

单词 工厂
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕The local people's claims for compensation from the chemical factory have so far been ignored. 当地居民要求化工厂作出赔偿,但至今仍没有得到受理。朗文写作活用〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕Clara worked in a factory and sang in clubs at weekends - but even then you could tell that she was destined to become a star. 克拉拉在一家工厂上班,周末去俱乐部唱歌—即使在那时你都能预言她肯定会成为明星的。朗文写作活用〔DESTROY〕The factory was almost completely destroyed by fire. 这家工厂几乎被大火彻底烧毁了。朗文写作活用〔DISTURB〕The closing of the plant threatens to upset the local economy. 这家工厂的关闭可能会拖累当地经济。朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕If the factory closes down, 600 people will lose their jobs. 工厂一旦关闭,600名员工将失去饭碗。朗文写作活用〔FLOW〕From here, factory waste flows straight into the sea. 工厂排放的污水从这儿直接流入大海。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕In Victorian times, factory owners were often also philanthropists. 在维多利亚时代,工厂主常常也是慈善家。朗文写作活用〔IN/INSIDE〕In November the directors wrote an internal memorandum suggesting that the company should close down three of its factories. 在11月份,董事们写了一份内部备忘录,建议公司关闭三家工厂。朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕Union leaders have promised to leave no stone unturned in their search for a way to keep the factory open. 工会领导人承诺要想方设法让这家工厂运作下去。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕The visitors were conducted around the factory by senior managers. 来宾在高级经理的带领下参观了工厂。朗文写作活用〔above〕For the above reasons, the management has no choice but to close the factory.基于上述原因,资方别无选择,只好关闭工厂。朗文当代〔agitate〕The women who worked in these mills had begun to agitate for better conditions.在这些工厂里做工的妇女们开始抗议要求改善工作条件。柯林斯高阶〔barge〕The FBI barged through the gates, demanding to search the plant for evidence.联邦调查人员冲过几道大门, 要求在工厂内搜寻证据。外研社新世纪〔benefit〕The new factory will bring considerable benefits to the area.新工厂将为该地区带来相当大的好处。牛津搭配〔billow〕Thick plumes of smoke billowed from factory chimneys.工厂烟囱冒出滚滚浓烟。外研社新世纪〔black〕It's been another black day for the car industry with more job losses announced.汽车工业又经历了一个黑暗的日子,许多工厂宣布进一步裁员。朗文当代〔bomb〕The rebels bombed the munition factory.反叛分子用炸弹炸毁兵工厂。21世纪英汉〔close down〕The factory closed down in the 1980s.这家工厂在20世纪80年代倒闭了。韦氏高阶〔close〕A strike has shut the factory.罢工使工厂停业。牛津高阶〔coil〕The steel arrives at the factory in coils.钢材被成卷地运到工厂。柯林斯高阶〔cold〕I tracked the boy as far as the factory, but there his trail went cold.我追踪那名男孩一直到工厂,但他已踪影全无。朗文当代〔convert〕The factory converted to newer machinery.这家工厂更新了机器设备。韦氏高阶〔damage〕The closure of the factory will cause severe damage to the local economy.关闭这家工厂将严重影响当地的经济。朗文当代〔danger〕The pollution from the factory is a public danger.这家工厂造成的污染危及公众。牛津搭配〔declare〕Angry residents have declared war on the owners of the factory.气愤的居民已经向工厂主宣战。朗文当代〔desalinate〕The company is building a plant that will desalinate seawater.公司正在修建一个海水淡化工厂。韦氏高阶〔devastating〕It will be a devastating blow for the town if the factory closes.如果工厂关闭,对该镇来说将是沉重的打击。朗文当代〔divert from〕The treasurer diverted funds from the factory's treasury.那个出纳员盗用了工厂的库存资金。21世纪英汉〔effluent〕The effluent from the factory was dumped into the river.那家工厂的废水被排入河中。柯林斯高阶〔employment〕The new factory should provide employment for hundreds of workers.新工厂应能为数百名工人提供就业岗位。韦氏高阶〔engulf〕Several workers died in the landslide that engulfed the old factory.好几个工人死于吞没旧工厂的塌方中。