

单词 年轻女士
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Fräulein〕fräulein Used as a form of polite address for a girl or young woman in a German-speaking area. fräulein 年轻女士:在说德语的地区用于对女孩或年轻女子的一种礼貌的称呼方式美国传统〔accomplished〕an accomplished young lady 社交手腕出色的年轻女士英汉大词典〔correct〕a correct young lady 举止得体的年轻女士牛津高阶〔correct〕a very correct young lady 举止很得体的年轻女士英汉大词典〔demurely〕a demurely dressed young woman 穿着端庄的年轻女士韦氏高阶〔demure〕a demure young lady 娴静的年轻女士牛津高阶〔deportment〕lessons for young ladies in deportment and etiquette 年轻女士的礼仪课牛津高阶〔emancipate〕an emancipated young woman(= one with modern ideas about women's place in society) 一位思想解放的年轻女士牛津高阶〔evening dress〕a dignified young lady in evening dress一位穿着晚礼服的高贵的年轻女士外研社新世纪〔fashionable〕a fashionably dressed young woman 穿着入时的年轻女士麦克米伦高阶〔lively〕an intelligent and lively young woman 聪慧而充满活力的年轻女士牛津高阶〔self-confident〕a self-confident young woman一位自信的年轻女士外研社新世纪〔turn〕elegantly turned-out young ladies 衣着雅致的年轻女士朗文当代〔well-bred〕a well-bred young lady 有教养的年轻女士麦克米伦高阶〔well-spoken〕a well-spoken young woman 谈吐文雅的年轻女士韦氏高阶〔wellborn〕wellborn young ladies 出身名门的年轻女士们韦氏高阶




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