

单词 工作面
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TELEPHONE〕One phone call to London got her a job interview. 她给伦敦打了一个电话就得到了一次工作面试机会。朗文写作活用〔bank〕The bank is twenty feet deep and contains different varieties of ore.工作面深20英尺, 含有不同种类的矿石。外研社新世纪〔bite〕A secure grip or hold applied by a tool or machine upon a working surface.固定器:在工作面上使用工具或机器的夹紧或固定装置美国传统〔bite〕The part of a tool or machine that presses against and maintains a firm hold on a working surface.固定点,卡紧:工具或机器上紧压工作面保持固定的部分美国传统〔breast〕The face of a mine or tunnel.工作面:煤矿或地道的工作面美国传统〔cave in〕The roof of the working face caved in suddenly, several miners were trapped.工作面的顶板突然塌落,数名矿工被困在工作面内。21世纪英汉〔coalface〕For nine years he worked underground at the coalface.他在地下的采煤工作面干了9年。外研社新世纪〔embarrassingly〕He was embarrassingly unprepared for the job interview.他对这次工作面试准备极不充分,弄得自己极为难堪。韦氏高阶〔fixed〕They are not able to get a job interview because they have no fixed address.因为居无定所,他们无法得到工作面试的机会。柯林斯高阶〔gender〕The job is open to all applicants regardless of age, race, or gender.这份工作面向所有申请者,年龄、种族和性别不限。麦克米伦高阶〔harden〕In this job you have to harden your heart to pain and suffering.做这项工作面对伤痛和病患时你得保持沉着冷静。牛津高阶〔interview〕We interviewed ten people for the job.我们为这份工作面试了十人。牛津高阶〔nerve-racking〕The job interview was a nerve-racking experience.工作面试是让人伤脑筋的经历。韦氏高阶〔nervous〕She is/feels nervous about her job interview.她对自己的工作面试感到焦虑不安。韦氏高阶〔part〕You need to look the part when you go to a job interview.参加工作面试时你的外表要得体。外研社新世纪〔portfolio〕She's trying to build up a portfolio of work to show during job interviews.她正想整理出自己的代表作以便找工作面试时展示一下。剑桥高阶〔rake〕The angle between the cutting edge of a tool and a plane perpendicular to the working surface to which the tool is applied.倾角:某工具的切边和与使用这个工具的工作面垂直的飞机之间的角度美国传统〔retail〕The job is open to applicants with over two years' experience in retail.这份工作面向有两年以上零售经验的求职者。剑桥高阶〔rework〕This old coal face is to be reworked next week.这个旧的采煤工作面下周将重新开采。21世纪英汉〔stope〕An excavation in the form of steps made by the mining of ore from steeply inclined or vertical veins.回采工作面:从陡峭的或垂直的矿脉中开采矿石而造出的阶梯形坑道美国传统〔stope〕To remove (ore) from or mine by means of a stope.用梯段法开采:在回采工作面开采或转移(矿石)美国传统〔suicidal〕It would be suicidal to say that in a job interview.在工作面试的时候说那些话就是自断前程。剑桥高阶〔suit〕He wore his gray suit to the job interview.他身穿灰色西装前去工作面试。韦氏高阶I was very nervous about the job interview, but it turned out to be a pushover.我因工作面试而心中忐忑不安,结果这却是件很容易的事。剑桥国际In job interviews, the successful candidates tend to be the smooth talkers who know exactly how to make the right impression.在工作面试中,成功的应聘者是那些能说会道、清楚懂得如何留下良好印象的人。剑桥国际She's setting a lot of store by this job interview--I only hope she gets it.她很重视这次工作面试----我只希望她会成功。剑桥国际We interviewed ten people for the job.我们为这个工作面试了十人。牛津商务




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