

单词 常用
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abridge〕abridge a dictionary by omitting rare/uncommon words 删掉词典里不常用的单词韦氏高阶〔bachelor〕a confirmed bachelor(= a person who does not intend to marry; often used in newspapers to refer to a homosexual man) 信守独身主义的单身汉(报章上常用来指同性恋男子)牛津高阶〔bitter〕bitters A bitter, usually alcoholic liquid made with herbs or roots and used in cocktails or as a tonic. bitters 苦酒:常用于鸡尾酒或作为补酒由草药或根做成的苦味酒美国传统〔burn〕char is most often to reduce a substance to carbon or charcoal by means of fire: char 最常用于以火烧的方式来产生煤或木炭的替代品: 美国传统〔common-or-garden〕a common-or-garden variety of nail 常用的一种钉子英汉大词典〔commonly〕a commonly used industrial chemical 一种常用的工业化学品朗文当代〔commonly〕a medicine commonly used to treat the flu 通常用于治疗流感的药韦氏高阶〔commonly〕the method most commonly used by researchers 研究人员最常用的方法麦克米伦高阶〔confirmed〕a confirmed bachelor(= a man who is not likely to get married, often used in newspapers to refer to a homosexual man) 抱定独身主义的男子(报章常用以指同性恋者)牛津高阶〔conventional〕a conventional method 一般常用的方法英汉大词典〔conventional〕conventional symbols; a conventional form of address. 常用的象征;称呼的惯用形式美国传统〔cop〕writing lyrics that might have been copped from a rock'n'roll phrase book写出可能是从摇滚乐常用语手册中剽窃过来的歌词外研社新世纪〔cut-and-dried〕cut-and-dried dialogue. 日常用语美国传统〔everyday〕a small dictionary for everyday use 常用小词典牛津高阶〔ha-ha〕ha-ha Slang An instance of amusement. Often used in the plural: ha-ha 【俚语】 有趣的事情,常用复数形式:美国传统〔half〕two kilos and a half 二公斤半(此种说法比two and a half kilos常用)文馨英汉〔inactive〕an inactive brokerage account. 不常用的佣金帐户美国传统〔infrequently〕a word that is infrequently used 不常用的词语韦氏高阶〔lip〕trendy words on the lips of talk show hosts 脱口秀主持人常用的时髦词汇韦氏高阶〔long-ago〕long-ago and far away 很久以前且在很远很远的地方 (讲故事时常用的开场白)英汉大词典〔mold〕a movie in the classic/traditional/familiar mold of a Hollywood thriller 好莱坞经典/传统/常用模式的恐怖片韦氏高阶〔object〕an everyday object such as a spoon 调羹之类的日常用品朗文当代〔prescribe〕a drug commonly prescribed to treat rashes 通常用于治疗皮疹的药韦氏高阶〔range〕offering merchandise ranging from the everyday to the esoteric. 供应从日常用品到专业用具等各种商品柯林斯高阶〔regulation〕decorate a room with the regulation decorations for a Christmas party 用圣诞节宴会常用的装饰品装饰房间英汉大词典〔science〕a list of terms commonly used in science 常用科学术语表韦氏高阶〔short〕shorts Clippings or trimmings that remain as byproducts in various manufacturing processes, often used to make an inferior variety of the product. shorts 废料:各种加工过程作为副产品而存留的存留物或剪屑,经常用于制造该产品的低级品美国传统〔stock〕a stock example 常用的例子英汉大词典〔stock〕a stock phrase/response 常用的字眼/老一套的回答剑桥高阶〔twist〕the usual twists of oratory 演讲术中的常用手法英汉大词典〔uncertain〕a lady of uncertain age (常用作幽默语) 无法猜出其年纪的妇女 (多指中年妇女)英汉大词典〔usage〕a guide to common English usage 常用英语用法指南剑桥高阶〔usage〕technical terms that are now in common usage 现在常用的专业术语麦克米伦高阶〔usual〕the usual method for preparing chili 做辣味肉豆的常用方法韦氏高阶〔utilize〕an oil commonly utilized in aromatherapy 芳香疗法中常用的一种油牛津搭配〔vernacular〕phrases that occur in the common vernacular 出现在一般日常用语中的短语韦氏高阶〔vocabulary〕your active vocabulary(= the words that you use) 你的常用词汇牛津高阶〔word〕a word that is often misused 经常用错的词牛津搭配〔word〕one of the most common words in the English language 英语中最常用的单词之一牛津搭配an inactive bank account 不常用的银行账户牛津商务




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