

单词 庭审
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALL/EVERYTHING〕Nearly all news organizations have refused to broadcast the victim's name during the trial. 庭审期间,几乎所有的新闻机构都拒绝报道受害人的姓名。朗文写作活用〔COURT/TRIAL〕Last year 2,047 cases were heard in the Hillbrow small claims court. 去年,希尔布劳的小额索赔法庭审理了2,047宗案件。朗文写作活用〔COURT/TRIAL〕The case won't come to trial until next summer. 这个案子要到明年夏天才提交法庭审理。朗文写作活用〔DISAPPEAR〕By the time of the trial, the tape had mysteriously disappeared. 到庭审时,这盘磁带已神秘消失了。朗文写作活用〔DISHONEST〕A crooked civil servant sold hundreds of British passports on the black market, a court heard yesterday. 昨天的庭审中揭露出一个行为不端的公务员在黑市上卖出数百本英国护照。朗文写作活用〔END〕At the conclusion of the trial, the jury returned with a verdict of guilty. 在庭审的最后阶段,陪审团宣告了一个有罪的判决。朗文写作活用〔FIND OUT〕During the court case it emerged that both men had convictions for terrorist offences. 法庭审判过程中披露了两名男子都犯过恐怖主义罪。朗文写作活用〔HAPPEN〕You can sit along the back wall of the courtroom to watch the proceedings. 你可以坐在法庭靠后墙的地方旁听庭审过程。朗文写作活用〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕The hundreds of reporters gathered outside the courtroom were a reminder that this was no ordinary trial. 庭外聚集了许多记者,提醒人们这不是一场普通的庭审。朗文写作活用〔THERE/NOT THERE〕Those present at the trial said that the accused looked cheerful. 出席庭审的人说被告看上去挺高兴的。朗文写作活用〔THREATEN〕He's being kept in jail until the trial so that he can't intimidate any of the witnesses. 开庭审讯前他会被一直关在监狱里,这样他就无法恐吓证人了。朗文写作活用〔acquittal〕Of the three cases that went to trial, two ended in acquittals.付诸庭审的三个案子中,有两个最终作出无罪判决。剑桥高阶〔act〕She'll be acting as her own attorney during the court trial.庭审时她将充当自己的辩护律师。韦氏高阶〔adjudge〕The boy's case was adjudged in the juvenile court.那男孩的案件由少年法庭审判。21世纪英汉〔anguish〕His anguish at the outcome of the court case was very clear.得知案子的庭审结果,他痛苦欲绝,这是显而易见的。剑桥高阶〔ask〕If Daniel asks what happened in court we will tell him.如果丹尼尔问起庭审情况,我们会告诉他。柯林斯高阶〔attacker〕She was able to identify her attacker, and he was later brought to trial.她辨认出了袭击她的人,那个男人后来被送交法庭审判。韦氏高阶〔batter〕The court heard that he had battered his wife to death.法庭审理了他将妻子毒打至死的案件。麦克米伦高阶〔before〕The case is now before the court.这个案子现在已交庭审理美国传统〔behaviour〕They argued that the presence of TV cameras at the trial influenced the behavior of attorneys, witnesses, and jurors.他们争辩说,庭审过程中摆着电视摄像机影响律师、证人和陪审员的表现。朗文当代〔bring〕He was brought before the court and found guilty.他被送交法庭审判,并被裁定有罪。牛津高阶〔broadcast〕CNN's live broadcast of the trial (=sent out at the same time as the events are happening) 美国有线电视新闻网对这场庭审的现场直播朗文当代〔case〕That's the way it seemed until a recent case came up in court.看起来情况就是这样, 直到最近一起诉讼案在法庭审理。外研社新世纪〔case〕The case will go before the European Court next month.这个案子将于下月在欧洲法庭审理。剑桥高阶〔circuit〕The case will be heard by a court in the Third Circuit.这个案件将由第三巡回审判区的法庭审理。韦氏高阶〔closed〕Cases of this type are tried in a closed military court.这类案子一般在不公开的军事法庭审判。麦克米伦高阶〔come up〕He is one of the reservists who will plead not guilty when their cases come up.案件开庭审理的时候,这些预备役军人不会认罪,他就是其中一个。柯林斯高阶〔come up〕He will plead not guilty when his case comes up.案件开庭审理时, 他将作无罪抗辩。外研社新世纪〔come〕His case comes up next week.