麦克米伦高阶〔exempt〕Electronics factories that employ three shifts around the clock are exempted.采取三班倒的电子产品工厂可豁免。外研社新世纪〔exhaust〕Does the chemical factory exhaust into the river? 化工厂的废液是排入这条河的吗?英汉大词典〔factory ship〕An ocean vessel equipped to process fish or other marine animals, especially as seafood.工厂渔船:一种装设有处理鱼类或是其它海产动物例如海鲜的远洋渔船美国传统〔fall〕Factory production has fallen off.工厂生产已经减少了。韦氏高阶〔flatten〕Most of the factory was flattened by the explosion.工厂的大部份被爆炸夷为平地。牛津高阶〔gear up〕The factory was geared up to make 1,100 cars a day.工厂已经可以日产1,100辆车。柯林斯高阶〔glass〕The factory makes safety glass.这家工厂生产安全玻璃。牛津搭配〔go from strength to strength〕The firm's gone from strength to strength since the new factory was built.自从新工厂建成后,公司就蒸蒸日上。剑桥高阶〔go up〕A new factory is going up at the site of the old airport.在旧机场的位置正在兴建一座新工厂。剑桥高阶〔hastily〕The factory was hastily built.这工厂是仓促建成的。英汉大词典〔hold up〕Mills have iron pillars all over the place holding up the roof.工厂里四处都立有铁柱支撑着房顶。柯林斯高阶〔incorporate〕The factory incorporates with others.这家工厂与别家合并了。21世纪英汉〔industry〕She got a job in industry.她找了份工厂里的工作。牛津高阶〔is rumored to be〕It was rumored that the factory was going to move overseas, but that turned out to be false.有传言说那家工厂准备搬迁海外,但结果证明没这回事儿。韦氏高阶〔launch into〕The factory launched into a large-scale project last year.去年,工厂开始了一个大型计划。21世纪英汉〔learn〕It has been learned that 500 jobs are to be lost at the factory.据悉工厂将要裁减 500 个工作岗位。牛津高阶〔legislation〕Under current legislation, factories must keep noise to a minimum.依照目前的法律,工厂必须把噪音控制在最低限度。麦克米伦高阶〔lumberjack〕One who fells trees and transports the timber to a mill; a logger.木商的雇工:砍伐树木以及将木材送给工厂的人;伐木工美国传统〔make〕The amount produced, especially the output of a factory.生产量:生产的数量,特别是一座工厂的产量美国传统〔military-industrial complex〕The aggregate of a nation's armed forces and the industries that supply their equipment, materials, and armaments.军队军工厂混和型基地:一个国家的军队及供给设备、原物料及军备的混和型基地美国传统〔monotonously〕It's monotonous work, like most factory jobs.与工厂大部分工作一样,这份工作也很单调乏味。柯林斯高阶〔night shift〕A group of employees working during the night in a factory or business.夜班工人:工厂或商行里在夜间工作的一组雇员美国传统〔open shop〕A business or factory in which workers are employed without regard to union membership.自由雇佣企业:工会不干预雇佣工人的公司或工厂美国传统〔openness〕They are planning to open a factory in Eastern Europe.他们计划在东欧开办一家工厂。柯林斯高阶〔operative〕A skilled worker, especially in industry.熟练工人:熟练工人,尤指工厂技工美国传统〔plume〕No smoke plumed out of the factory's great chimneys.没有烟雾从工厂的大烟囱里飘出来。朗文当代〔poison〕The factory poisoned the air with its fumes.那家工厂排放的有毒烟尘污染了空气。韦氏高阶〔produce〕The factory produces an incredible 100 cars per hour.那家工厂一小时生产 100 辆汽车,令人难以置信。朗文当代〔redundancy〕Over 500 workers face redundancy if the factory closes.如果工厂倒闭,500多名工人会被解雇。麦克米伦高阶〔revamp〕They are planning a major revamp of their factories.他们正计划对他们下属的各家工厂作一次重大的改组。英汉大词典〔set apart〕What sets it apart from hundreds of similar small French towns is the huge factory.与其他数百个法国小镇不同的是它拥有巨大的工厂。柯林斯高阶〔show〕She was busy showing some important guests over the factory.她正忙着带一些重要客人参观工厂。麦克米伦高阶〔shut down〕That year my grandfather had to shut down the factory.那年, 我祖父无奈关闭了工厂。外研社新世纪〔speak〕Factory workers have finally spoken up for better working conditions.工厂的工人们终于为争取更好的工作条件而大声疾呼了。麦克米伦高阶〔spurious〕Some of the arguments in favour of shutting the factory are questionable and others downright spurious.赞成关闭工厂的那些论据,有些值得质疑,另一些则明显站不住脚。剑桥高阶〔stake〕He staked a large sum in his friend's new factory.他在朋友新办的工厂里投入了一大笔钱。