

单词 常在
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EAT〕I usually have a snack at about 3 o'clock. 我通常在3点钟左右吃点小吃。朗文写作活用〔GAMBLING〕We usually have a bet on the Grand Prix. 我们经常在国际汽车大奖赛上赌一赌。朗文写作活用〔Lilith〕An evil female spirit in ancient Semitic legend, alleged to haunt deserted places and attack children.夜妖:古代闪米牧人传说的女妖,指常在荒无人烟之地出没,袭击小孩美国传统〔OFTEN〕We shouldn't rule out a Democrat victory yet. These things have a habit of changing just when you least expect it. 我们现在还不能排除民主党获胜的可能,这种事情经常在你最意想不到的时候发生变化。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕How can you afford to eat in restaurants all the time? 常常在餐厅吃饭,你怎能负担得起?朗文写作活用〔TWO〕Sally and her twin sister still spend a lot of time together now that they are adults. 萨莉和她的孪生姐姐现在都已是成人了,可还是经常在一起。朗文写作活用〔USUALLY〕She went to bed at her normal time of eleven o'clock. 她照常在11点上床睡觉了。朗文写作活用〔X-chromosome〕The sex chromosome associated with female characteristics, occurring paired in the female and single in the male sex-chromosome pair.x染色体:携带雌性因子的性染色体,通常在雌性性染色体对中有一对,而在雄性性染色体对中只有一个美国传统〔afternoon〕My baby usually sleeps in the afternoon.我的宝宝通常在下午睡一觉。剑桥高阶〔appendix〕A collection of supplementary material, usually at the end of a book.附录,附件:通常在书末尾处的补充材料美国传统〔back〕The arts page is usually towards / toward the back of the newspaper.艺术版通常在报纸的后几版。牛津搭配〔barbecue〕A social gathering, usually held outdoors, at which food is cooked over an open flame.户外烤肉餐:社交聚会,通常在户外举行,食物在户外的火上烤炙美国传统〔born-again〕The born-again actor often talks about his faith during interviews.那位演员皈依了基督教,经常在访谈中谈论他的信仰。韦氏高阶〔breakfast〕The first meal of the day, usually eaten in the morning.早餐:一天的第一顿饭,通常在早晨吃美国传统〔bruxism〕The habitual, involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth, usually during sleep, as from anger, tension, fear, or frustration.磨牙:因愤怒、紧张、恐惧或失望,而通常在睡梦中的习惯性且无意识地磨牙或咬牙美国传统〔byline〕His byline appeared in the Times frequently.他的署名报道常在《泰晤士报》上发表。英汉大词典〔capri pants〕Tight-fitting, calf-length women's pants, often having a slit on the outside of the leg bottoms.卡普里裤:长至脚踝的妇女穿紧身长裤,常常在大腿底部的外侧有一条小缝美国传统〔carcinoid〕A small tumor, usually found in the gastrointestinal tract, that secretes serotonin.类癌瘤:通常在胃肠道里发现的一种小肿瘤,分泌血清素美国传统〔cartwheel〕In traditional opera a comedian in military plays often cartwheels on the stage.在旧剧中,武丑常常在戏台上横翻筋斗。21世纪英汉〔chess〕They meet fairly often to play chess .他们经常在一起下国际象棋。朗文当代〔companion〕White wine is the usual companion of fish.白葡萄酒常在吃鱼时饮用。英汉大词典〔conspire〕As girls, the sisters used to conspire with each other against their brother.还是小女孩的时候,姐妹俩常常在一起密谋对付她们的哥哥。剑桥高阶〔crowd〕I spent an evening out with the usual crowd.我和经常在一起的一帮朋友在外面过了一个晚上。麦克米伦高阶〔cult〕An exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest.团体:共享某一秘密的,通常在艺术或知识兴趣方面的排他性团体美国传统〔demo〕A product, such as an automobile, used for demonstration and often sold later at a discount.示范样品:用于产品宣传并通常在后来折价出售的产品,例如小轿车美国传统〔dew〕Water droplets condensed from the air, usually at night, onto cool surfaces.露水:从空气中凝结出的水滴,通常在夜间出现,凝结在冰冷物体表面美国传统〔dine〕We usually dine at 7:00.我们通常在7时进正餐。英汉大词典〔doldrums〕The bond market normally revives after the summer doldrums.债券市场通常在夏天萧条期后开始复苏。牛津高阶〔exhibit〕He exhibits regularly in local art galleries.他经常在当地的画廊举办画展。牛津高阶〔exhibit〕He frequently exhibits at the art gallery.他经常在艺术馆展出作品。剑桥高阶〔fling〕We quite often have our fling down at the pub after a hard day's work.一天劳累之后我们常在小酒馆尽情地寻欢作乐。英汉大词典〔fly-over〕A flight over a specific location, usually at low altitude, as by a formation of military aircraft.