他的案子下周开庭审理。麦克米伦高阶〔come〕The case comes before the court next week.这案件在下周提交给法庭审理。牛津高阶〔come〕The case will come before the courts next month.这案子下个月提交法庭审判。朗文当代〔come〕Your case comes up next week.你的案件下周开庭审理。朗文当代〔concerning〕All cases concerning children are dealt with in a special children's court.所有涉及儿童的案件均由儿童特别法庭审理。牛津高阶〔continue〕He denies 18 charges. The trial continues today.他否认了18项指控。今天重新开始庭审。外研社新世纪〔court martial〕He was arrested, tried by court martial, and shot.他遭到逮捕, 经军事法庭审判后被枪决。外研社新世纪〔court-martial〕Navy commanders recommended that he be tried by court-martial.海军指挥官建议把他送交军事法庭审判。朗文当代〔courtmartial〕The general ordered an immediate court martial.将军命令立即进行军事法庭审判。牛津搭配〔courtroom〕A room in which the proceedings of a court are held.法庭,审判室:法庭审判程序进行的房间美国传统〔court〕Once a lawsuit is filed, a court date is set.一旦提起诉讼,就会确定庭审日期。牛津搭配〔court〕The case is now before the court.这个案子现已提交法庭审理。牛津搭配〔court〕The courts ruled that the company are entitled to make a fair profit.庭审判定该公司有权赚取合理的利润。麦克米伦高阶〔creaky〕The whole court system is becoming more creaky and inefficient.整个庭审制度变得老朽过时,没有效率。麦克米伦高阶〔criminal〕The case will be tried in a criminal court .这个案子将在刑事法庭审理。朗文当代〔delay〕After a series of lengthy delays, the case finally came to court.在多次长时间的延期后,这个案子终于开庭审理了。牛津搭配〔determine〕The date of the court case has not yet been determined.庭审日期尚未确定。朗文当代〔drumhead court-martial〕A court-martial held for the summary trial of an offense committed during military operations.战地军法审判:对军事行动中的犯罪行为进行审判的军事法庭审判美国传统〔evidence〕The documents may be used in evidence at the trial.这些文件可以在庭审时用作证据。朗文当代〔feel〕Preparing for that first trial felt like learning the rules of a new game.为第一次庭审作准备时感觉就像在学一种新游戏的规则。柯林斯高阶〔for〕The lawyer acted for him during the trial.在庭审期间由律师代表他行事。英汉大词典〔go〕The case is scheduled to go before the Appeal Court next week.这个案件被安排在下周提交上诉法庭审理。麦克米伦高阶〔go〕The case will go before the court.这个案子将送到法庭审理。朗文当代〔grant〕The court granted the motion for a new trial.法院批准了进行一次新庭审的申请。韦氏高阶〔guilt〕The prosecution's task in a case is to establish a person's guilt beyond any reasonable doubt.在庭审案件中,控方的任务就是要证明被告有罪。剑桥高阶〔haul〕He was hauled up before the local magistrates for dangerous driving.他因危险驾驶而被移交地方法庭审判。牛津高阶〔hearing〕A court hearing has been scheduled for 31 August .庭审已定于8月31日举行。麦克米伦高阶〔insurance〕The court heard that he stood to gain millions in insurance on his wife.法庭审理查明他妻子数百万元的保险金很可能由他获得。牛津搭配〔justice〕The burglar was brought to justice.那个夜贼被送交法庭审判。英汉大词典〔justice〕Trial by television makes for very rough justice indeed.电视庭审实际上会令审判不公。外研社新世纪〔justice〕Trial by television makes for very rough justice indeed.电视庭审实际上会令审判不公。柯林斯高阶〔legion〕The difficulties surrounding the court case are legion.这个庭审案件困难重重。剑桥高阶〔light〕This evidence did not come to light until after the trial.庭审结束以后这个证据才被披露出来。朗文当代〔maintain〕She maintained her innocence throughout the trial.在整个庭审过程中她坚称自己是无辜的。麦克米伦高阶〔neglect〕Five officers were court-martialled for cowardice or neglect of duty.五名军官因怯懦或渎职被军事法庭审判。朗文当代〔perfect〕Mock trials help students perfect their legal skills.模拟庭审有助于学生们完善自己的律师技能。