

单词 开始注意
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTENTION〕The organization began to take note of its public image. 这个组织开始注意起它的公众形象了。朗文写作活用〔ATTENTION〕There is a lot of criticism of the new law and a number of politicians are beginning to take notice. 这项新制定的法律招致了许多批评,一些政治家已经开始注意到了。朗文写作活用〔OBVIOUS〕It was around this time that I started to notice subtle changes in Clive's character. 大约这个时候起我开始注意到克莱夫的性格有了细微的变化。朗文写作活用〔attention〕It's come to my attention that the boy stutters.我已开始注意到这个男孩说话口吃。英汉大词典〔clean up〕He's cleaned up his image since his early rock music days.从早期摇滚乐生涯起,他便开始注意改善自己的形象了。韦氏高阶〔imperfection〕Gradually she began to notice one or two little imperfections in his character.渐渐地,她开始注意到他性格上的一两个小缺点。剑桥高阶〔note〕People were beginning to take note of her talents as a writer.人们开始注意到她的写作才能。朗文当代〔note〕She has been extremely successful in her own country, and now the rest of the world is beginning to take note.她已经在本国取得巨大成功,现在世界其他国家已开始注意到她。韦氏高阶〔peculiarity〕I began to notice certain peculiarities about our host.我开始注意到主人的一些古怪之处。外研社新世纪〔register〕Slowly, my mind began to register where I was: in the hospital.慢慢地,我开始注意到我待的地方竟是一家医院。牛津搭配〔starve〕People starved of sleep start to lose their concentration and may hallucinate.睡眠严重不足的人开始注意力不集中,而且可能会产生幻觉。剑桥高阶After living with him for a year, she began to notice one or two little imperfections in his character.和他一起生活了一年之后,她开始注意到他性格上的一两个小缺点。剑桥国际




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