

单词 尘埃
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MOST〕The surface of Mercury seems to consist largely of dust. 水星的表面似乎大部分由尘埃构成。朗文写作活用〔ROUND〕Comets are balls of ice and dirt that circle the sun. 彗星是冰和尘埃组成的球体,围绕太阳而行。朗文写作活用〔SURFACE〕The moon's surface is covered with rocks and dust. 月球表面全是岩石和尘埃。朗文写作活用〔allergen〕One of the major allergens causing asthma is house dust.引起哮喘的主要变应原之一是室内尘埃。英汉大词典〔atomize〕To reduce to tiny particles or a fine spray.使雾化,使成微粒,使成粉末:使成为极小颗粒或微小尘埃美国传统〔atomy〕A tiny particle; a mote.微粒,尘埃:很小的颗粒;细屑美国传统〔belch forth〕The volcano belched forth fire, smoke and ashes.火山喷出火、烟和尘埃。21世纪英汉〔belch〕A volcano belches forth smoke and ashes.火山喷出烟和尘埃。21世纪英汉〔divorce〕Their divorce became final this weekend.他们离婚一事在这周末尘埃落定。柯林斯高阶〔divorce〕Their divorce became final this weekend.他们离婚一事这周末尘埃落定。外研社新世纪〔dust particles〕You can see the dust particles floating through the air.你可以看见空气中飘浮的尘埃颗粒。韦氏高阶〔dust〕A car sped past in a cloud of dust .一辆汽车在一片尘埃里疾速驶过。朗文当代〔dust〕I waited for the dust to settle from her resignation before talking to her about it. () 我等到关于她辞职的消息尘埃落定之后才跟她谈论此事。牛津搭配〔dust〕The dust cleared and Hari could see a tiger.尘埃散尽后哈里看见了一只老虎。牛津搭配〔dust〕The dust has cleared.事情已尘埃落定。英汉大词典〔dust〕We can not clearly foresee the outcome until the dust settles.在尘埃落定之前我们无法清楚地预见结果。英汉大词典〔dust〕When the dust settles, nobody is left in any doubt.尘埃落定时, 大家都再无任何疑虑。外研社新世纪〔eddy〕Motes eddied in the sunbeams.尘埃在光柱中飞舞。英汉大词典〔eddy〕The dust whirled and eddied in the sunlight.尘埃在阳光下飞舞打转。外研社新世纪〔evaporate〕As the new stars evolve and emit more heat and light, they will evaporate the dust.随着新恒星逐步形成并散发出更多的光和热, 尘埃将因此消散。外研社新世纪〔fallout〕They were exposed to radioactive fallout during nuclear weapons tests.在核武器试验中他们暴露在放射性尘埃之下。柯林斯高阶〔filter〕Devices in the two chimneys would filter (out) (= remove) radioactive dust.两个烟囱里的装置可以滤除放射性尘埃。剑桥高阶〔fireball〕A highly luminous, intensely hot spherical cloud of dust, gas, and vapor generated by a nuclear explosion.火球:由核爆炸产生的高亮度的、剧热的球状尘埃、气体或蒸汽美国传统〔gauze〕A mist or haze.薄雾:尘埃或雾气美国传统〔haze〕Atmospheric moisture, dust, smoke, and vapor that diminishes visibility.雾气:造成能见度降低的大气潮气、尘埃、烟雾以及水汽美国传统〔hubbub〕Once the hubbub of the election had died down, it was back to normal for the president.一旦选举之事尘埃落定,对于总统来说一切就恢复正常了。剑桥高阶〔interstellar〕Others believe that interstellar dust might have obscured the sight.其他人则认为, 可能是星际尘埃模糊了视线。外研社新世纪〔kick up〕The passing car kicked up clouds of dust.开过去的那辆车扬起滚滚尘埃。21世纪英汉〔kick〕The wind kicked up a cloud of dust.风扬起了一团尘埃。 英汉大词典〔luminescence〕Lights reflected off dust-covered walls creating a ghostly luminescence.灯光从布满尘埃的墙壁上反射出来, 发出幽暗的光。外研社新世纪〔meteoroid〕A solid body, moving in space, that is smaller than an asteroid and at least as large as a speck of dust.流星体:活动在空间的固体天体,比小行星小,至少与尘埃一样大美国传统〔micrometeoroid〕A very small, often dust-sized meteoroid.