朗文当代〔persuasive〕Her arguments proved persuasive to the court judges.对庭审法官而言,她的论点被证明很有说服力。牛津搭配〔petition〕The defendant's lawyer petitioned for a new trial.被告律师请求重新开庭审理。英汉大词典〔press〕The Press was/were not allowed to attend the trial.庭审谢绝新闻采访。牛津高阶〔quotation〕He gathered quotations from the trial transcript to prove his point.他从庭审记录中搜集引文来证明他的观点。韦氏高阶〔recess〕Before the trial recessed today, the lawyer read her opening statement.今天庭审休庭之前,律师宣读了她的开庭陈述。柯林斯高阶〔reference〕Lee's case will be the reference point for lawyers in tomorrow's trial.李的判例将成为律师在明天庭审时的参考依据。朗文当代〔refuse〕He refused to comment after the trial.庭审之后他拒绝作出评论。柯林斯高阶〔refuse〕He refused to comment after the trial.庭审后, 他拒绝发表评论。外研社新世纪〔remand〕The accused was remanded in custody (= kept in prison before the trial began) for a week.被告在开庭审理前被还押监狱1周。剑桥高阶〔representation〕She received praise for her effective representation of Garcia during the trial.她因为在庭审时代表加西亚作了有力的辩护而受到赞扬。朗文当代〔restart〕The trial will restart today with a new jury.换了新陪审团, 庭审今天将重新开始。外研社新世纪〔selectively〕Mr Robins, suffering from selective amnesia about his role in the affair, was contradicted in nearly every instance by other witnesses.对于自己在该事件中所扮演的角色,罗宾斯先生患上了选择性失忆症,因此几乎在每次庭审中都会受到其他证人的反驳。柯林斯高阶〔selfdefence〕At his trial he will plead self-defence.庭审时他将请求为自己辩护。牛津搭配〔set piece〕The trial scene is a classic set piece.庭审这一幕是个经典片段。朗文当代〔set sth off〕The court's initial verdict in the police officers' trial set off serious riots.法庭审理这起警官案件作出的初审判决引起了严重的暴乱。剑桥高阶〔sit on〕The case was sat on by the court.该案已由法庭审理了。21世纪英汉〔sit〕The court would sit all night.法庭将要通宵庭审。柯林斯高阶〔strain〕The trial has been a terrible strain for both of us.法庭审判令我们两人都非常焦虑。朗文当代〔trial〕By the time the case comes to trial, he will have spent a year in prison.到这个案件开庭审理时,他将已经在监狱里呆了一年了。朗文当代〔trial〕The case never came to trial.这个案件从未开庭审理。牛津高阶〔trial〕They believed that his case would never come to trial.他们认为他的讼案根本不会开庭审理。外研社新世纪〔trial〕They believed that his case would never come to trial.他们认为他的讼案根本不会开庭审理。柯林斯高阶〔trial〕Thirty police officers were brought to trial.三十名警察被送交法庭审理。朗文当代〔tribunal〕He was put on trial by military tribunal.他受到军事法庭审讯。牛津搭配〔try〕Whether he is innocent or guilty is a decision that will be made when the case is tried in court.他有罪与否, 将等案件在法庭审理后作出判决。外研社新世纪〔vice chancellor〕Law A judge in equity courts ranking below a chancellor.【法律】 副首席法官:地位低于法庭审判官的衡平法庭法官美国传统〔wide〕The radio and newspapers gave the trial wide coverage.广播和报纸广泛报道了这场庭审。朗文当代A court hearing ruled that the directors had acted illegally.庭审裁决董事们违法。牛津商务A crown court hears major criminal cases.刑事法庭审判的是重大犯罪案件。剑桥国际I'm giving evidence in a court case next week.下星期的庭审中我将出庭作证。剑桥国际She took her case to a tribunal.她将案子提交特别法庭审理。牛津商务The case will go before the European Court next month.下个月这个案子将在欧洲法庭审理。剑桥国际The court has subpoenaed records from the company.法庭发出传票要求调用公司档案用作庭审证据。牛津商务They were charged with obstruction of the police/of justice (= preventing the police/law courts from doing their jobs).他们被指控妨碍警察执行公务/法庭审判。剑桥国际Tribunal hearings are less formal than court sessions.特别法庭听审没有法庭庭审那么正式。牛津商务




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