

单词 年纪轻轻
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIE〕Dolly was an energetic woman who was suddenly cut off in her prime by scarlet fever. 多莉是个精力充沛的女子,却因患了猩红热而年纪轻轻就去世了。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕It was an unequal relationship. He was rich, powerful and experienced -- I was very young and naive. 那是种不平等的关系。他有钱有势,阅历丰富—而我则年纪轻轻,天真幼稚。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕I married young - it was a mistake. 我年纪轻轻就结了婚—这是个错误。朗文写作活用〔abandoned〕He led a reckless and abandoned life and died young.他生活狂放不羁,年纪轻轻就离开了人世。韦氏高阶〔breadth〕He showed an astonishing breadth of learning for one so young.他年纪轻轻就显示出宽广的知识面,很令人吃惊。剑桥高阶〔burn〕It's a high-pressure job and you could burn out young.这是份压力很大的工作,年纪轻轻就会耗尽体力。朗文当代〔count against〕He is highly regarded, but his youth might count against him.人们对他的评价很高,但他年纪轻轻这一点也许会对他不利。柯林斯高阶〔crime〕It's a crime that he died young.他年纪轻轻就去世真是一件令人遗憾的事。英汉大词典〔die〕She died young.她年纪轻轻就死了。牛津高阶〔die〕They both died young.他们两个年纪轻轻就去世了。韦氏高阶〔distinguish〕He distinguished himself as a writer at a very early age.他年纪轻轻就成为一名出类拔萃的作家。剑桥高阶〔hang up〕He's one of these men who went bald very young and has a terrible hang-up about it.年纪轻轻就开始脱发,为此他十分烦恼。剑桥高阶〔hope〕She arrived in London, young and full of hope.她来到了伦敦,年纪轻轻,满怀希望。麦克米伦高阶〔isolate〕Presley's phenomenal early success isolated him from his friends.普雷斯利年纪轻轻就成就非凡,这使他在朋友中陷入孤立。朗文当代〔king〕He became king at a young age.他年纪轻轻就成为一国之君。韦氏高阶〔mule〕Don't be a young mule! 年纪轻轻的别那么固执!英汉大词典〔perception〕She has extraordinary powers of perception for one so young.她年纪轻轻就有着非凡的洞察力。剑桥高阶〔precociously〕At a young age, he had precociously mastered more than a dozen instruments.他很早慧, 年纪轻轻就已精通十多种乐器。外研社新世纪〔precocious〕From an early age sh e displayed a precocious talent for music.她年纪轻轻就表现出不凡的音乐天赋。牛津高阶〔ripe〕She was put in charge at the ripe old age of twenty-nine.她年纪轻轻,二十九岁就当上了主管。朗文当代〔should〕It's so unfair that she should have died so young.她年纪轻轻就去世了,真是不公平。剑桥高阶〔snuff it〕He snuffed it at a young age.他年纪轻轻的就去世了。韦氏高阶〔together〕He's incredibly together for someone so young.他这个人年纪轻轻,办事如此稳当,真是了不起。牛津高阶〔tough〕You have to be tough with these young thugs.对这些年纪轻轻的暴徒态度一定要强硬。牛津搭配〔uncontrollable〕Uncontrollable children grow into young criminals.无法无天的孩子长大了, 年纪轻轻就犯罪。外研社新世纪〔upstart〕Many prefer a familiar authority figure to a young upstart.很多人都更愿意跟自己熟悉的权威人物打交道, 而不喜欢一个年纪轻轻却傲慢无礼的家伙。外研社新世纪〔upstart〕Many prefer a familiar authority figure to a young upstart.很多人都更愿意跟自己熟悉的权威人物打交道,而不是一个年纪轻轻却自命不凡的家伙。柯林斯高阶He made financial provision for his wife if he should die young.他怕自己万一年纪轻轻就死了,就为他的妻子做好了经济上的保障。剑桥国际She died tragically young.她年纪轻轻就不幸死了。剑桥国际




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