

单词 庭上
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔COURT/TRIAL〕to be judged in a court of law 在法庭上受审朗文写作活用〔COURT/TRIAL〕when a legal case is judged in court 在法庭上审理案件朗文写作活用〔admission〕the admission of evidence in a court of law 在法庭上承认证据韦氏高阶〔advocate〕an advocate in a lawcourt.法庭上的律师。牛津同义词〔chamber〕chambers A room in which a judge may consult privately with attorneys or hear cases not taken into court. chambers 内庭:法官与检察官私下讨论或听取不必在法庭上审讯的案件的房间美国传统〔falsification〕recent concern about the falsification of evidence in court. 最近对在法庭上作伪证的担忧柯林斯高阶〔frail〕evidence too frail to stand up in court. 证据太无力了,在法庭上站不住脚美国传统〔hear〕to hear evidence in a lawcourt.在法庭上听证人陈述。牛津同义词〔jousting〕lawyers joust in the courtroom. 法庭上展开激辩的律师们柯林斯高阶〔judge〕to judge someone in a lawcourt.在法庭上审判某人。牛津同义词〔kick ass〕a lawyer who kicks ass in the courtroom 在法庭上大获全胜的律师韦氏高阶〔landmark〕a landmark ruling(=an important decision made in a court of law) 在法庭上所作的重要判决麦克米伦高阶〔oath〕a man taking the oath in court一个在法庭上宣誓的人外研社新世纪〔plead〕plead in court 在法庭上作答辩英汉大词典〔profanity〕be fined for profanity in court 因在法庭上使用亵渎的语言而被课罚金英汉大词典〔prompt〕to prompt a witness in court在法庭上提示证人21世纪英汉〔rap〕fight that rap in court 在法庭上为否认那罪名而竭力辩护 英汉大词典〔revelation〕revelations that two senior officers had lied in court 两名高官被揭露在法庭上说谎的事实朗文当代〔speech〕a speech for the defence (法庭上的)辩护辞英汉大词典〔stand〕a proof that will stand up in court 在法庭上站得住脚的证据 英汉大词典〔theatrics〕courtroom theatrics 法庭上的夸张言辞韦氏高阶〔tribunal〕go on trial before a military tribunal 在军事法庭上受审英汉大词典〔truth〕the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth 据实陈述而决无谎言 (证人在法庭上作证的誓词)英汉大词典〔witness〕to witness in a lawcourt.在法庭上作证。牛津同义词




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