

单词 工作上
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔AMBITIOUS〕determined to be successful in your life or job 决心要在生活或工作上取得成就朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕to be successful in your work 在工作上成功朗文写作活用〔ahead〕get/keep/stay ahead Getting ahead at work is the most important thing to her at the moment. 目前,对她来说在工作上获得成功是最重要的。朗文当代〔anxiety〕job anxieties 工作上的烦恼剑桥高阶〔bestow〕bestow more time to work and less to daydreaming 多花点时间在工作上而少花点时间胡思乱想英汉大词典〔dent〕at least made a dent in the work. 至少在这项工作上取得了一点儿进步美国传统〔expend〕expend much time (care) on one's work 把很多时间(心思)花在工作上英汉大词典〔fiddle〕fiddled away the morning with unnecessary tasks. 一早上的时间都浪费在不必要的工作上了美国传统〔get〕get credit for one's work 工作上获得好评英汉大词典〔heart〕have one's heart in one's work 一心扑在工作上 英汉大词典〔loiter〕loiter over a job. 在一项工作上浪费时间美国传统〔man-hour〕spend a total of 8500 man-hours on the job 在那项工作上共花去8500工时英汉大词典〔preoccupied〕preoccupied in her work.她全神贯注在工作上。牛津同义词〔professional〕professional contacts 工作上的熟人朗文当代〔refer〕refer him to his duties. 叫他把注意力放到工作上美国传统〔sink〕to sink one's efforts into the business把精力放在工作上21世纪英汉〔soldier〕to soldier on the job在工作上磨洋工21世纪英汉〔supporter〕a supporter of someone in a job or in a contest.某人工作上或比赛中的助手。牛津同义词〔utilize〕utilize one's abilities in a suitable job 在合适的工作上发挥才能英汉大词典〔vocational〕vocational counseling. 工作上的建议美国传统〔working〕a working relationship 工作上的关系英汉大词典




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