微流星体:很小的,尘埃大小的流星体美国传统〔modifier〕According to the circumstances, the weather modifiers may use salt crystals, dry ice or plain dirt.改造天气的人们可根据情况分别使用晶盐、干冰或普通的尘埃。英汉大词典〔mushroom〕The cloud of radioactive ash mushroomed from the atomic bomb.原子弹爆炸时放射性尘埃形成的云呈蘑菇状升腾英汉大词典〔penetrate〕He strained his eyes to penetrate beyond the thick cloud of dust.他竭力想透过密集的尘埃团看清那边的东西。英汉大词典〔penetrate〕These fine particles penetrate deep into the lungs.这些微小的尘埃可深深地吸入肺部。牛津高阶〔powdery〕The frescoes are powdery.壁画上布满尘埃。英汉大词典〔primordial〕The planet Jupiter contains large amounts of the primordial gas and dust out of which the solar system was formed.木星含有大量的原始气体和尘埃,太阳系就是由这些气体和尘埃形成的。剑桥高阶〔relief〕Workers in very dusty areas are given extra wages for nutritional relief.在多尘埃地区工作的工人被给予附加工资作为营养补助。英汉大词典〔settle〕A shower will settle the dust quickly.一场阵雨会很快使尘埃沉降。英汉大词典〔sore〕His eyes got sore from the dust of the prairie roads.他的眼睛因受草原道路上尘埃的影响而疼痛发炎。英汉大词典〔spew〕The volcano spewed a giant cloud of ash, dust, and gases into the air.火山向空中喷出大量的烟灰、尘埃和气体。剑桥高阶〔tail〕The long luminous stream of gas and dust forced from the head of a comet when it is close to the sun.彗尾:一颗彗星距太阳最近时从其头部吹向尾部的长长的发光气体和尘埃流美国传统〔throw up〕If it had hit the Earth, it would have made a crater 100 miles across and thrown up an immense cloud of dust.如果它当时击中地球,就会砸出一个直径 100 英里的大坑并激起巨大的尘埃云团。柯林斯高阶〔trail〕She trailed her skirt through the dust.她拖着长裙走过满是尘埃的地面。英汉大词典〔vacuum cleaner〕An electrical appliance that cleans surfaces by suction.真空吸尘器:用于吸净表面尘埃的电子设备美国传统〔wake〕The car left a wake of dust.车后扬起一股尘埃。英汉大词典According to received wisdom, exposure to such low levels of radioactive fall-out is harmless.根据常识,暴露于这么少量的放射性尘埃是无害的。剑桥国际Devices in the two chimneys would filter (out) radioactive dust from smoke released into the air.两个烟囱里的装置可以滤除释放到空气中的烟雾中的放射性尘埃。剑桥国际Experts say that the number of cancer deaths caused by the fallout from weapons testing could rise to 2.4 million over the next few centuries.专家们说由武器试验引起的核尘埃造成的癌症死亡人数可能在近几个世纪里增至两百四十万。剑桥国际Fallout from the Chernobyl accident caused contamination thousands of kilometres away from the site of the explosion.切尔诺贝利核电站事故产生的核尘埃造成离爆炸地点上千公里的地方受到沾染。剑桥国际He strained his eyes to penetrate beyond the thick cloud of dust. 他竭力想透过尘埃看清那边的东西。译典通No speck of dirt had ever sullied his hands.他的手从未被一粒尘埃弄脏过。剑桥国际Other allergens are house dust, spores of fungi, and animal hairs.其他变应原有室内尘埃、真菌孢子和动物毛发。剑桥国际Radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl disaster contaminated the reindeer feeding grounds in northern Scandinavia.从切尔诺贝利灾祸中泄漏出的放射性尘埃污染了北斯堪的纳维亚驯鹿的觅食地。剑桥国际The accident at the power station caused the release of radioactivity into the atmosphere.发电站的事故引起放射性尘埃扩散进入大气。剑桥国际The nuclear fallout shelters are built below ground.防核尘埃辐射掩体建在地下。剑桥国际The planet Jupiter contains large amounts of the primordial gas and dust out of which the solar system was formed.木星含大量的原始气体和尘埃,太阳系即由它们演变而来。剑桥国际




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