

单词 工会代表
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔JOB〕I'm here in my capacity as Union Representative. 我以工会代表的身份出席。朗文写作活用〔MEET〕The board of directors is meeting with representatives of the union tomorrow. 明天董事会要和工会代表会晤。朗文写作活用〔New Labour〕Union representatives are planning to challenge New Labour policy at the party conference.工会代表打算在党内大会上对新工党的政策提出异议。剑桥高阶〔agency shop〕An establishment in which a union represents all employees regardless of union membership but requires that nonmembers pay union dues or fees.工会代理制企业:一种由工会代表所有雇员而不管会员资格的机构,但要求非工会会员向工会缴费美国传统〔huddle〕Union representatives are huddling to discuss the proposal.工会代表正私下开会讨论这一提议。韦氏高阶〔meet〕Management will meet with union representatives next week.资方下周将与工会代表会面。牛津搭配〔pointofview〕A union representative was present to put the farmers' point of view.一名工会代表到场表达了农民的看法。牛津搭配〔representation〕There has been a decline in union representation in the auto industry.汽车行业中工会代表减少了。朗文当代〔representative〕Management are obliged to consult with union representatives about changes to conditions.资方有义务就变更条件征求工会代表的意见 。牛津搭配〔represent〕The union represents over 200 000 teachers.工会代表着 20 余万名教师的利益。牛津高阶〔shapeup〕An assembled group of dock workers from which the day's work crew is chosen by a representative of the union.码头临时工:一种码头工人的集合群体,每天的工作人员由工会代表选择美国传统〔shop steward〕A union member elected to represent coworkers in dealings with management.工会管事:一个被选出在与雇主打交道时代表其它工人的工会代表美国传统〔sing〕Union representatives are all singing from the same hymn sheet on the issue of pay.工会代表在工资问题上全都是一个调子。朗文当代〔spotlight〕The economy will come under the spotlight today at the conference of the Trades Union Congress.经济将会成为今天工会代表大会会议上的焦点。柯林斯高阶〔task〕The task of the union representative is to fight on behalf of the members.工会代表的任务就是为工会成员争取利益。朗文当代〔union〕The union represents 40% of all hospital workers.该工会代表着 40% 的医院员工的利益。牛津搭配〔unorganized〕Not represented by a labor union.未被一个工会代表的美国传统〔walking delegate〕A trade union official appointed to inspect and confer with local unions or to serve as a representative of a union in dealings with an employer.工会代表:被指定视查并与地方工会交换意见或在与雇主交涉时作为工会代表的工会公务员美国传统The CEO spoke to union representatives in a closed meeting.行政总裁在一次非公开会议上对工会代表讲话。牛津商务The union representative agreed to act as arbiter between the employee and her manager.工会代表同意担任这位员工和她的经理之间的仲裁人。牛津商务Union reps said the proposals were unacceptable.工会代表说这些建议不能接受。牛津商务




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