低空编队飞行:在某特定地点上空飞行,通常在低空,如有军用飞机编队进行的美国传统〔forgather〕They usually forgather at weekends.他们通常在周末聚会。21世纪英汉〔frequently〕She frequently takes a walk in the morning.她时常在早晨去散步。文馨英汉〔gangrene〕Death and decay of body tissue, often occurring in a limb, caused by insufficient blood supply and usually following injury or disease.坏疽:身体组织坏死或衰退,常在四肢发生,因供血不足以及随后的受伤或疾病而引起美国传统〔golf〕We often play a round (= game) of golf at the weekend.我们经常在周末打一场高尔夫球。剑桥高阶〔half-light〕The soft, subdued light seen at dusk or dawn or in dimly lit interiors.半强度的光:通常在黄昏、破晓或室内光照弱的时候出现的柔和灰暗的光线美国传统〔hang out〕I often used to hang out in supermarkets.我过去经常在超市里逛个没完。柯林斯高阶〔hatch〕Eagle eggs usually hatch between late May and early June.鹰的蛋通常在5月底6月初间孵化。麦克米伦高阶〔haunt〕Some people believe that the ghost of an old sea captain haunts the beach.有些人认为老船长的鬼魂经常在海滩出没。韦氏高阶〔heart〕Anne took his criticisms very much to heart.安妮非常在意他的批评。朗文当代〔home〕She gives frequent performances of her work, both at home and abroad.她经常在国内外演出自己的作品。外研社新世纪〔hood〕A neighborhood, usually in the inner city.市内邻区:通常在都市内城区的临近地区美国传统〔how〕I remember how they used to have those huge roaring fires in the winter.我记得他们过去经常在冬天生起熊熊燃烧的炉火。麦克米伦高阶〔jerboa〕Any of various small, nocturnal, leaping rodents of the family Dipodidae of Asia and northern Africa, having long hind legs and a long, tufted tail.跳鼠:一种亚洲和北美洲的常在夜间跳跃活动的小型跳鼠科啮齿类动物,长有长的后腿和长的卷尾美国传统〔loosen up〕Young people often loosen up on the dance floor.年轻人常在舞池中放松自己。柯林斯高阶〔lot〕We see her in the mornings a lot, taking the children off to school.我们常常在早上看到她送孩子们去上学。麦克米伦高阶〔mezzaluna〕A curved steel blade, often with a vertical handle at each end, used to chop food.美扎鲁那刀:为弧形钢刀,通常在每一端有一个直柄,用于剁碎食物.美国传统〔moment〕He's never late, but he often arrives at the last moment.他从不迟到,可是常常在最后一刻到达。英汉大词典〔moonlight〕To work at another job, often at night, in addition to one's full-time job.从事第二职业:作为某人全职工作的额外工作去做另一份工作,常在晚上做美国传统〔mostly〕Rattlesnakes hunt mostly at night.响尾蛇通常在夜晚捕猎。外研社新世纪〔neighbourhood〕We used to ride bikes around the neighbourhood.我们过去常在小区周围骑自行车。牛津搭配〔nightmare〕The faces of all the people he had killed haunted his nightmares.他杀死的那些人的面孔常在他的噩梦中出现。牛津搭配〔odd〕I usually write odd notes in the back of diary.我通常在日记后面作些零星杂录。英汉大词典〔of〕She calls on me of a Sunday.她常在礼拜天来访问我。文馨英汉〔of〕We often used to walk by the river of an evening.我们以前晚上常在河边散步。朗文当代〔penthouse〕A residence, often with a terrace, on the top floor or floors of a building.高级住房:常在建筑物顶层或最高几层的带有阳台的住宅美国传统〔photophore〕A light-producing organ found especially in marine fishes that emits light from specialized structures or derives light from symbiotic luminescent bacteria.发光器官:常在海洋鱼类身上发现的一个发光器官,可以从特殊的结构中散射光或是从共生的发冷光细菌中提取光美国传统〔pleasure〕I often meet useful people at parties, so I combine business with pleasure.我经常在聚会上遇到能用得上的人,所以我是正事消遣两不误。牛津搭配〔position〕Priests have traditionally held an important position in the community.牧师通常在社区里拥有重要的地位。外研社新世纪〔priapus〕An image of this god, often used as a scarecrow in ancient gardens.这种神的形象,通常在古代的花园里用作稻草人美国传统〔pristine〕Pollution from Europe and Russia often creates a haze in the once pristine Arctic skies.来自欧洲和俄国的污染常在从前纯净的北极天空造出一片烟雾。文馨英汉〔rake over〕He used to rake over the old newspapers in the library, looking for the articles that he wanted.他过去常常在图书馆翻阅旧报,寻找他需要的文章。21世纪英汉〔ran〕We often ran the streets when we were children.我们小时候常常在街上乱跑。21世纪英汉〔relieve〕He used to relieve himself in the garden when he was a boy.