

单词 将近
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ALMOST〕almost a number, time, or amount 将近某个数字、时间或数量朗文写作活用〔about〕about five (o'clock) 将近五点钟文馨英汉〔about〕about the end of July 将近七月底文馨英汉〔almost〕almost a month将近一个月之久外研社新世纪〔along〕along about six o'clock 将近六点文馨英汉〔award〕this year's average pay award for teachers of just under 8%. 今年教师平均加薪幅度将近8%柯林斯高阶〔award〕this year's average pay award for teachers of just under 8%今年教师平均加薪幅度将近8%外研社新世纪〔decrease〕a decrease of nearly 6% in the number of visitors to the museum 参观博物馆人数下降将近 6%牛津高阶〔end〕draw to an end 将近结束英汉大词典〔exile〕after nearly six years of exile. 在将近6年的流亡生活之后柯林斯高阶〔ground〕a theory that has held its ground for nearly six decades坚持将近60年不变的理论外研社新世纪〔just〕just on ninety years ago 将近90年前英汉大词典〔late〕a girl in her late teens 将近20岁的女孩麦克米伦高阶〔nearness〕the later years when our strength begins to fail us and we become aware of the nearness of death我们开始感到力不从心、意识到死之将近的晚年岁月外研社新世纪〔near〕a near 50 percent share 将近50%的份额英汉大词典〔near〕a time near midnight 将近半夜时分 英汉大词典〔proof〕that footballers can still play at the highest level into their late thirties. 足球运动员将近四十岁还可以发挥最高水平,他就是活证明。朗文当代〔record〕historical records going back almost 80 years 将近 80 年以前的历史记载朗文当代〔scant〕a scant cup of sugar.See Synonyms at meager 将近一茶杯的糖 参见 meager美国传统〔thousand〕a journey of almost a thousand miles 将近一千英里的旅程朗文当代〔towards〕towards the end of April 将近四月底牛津高阶〔toward〕towards daybreak将近拂晓21世纪英汉〔toward〕towards midnight将近午夜21世纪英汉〔well-nigh〕for well-nigh a quarter of a century 将近四分之一世纪英汉大词典〔well〕a man well over fifty [well into his fifties, well on in his fifties] 五十好几岁(将近六十岁)的人文馨英汉




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