

单词 尊严
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Epicurean〕the Epicurean doctrine prizing suicide as a dignified exit from life将自杀视为有尊严的离世方式的伊壁鸠鲁学说外研社新世纪〔admiration〕a dignity that compels admiration 让人不得不钦佩的尊严牛津搭配〔affirmation〕affirmation of human dignity 对人的尊严的确认英汉大词典〔affront〕affront human dignity 对人类尊严表示轻蔑英汉大词典〔aloof〕stood apart with aloof dignity. 带着超然的尊严站在一旁美国传统〔degrade〕a defeat that humiliated both army and nation. See also Synonyms at demote 一次丧失了军队和国家尊严的失败 参见同义词 demote美国传统〔degrade〕the notion that pornography degrades women. 认为色情作品有辱女性尊严的观念柯林斯高阶〔degrading〕pictures that are degrading to women 有辱女性尊严的图片牛津搭配〔demeaning〕policies demeaning to women 有损女性尊严的政策朗文当代〔detraction〕a detraction from the dignity of the legislature 对立法机构尊严的减损文馨英汉〔dignified〕a dignified person/manner/voice 有尊严的人;庄重的举止;庄严的声音牛津高阶〔dignity〕maintain one's dignity even in great adversity 即使身处逆境也始终不失尊严英汉大词典〔dignity〕the importance of human dignity 个人尊严的重要性牛津搭配〔gay pride〕a gay pride parade 同性恋者尊严运动的集会剑桥高阶〔infra dig〕dignitātem [accusative of] dignitās [dignity] dignitātem dignitās的宾格 [身份,尊严] 美国传统〔inviolate〕maintain inviolate one's pride and dignity 保持自尊和尊严英汉大词典〔national〕national pride (dignity, self-loathing) 民族自豪(尊严,自卑) 英汉大词典〔of〕robbed of one's dignity; cured of distemper. 剥夺了尊严;治愈了犬瘟热美国传统〔personhood〕make attempts to assert one's pride and personhood 努力维护自己的尊严和人格英汉大词典〔protection〕protection of human freedom, honour and dignity对人身自由、荣誉和尊严的保护外研社新世纪〔proud〕proud poverty 不失尊严的清贫英汉大词典〔queenly〕queenly dignity 女王般的尊严韦氏高阶〔refinement〕a girl who possessed both dignity and refinement. 既有尊严又有教养的女孩柯林斯高阶〔regard〕a proper regard for human dignity 对人的尊严应有的关注牛津搭配〔regard〕pay no regard at all for (或 to) the human dignities of people 丝毫不顾人们作为人的尊严英汉大词典〔salvage〕the salvage of one's dignity 尊严的挽回英汉大词典〔sanctity〕the sanctity of the Constitution 宪法的无上尊严朗文当代〔self-respect〕a sense of dignity and self- respect 尊严感和自尊感韦氏高阶〔smidgen〕a smidgen of dignity 一丝尊严韦氏高阶〔strike〕strike an attitude of dignity 装出一副尊严的样子英汉大词典〔undignified〕an undignified pose 有损尊严的姿态 英汉大词典〔undignified〕an undignified rush to be first.冲去占最前位置的举动有损尊严。牛津同义词〔undignified〕feel it to be undignified to accept a tip 感到收小费有损尊严英汉大词典〔wear〕wear one's dignity 表现出尊严英汉大词典〔with〕with dignity有尊严地外研社新世纪〔wound〕a wound to one's dignity [pride, reputation] 对尊严[自尊心、名誉]的伤害文馨英汉




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