

单词 尘埃
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔clean〕a clean nuclear bomb. 无放射性尘埃的原子弹美国传统〔cosmic〕cosmic dust/radiation 宇宙尘埃/辐射剑桥高阶〔dust〕when the dust settles 尘埃落定之时 英汉大词典〔fallout shelter〕a fallout shelter [=a shelter built underground to protect people from radioactive fallout] 防辐射性尘埃掩体韦氏高阶〔gas〕a huge cloud of gas and dust from the volcanic eruption. 火山喷发形成的混杂着气体和尘埃的巨大云团柯林斯高阶〔gas〕a huge cloud of gas and dust from the volcanic eruption由火山喷发形成、混杂着尘埃的巨大气团外研社新世纪〔grain〕a grain of sand (dust, salt, sugar) 一粒沙(尘埃,盐,砂糖) 英汉大词典〔interstellar〕interstellar space/gas/dust 星际空间/气体/尘埃韦氏高阶〔lay〕lay the clouds of dust with a spray of water 喷水使尘埃不再成团飞扬英汉大词典〔particle〕dust particles 尘埃朗文当代〔particle〕dust particles 尘埃牛津高阶〔particle〕dust particles 尘埃麦克米伦高阶〔particle〕particles of dust 尘埃英汉大词典〔shroud〕a shroud of dust hanging over the city 高悬在城市上空的一片尘埃英汉大词典〔speck〕specks of dust 尘埃牛津高阶




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