英汉大词典〔strikebound〕The factory has been strikebound since August.那家工厂自 8 月以来因罢工而一直停工。英汉大词典〔tooling〕The process of providing a factory with machinery in preparation for production.工具安装:为进行生产而为工厂提供机器的过程美国传统〔trigger〕The trigger for the strike was the closure of yet another factory.触发这次罢工的是再有一家工厂关闭。牛津高阶〔trolley〕A small truck or car operating on a track and used in a mine, quarry, or factory for conveying materials.小矿车,小贷车:在轨道上运行的小型卡车,且用在矿场、码差别或工厂运送物品材料美国传统〔tumble〕Morale at the plant tumbled.那工厂的风气急剧衰败。英汉大词典〔tyranny〕Factory employment brought the tyranny of the clock.工厂的工作有严苛的时间规定。外研社新世纪〔unacceptable〕Noise from the factory has reached an unacceptable level.工厂的噪声达到了难以容忍的地步。牛津高阶〔uneconomic〕They closed the factory, saying it was uneconomic.他们关闭了工厂,说它不赚钱。剑桥高阶〔wage〕She earns a good wage at the factory.她在工厂里挣的工资挺高。牛津搭配〔waste〕Abill was introduced to clean up toxic wastes from local factories.已经提出了一项清除当地工厂排放的有毒废料的议案。麦克米伦高阶〔whereupon〕His factory was shut down, whereupon he returned to his hometown.他的工厂关闭了,于是他回到故乡去。文馨英汉〔within〕Within the space of a year, three of the town's factories have closed down.一年之内,镇上已有三家工厂关闭。朗文当代〔yet〕He got a call from the factory, telling of yet more problems.他接到工厂打来的电话,说是又出现了一些问题。朗文当代〔zero in on〕The plane zeroed in on the arms factory and distroyed it with one bomb.飞机瞄准了军工厂,一个炸弹把它炸毁了。21世纪英汉A Japanese car company plans to reimport minivans made at a plant in Canada.一家日本汽车公司计划再进口在加拿大工厂生产的小型面包车。牛津商务A factory explosion in northern Italy in 1976 polluted the town of Seveso with dioxin. [U] 1976 年意大利北部的一次工厂爆炸给塞维索镇造成二氧杂芑污染。剑桥国际After the fire the factory was completely burnt-out / just a burnt-out shell (= the inside had been destroyed by fire).火灾后,工厂内部被完全烧毁了。剑桥国际Current demographic projections/trends suggest that there will be fewer school-leavers coming into the workforce in ten years’time.当前的人口状况/发展倾向意味着10年后离校生进工厂的将会更少。剑桥国际Half these factories are lying/standing idle.一半的工厂在停工。剑桥国际He could see grimy roofs, factory chimneys and church spires. 他可以看到肮脏的屋顶、工厂的烟囱和教堂的尖顶。译典通If the factory closes it will make the town an industrial wasteland--to avoid an apocalypse of this kind we must attract new industry.如果这家工厂倒闭,这座城市将变为工业的荒原----为了避免这种大灾变,我们必须吸引新的工业。剑桥国际Repairs have already begun and we expect the factory to be fully operational (= working correctly and completely) again within six months.整修工作已经开始,我们期望这家工厂在六个月内将再一次完全运转起来。剑桥国际Some factories in this locality still discharge waste water into the river. 这一地区有些工厂仍把废水排入河中。译典通The company is hoping to avoid plant closures and lay-offs.公司希望避免工厂倒闭和裁员。牛津商务The factory has a high turnover of staff.这家工厂的人员变动很频繁。牛津商务The factory has closed its doors for the last time.工厂永久关闭了。牛津商务The factory in Wales was closed down as an economy measure (= to save money).为节约开支,威尔士的这家工厂被关闭。牛津商务The factory is in a northern suburb of Paris.这家工厂位于巴黎北郊。牛津商务The interview was carried out in front of a factory to give voters the subliminal message that the Prime Minister was a man of the people.在工厂门前举行会见以使选民在无形中感到首相和平民心连心。剑桥国际The local community will be harmed if the factory does close down.如果工厂关闭的话,当地社区将会受到损害。剑桥国际The number of factories has been cut from 13 to 6.工厂的数目已从 13 家减少到 6 家。牛津商务The political storm raging over the factory closures looks set to continue.关闭工厂引起的政治风暴看来一定会继续下去。剑桥国际We have been forced to shut several factories.我们被迫关闭了几家工厂。牛津商务




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