理有备受尊重的声望。文馨英汉〔admiration〕An object of wonder and esteem; a marvel.赞赏目标,羡慕对象:引起惊奇及尊重的东西;奇异的事美国传统〔blighter〕A fellow, especially one held in low esteem.下流坯:尤指不受尊重的家伙美国传统〔body〕The RSPCA is a respected body working for animal welfare.皇家防止虐待动物协会是一个致力于维护动物福利的受人尊重的团体。剑桥高阶〔considered〕He is a highly considered scientist.他是一位很受尊重的科学家。文馨英汉〔disgrace〕These nouns denote the condition of being held in low regard.这些名词都指一种不受尊重的状态。美国传统〔disrespectable〕Unworthy of respect.不值得尊敬的,不值得尊重的美国传统〔figure〕Where an individual is a public figure, he is entitled to have his privacy respected.即使公众人物也享有个人隐私受到尊重的权利。外研社新世纪〔found〕Their marriage was founded on love and mutual respect.他们的婚姻建立在爱情和互相尊重的基础上。牛津高阶〔greatly〕He was a greatly respected member of staff.他是一名十分受尊重的员工。外研社新世纪〔highly〕She is one of the most highly respected journalists in the country.她是该国最受尊重的记者之一。韦氏高阶〔impecunious〕He came from a respectable if impecunious family.他来自一个贫穷但受人尊重的家庭。朗文当代〔importance〕The teacher lectured the students on the importance of mutual respect.老师告诫学生互相尊重的重要性。韦氏高阶〔insolent〕Audaciously rude or disrespectful; impertinent.无礼的:鲁莽的或不尊重的;不礼貌的美国传统〔jewel〕One that is treasured or esteemed.被珍惜或尊重的人美国传统〔living〕Their religion is based on a respect for all living things.他们的宗教信仰是建立在对一切生物的尊重的基础上的。麦克米伦高阶〔moon〕Slang To expose one's buttocks in public as a prank or disrespectful gesture.【俚语】 露出屁股以戏弄:在公共场合暴露自己的屁股,作为一种恶作剧或不尊重的表示美国传统〔mutually〕He enjoyed a mutually respectful relationship with us.他和我们保有相互尊重的关系。文馨英汉〔mutual〕The relationship was one of mutual respect.这是一种相互尊重的关系。外研社新世纪〔regardful〕Showing deference; respectful.尊重的;尊敬的美国传统〔respectability〕The quality, state, or characteristic of being respectable.受尊重的品格、地位或特性美国传统〔respectable〕Meriting respect or esteem; worthy.可敬的:值得尊敬或尊重的;可敬的美国传统〔reverence〕The state of being revered.受尊敬:被尊重的状态美国传统〔reverend〕Deserving reverence.值得尊重的美国传统〔reverential〕Expressing reverence; reverent.恭敬的,虔敬的:表达尊重的;感到尊重的美国传统〔reverential〕Inspiring reverence.使人尊重的美国传统〔reverent〕Marked by, feeling, or expressing reverence.恭敬的,虔敬的:以尊重而显著的,感到或表达尊重的美国传统〔sane〕It was a sane decision and one we all respected.这是一个明智的决定,也是我们都尊重的决定。剑桥高阶〔valued〕He's a valued friend.他是一位被尊重的朋友。文馨英汉It was a sane decision and one we all respected.这是一个明智的决定,一个我们全都尊重的决定。剑桥国际Not for a moment did she raise the question of the worthiness of the man she loved. 她一刻也没有怀疑过她所爱的人是值得尊重的。译典通The RSPCA is a respected body working for animal welfare.皇家防止虐待动物协会是一个受人尊重的为动物的福利而工作的团体。剑桥国际The generous donations were a measure of the high esteem in which they were held.慷慨的捐款是衡量他们所受到的高度尊重的一个尺度。剑桥国际The programme takes an irreverent look at the medical profession.这个节目以不尊重的态度看待医生职业。剑桥国际




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