他小时候常在花园里大小便。21世纪英汉〔remote〕All these theories seem very remote from our everyday experience in the classroom.所有这些理论好像与我们日常在课堂上所接触到的相去甚远。麦克米伦高阶〔scab〕Any of various plant diseases caused by fungi or bacteria and resulting in crustlike spots on fruit, leaves, or roots.疮痂病:真菌或细菌导致的植物病,常在果实、叶片或根上生有痂状斑点美国传统〔sell out〕Football games often sell out well in advance.足球比赛经常在开赛前很久票就已经售光了。柯林斯高阶〔shop〕I usually do the weekly shop on a Monday.我通常在星期一买一周要用的东西。剑桥高阶〔shuttle diplomacy〕Diplomatic negotiations conducted by an official intermediary who travels frequently between the nations involved.穿梭外交:由一经常在被牵涉的国家之间旅行的官方调解人进行的外交谈判美国传统〔silo〕A tall cylindrical structure, usually beside a barn, in which fodder is stored.贮料垛:一种很高的圆柱形结构,通常在谷仓旁边,用作贮藏饲料美国传统〔slave〕Black slaves used to work on the cotton plantations of the southern United States.黑奴以前通常在美国南部的棉花种植园干活。剑桥高阶〔spring fever〕A feeling of languor or yearning brought on by the coming of spring.春倦症:常在初春时产生的一种烦躁或惰怠症状美国传统〔stop〕People often wrongly open doors before the train has come to a stop.人们经常在火车还尚未完全停好时就违规打开车门。柯林斯高阶〔stunt-drive〕He used to stunt-drive in comedies.他常在滑稽节目中驾驶汽车作特技表演。英汉大词典〔transfer〕Children usually transfer to secondary school at 11 or 12.儿童通常在 11 或 12 岁时升读中学。牛津高阶〔travel〕That brand of humour generally travels well.那种风格的幽默通常在各地都喜闻乐见。柯林斯高阶〔usual〕It's usual to ask permission before borrowing any equipment.通常在借用设备前要先得到许可。麦克米伦高阶〔vest〕A sleeveless garment, often having buttons down the front, worn usually over a shirt or blouse and sometimes as part of a three-piece suit.马甲:一种无袖衣服,经常在前面有扣,穿在衬衣或短上衣的外面,有时作为三件套西服的一部分美国传统〔wake〕I often wake at three in the morning.我常在早晨三点醒来。文馨英汉〔wake〕I usually wake at about 7.我通常在7点钟左右醒来。牛津同义词〔welter〕Pigs often welter in the mud.猪常常在泥里打滚。21世纪英汉〔yen〕He's a natural with any kind of engine but he has an unfortunate yen for speed.他天生对各种发动机就非常在行,但却过分追求速度。柯林斯高阶Acceptance sampling is usually carried out at the customer's premises.通常在顾客所在地进行验收抽样。牛津商务Children usually develop speech in the second year of life.孩子通常在两岁时开始学说话。剑桥国际Deer usually conceive in November. 鹿通常在十一月份怀胎。译典通He often hangs around in bars, looking for casual sex (= hoping to find someone he does not know with whom he can have sex).他经常在酒吧里晃荡,想随便找个寻欢的对象。剑桥国际I often work through my lunch hour.我经常在午餐时间工作。牛津商务I usually do the weekly shop on a Monday.我通常在星期一进行每周采购。剑桥国际I'm very concerned about the ethnocentric tone of this leaflet/novel.我非常在意这张传单/这部小说的种族中心主义的调子。剑桥国际In Britain you often see yews in churchyards.在英国,你经常在教堂墓地里见到紫杉树。剑桥国际My baby usually sleeps in the afternoons.我的婴儿通常在下午睡觉。剑桥国际People learning to fly often practise on a flight simulator (= equipment which represents real conditions esp. in an aircraft or spacecraft).学习飞行的人通常在飞行模拟器中进行练习。剑桥国际Sea lions often perform in entertainments such as circuses.海狮常常在诸如马戏团这一类娱乐场演出。剑桥国际She often buys some cake mixes on weekends. 她通常在周末买些蛋糕混合料。译典通The choir performs regularly both at home and abroad.这个合唱团经常在国内外演出。剑桥国际The president is conventionally hawkish on foreign policy.总统通常在对外政策上十分强硬。剑桥国际The president was very jealous of his personal power, and was suspicious of all of his advisors.总统非常在意自己的个人权力,对他的顾问都存有疑心。剑桥国际They routinely pay invoices 90 days past due.他们通常在逾期 90 天后付款。牛津商务With his good looks and charm he usually played the lady-killer in Hollywood films.因为长相英俊、富于魅力,他经常在好莱坞影片中扮演勾引女人的角色。剑桥国际




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