

单词 开始考虑
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGE〕A lot of women in their late twenties start thinking about having a family. 许多女性快到30的时候就开始考虑要组织家庭。朗文写作活用〔DETAIL〕You've got to get down to the nitty-gritty: how the stage will look, what the lighting will be like, and who designs the costumes. 你得开始考虑最基本的细节:舞台如何布置、灯光怎么打,以及谁负责设计服装。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕We began to consider the possibility of moving to Japan permanently. 我们开始考虑搬到日本定居的可能性。朗文写作活用〔WORKING〕With so much money in grants, we need to start thinking now about the projects we want to bring on-stream. 有那么多拨款,我们现在需要开始考虑想实施的计划。朗文写作活用〔breeding〕The mild weather has started them thinking about nesting and breeding.温暖的天气已让它们开始考虑筑巢和繁殖。外研社新世纪〔close〕As the summer grew closer, we started to think about leaving.随着夏天的临近,我们开始考虑要离开了。麦克米伦高阶〔enter〕After discussing the budget deficit, they entered on the problem of raising taxes.讨论过预算赤字之后,他们开始考虑增税问题了美国传统〔exact〕I hadn't really thought about it until this exact moment.直到这时我才真正开始考虑它。柯林斯高阶〔pack it in〕I ought to begin to think of packing it in as a journalist.我应该开始考虑结束记者生活了。21世纪英汉〔pack〕I ought to begin to think of packing it in as an actor.我应当开始考虑结束演员生涯了。英汉大词典〔pore〕He began to pore upon religious problems.他开始考虑宗教问题。21世纪英汉〔scope out〕This week she started scoping out apartments in New York.这一周她开始考虑纽约的公寓。外研社新世纪〔start〕It's time to start thinking about next year.该开始考虑明年的事情了。牛津搭配〔think of〕His friends predict he will begin to think of retirement when he is 91.他的朋友们预言他在91岁的时候会开始考虑退休。外研社新世纪〔think〕We must start thinking in terms of reducing costs.我们必须开始考虑缩减开支了。朗文当代〔turn to〕After discussing the annual report, the board turned to the problem of recruitment.讨论完年度报告, 董事会开始考虑人员招聘的问题。外研社新世纪〔turn〕Unable to leave my seat, I turned off the boring speaker and thought about vacation.不能离开我的座位,我对那个令人厌烦的讲演者置之不理,开始考虑假期美国传统〔turn〕We turned our attention to the practical matters relating to forming a company.我们开始考虑有关成立公司的具体事宜。柯林斯高阶〔unthinkable〕The time has come to think the unthinkable(= consider possibilities that used to be unacceptable).现在该开始考虑以前不予考虑的事情了。牛津高阶As soon as the trip was over, they started to turn their minds to (= to consider) where they would go next year.旅行一结束, 他们就开始考虑下一年该去哪儿。剑桥国际My introduction to smoking came at an age when most people start to think about giving up.我在大多数人开始考虑戒烟的年龄开始吸烟。剑桥国际We turned our attention to (= started to consider) next year's budget.我们开始考虑下一年度的预算。剑桥国际




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