

单词 庄严
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔aspect〕a man solemn in aspect 神态庄严的人英汉大词典〔august〕an august institution 庄严的机构朗文当代〔august〕the august surroundings of the Liberal Club. 自由党俱乐部的庄严环境柯林斯高阶〔august〕the august surroundings of the Liberal Club自由党俱乐部庄严的环境外研社新世纪〔courtly〕courtly furniture and pictures. 庄严的家具和肖像美国传统〔deference〕in deference to the gravity of the occasion考虑到这一场合的庄严肃穆外研社新世纪〔defy〕front death with dignity. 庄严地面对死亡 美国传统〔dignified〕a dignified ceremony 庄严的仪式麦克米伦高阶〔dignified〕a dignified ceremony.庄严的仪式。牛津同义词〔dignified〕a dignified person/manner/voice 有尊严的人;庄重的举止;庄严的声音牛津高阶〔dignified〕these ancient and dignified Italian towns 这些庄严的意大利古城麦克米伦高阶〔dignity〕the dignity of the occasion场合的庄严外研社新世纪〔elemental〕elemental grandeur 雄伟庄严英汉大词典〔elevated〕an elevated tone 庄严的语气英汉大词典〔grand〕a grand coronation ceremony; 庄严的加冕典礼;美国传统〔grand〕a speech delivered in the grand style of the great orators. 著名演说家风格庄严的演讲美国传统〔grave〕a grave procession.See Synonyms at serious 庄严行进的队伍 参见 serious美国传统〔gravity〕the gravity of a state occasion.隆重礼仪场合的庄严气氛。牛津同义词〔gravity〕the gravity of the ceremony 仪式的庄严肃穆英汉大词典〔g〕guru , from Sanskrit guru- , heavy, venerable. guru , 源自 梵语 guru- , 沉重的, 庄严的. 美国传统〔hustle〕a dignified tranquillity amid all the hustle忙碌喧嚣中庄严的宁静外研社新世纪〔lordly〕a lordly and dignified man 高贵庄严的男子韦氏高阶〔majesty〕the majesty of the music 那音乐的庄严气氛牛津高阶〔majesty〕the sheer majesty of St Peter's in Rome 罗马圣彼得大教堂的雄伟庄严牛津高阶〔oath〕under a solemn oath of secrecy 在庄严的保密宣誓的约束下英汉大词典〔present〕presenting a calm and dignified face to the world at large向全世界展示出一副冷静庄严的面孔外研社新世纪〔rolling〕a solemn rolling of a church organ 教堂里管风琴庄严低沉的乐声英汉大词典〔sacred〕a sacred trust 庄严的托付英汉大词典〔solemnified〕to solemnify an occasion with rhymes and prayers以赞美诗和祈祷使盛会庄严隆重21世纪英汉〔solemnity〕the solemnity of a funeral service 葬礼仪式的庄严肃穆剑桥高阶〔solemnity〕the solemnity of a great religious occasion 重大宗教场合的庄严肃穆朗文当代〔solemnity〕the solemnity of the occasion 场面的庄严韦氏高阶〔solemnization〕to solemnize an occasion with prayer以祈祷使盛会变得庄严21世纪英汉〔solemn〕a solemn oath/undertaking/vow, etc. 庄严的誓言、郑重的承诺、严肃的誓约等牛津高阶〔solemn〕a solemn occasion.庄严的场面。牛津同义词〔solemn〕a solemn occasion/moment 庄严的场合/时刻韦氏高阶〔solemn〕a solemn religious ceremony/procession 庄严的宗教仪式/列队行进韦氏高阶〔stately〕the stately progress of the procession 游行队伍缓慢而庄严的行进朗文当代〔venerable〕a venerable monument 神圣庄严的纪念碑英汉大词典〔vow〕a solemn vow.庄严的誓约。牛津同义词




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