

单词 很兴奋
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXCITED/EXCITING〕Men with long hair really turn me on. 留长发的男人会让我很兴奋。朗文写作活用〔EXCITED/EXCITING〕Some of those Internet chat rooms can get you pretty excited. 那种互联网上的聊天室有些会让你变得很兴奋。朗文写作活用〔EXCITED/EXCITING〕When we get home, the dogs are always excited to see us. 我们回到家,狗儿见到我们总是很兴奋。朗文写作活用〔FOOD〕Children will be thrilled to find such simple fare as macaroni and cheese on the menu. 孩子们在菜单上看到像意大利通心面和干酪这样简单的食品会很兴奋的。朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕You should go for a visit - my parents would be thrilled. 你应该去探望一下—我父母会很兴奋的。朗文写作活用〔anticipation〕Taylor was excited and full of anticipation at the prospect of the trip.泰勒很兴奋,对这次旅行满怀期待。朗文当代〔chatter〕The children chattered to each other excitedly about the next day's events.孩子们很兴奋,没完没了地谈论着第二天的活动。牛津高阶〔clamour〕Children clamored excitedly.孩子们吵吵嚷嚷,很兴奋。朗文当代〔colour〕You could tell she was excited by the heightened colour in her cheeks.从她绯红的面颊可以看出她很兴奋。牛津搭配〔excited〕Are you getting excited about your holiday? 要去度假了你是不是很兴奋啊?剑桥高阶〔excited〕I'm so excited that we're going to New York.我们要去纽约了,对此我很兴奋。朗文当代〔excited〕I'm very excited to be here.来到这儿我很兴奋。外研社新世纪〔excited〕Michelle sounded excited to hear from him.米歇尔对收到他的信好像很兴奋。朗文当代〔excited〕The children were very excited.孩子们很兴奋。外研社新世纪〔excited〕The kids seem pretty excited about the holidays.孩子们因为假期显得很兴奋。牛津搭配〔excited〕We were excited about going to America.我们很兴奋要去美国了。外研社新世纪〔excited〕We're all excited by the prospect of a party.想到要举行一场聚会,我们都很兴奋。朗文当代〔excitement〕My visits always brought great excitement to my family.我每次回家都让家人很兴奋。牛津搭配〔excitement〕There is real excitement about the future.对于将来, 人们真的很兴奋。外研社新世纪〔high〕Her spirits were high with the hope of seeing Nick in minutes rather than hours.她很兴奋, 因为再过几分钟而不是几小时就有希望见到尼克了。外研社新世纪〔high〕Her spirits were high with the hope of seeing Nick in minutes rather than hours.她很兴奋,因为再过几分钟而不是几小时后就有希望见到尼克了。柯林斯高阶〔hype sb up〕I always feel hyped up before an exam.我在考试之前总是很兴奋。剑桥高阶〔hyper〕I get hyper if I drink too much coffee.我如果喝了太多咖啡就会变得很兴奋。麦克米伦高阶〔jaded〕Flying is exciting the first time you do it, but you soon become jaded.第一次坐飞机你会很兴奋,但很快你就会厌倦的。剑桥高阶〔keyed up〕Travis was keyed up at the thought of seeing Rosie again.想到又要见到罗茜,特拉维斯很兴奋。朗文当代〔mixed feelings〕I had mixed feelings about leaving home. I was excited but at the same time, I knew I would miss my family.对于离开家我的感情很矛盾。很兴奋,但与此同时,我知道我会想家。剑桥高阶〔monotony〕Her younger students were excited to break from the monotony of the teacher's voice and get involved.她那些年幼的学生都很兴奋, 因为他们自己也能参与进来, 而不再是单听老师以单调的声音宣讲。外研社新世纪〔must〕You must be thrilled about the new baby.有了小宝宝,你肯定很兴奋吧。韦氏高阶〔night owl〕A person who habitually stays up and is active late into the night.夜间工作者,熬夜者:习惯于熬夜且直到深夜仍很兴奋的人美国传统〔office〕The whole office was excited.办公室的所有人员都很兴奋。外研社新世纪〔pumped〕Everyone was so pumped before the game.比赛之前每个人都很兴奋。剑桥高阶〔pump〕The lively debate really pumped us up.活跃的辩论着实使我们很兴奋美国传统〔stand〕I'm not too thrilled with the way things stand (=the state that the situation is in) at the moment.我对目前的情况感觉不是很兴奋。朗文当代〔state〕Mum and Dad were in a right state when I got in.我被录取后,爸爸妈妈很兴奋。朗文当代〔take〕I felt quite excited as the plane took off from Heathrow.当飞机从希思罗机场起飞时,我感到很兴奋。朗文当代〔the blogosphere〕The blogosphere has been very excited about the story.这个故事令博客圈很兴奋。剑桥高阶〔thrill〕Circus performers still thrill audiences today.时至今日,马戏表演依然使观众很兴奋。韦氏高阶〔twitter〕She's been all of a twitter since her daughter's engagement.自从女儿订婚以来,她一直很兴奋。朗文当代〔wired〕No more caffeine for me, I'm pretty wired.不能再要咖啡因了,我已经很兴奋了。韦氏高阶At first the classes were excited by this exercise, but as time went on they became bored.开始时,各班学生对这种练习很兴奋,但时间久了之后,他们就厌倦了。剑桥国际During their market research, they found that many people described eating the ice-cream as an orgasmic experience.他们在市场调查中发现许多人认为吃这种冰淇淋是一件令人很兴奋的事。剑桥国际Flying is exciting the first time you do it but you soon become jaded.第一次驾驶飞机时你会很兴奋,但你马上就会厌倦的。剑桥国际He felt a thrill when he got into the theater. 他一进剧院就很兴奋。译典通He warmed up when I told him the good news. 我把好消息告诉他时,他很兴奋。译典通She emerged from the sea cold but exhilarated.她从海水里出来,虽然冷但很兴奋。剑桥国际She was excited to learn the news. 她听到这消息很兴奋。译典通The children have been carrying on all day, and have completely worn me out.孩子们一整天都很兴奋,这使得我精疲力竭。剑桥国际They must have been having an interesting conversation --they both looked very animated.他们肯定进行了一番饶有风趣的谈话----他们俩看上去都很兴奋。剑桥国际They were both exhilarated by the motorbike ride.骑摩托车使他们俩都很兴奋。剑桥国际




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