

单词 常与
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔boundary〕the boundary between sanity and insanity 神志正常与不正常的分界线牛津搭配〔connote〕the remorse so often connoted by guilt 时常与犯罪心理相联系的悔恨英汉大词典〔consort〕a man who regularly consorted with prostitutes 一个常与妓女厮混的男人朗文当代〔contagious〕the cell types usually associated with contagious viruses常与传染性病毒相关的细胞类型外研社新世纪〔elderly〕pl. elderly (used with a pl. verb)Older people considered as a group. Often used withthe : 【复数】 elderly (与复数动词连用)对老年人的总称:被当作群体看待的老年人,经常与定冠词the 连用: 美国传统〔fact of life〕facts of life The basic physiological functions involved in sex and reproduction. Often used withthe. facts of life 生活方面的基本知识:与性和生殖有关的基础生理知识。常与the 连用 美国传统〔glum〕glums Chiefly British The blues. Often used withthe : glums 【多用于英国】 忧伤。常与the 连用: 美国传统〔hiccup〕hiccups also hiccoughs An attack of these spasms. Often used withthe. hiccups 也作 hiccoughs 呃道的发作。通常与the 连用 美国传统〔horror〕horrors Informal Intense nervous depression or anxiety. Often used withthe. horrors 【非正式用语】 极端神经质的抑郁或忧虑的状态。常与the 连用 美国传统〔jerk〕jerks Involuntary convulsive twitching often resulting from excitement. Often used withthe. jerks 抽搐:由于兴奋而不由自主的抽搐颤动。经常与the 连用 美国传统〔jitter〕jitters A fit of nervousness. Often used withthe. jitters 紧张不安:一阵紧张不安。常与定冠词the 连用 美国传统〔jump〕jumps A condition of nervousness. Often used withthe. jumps 心神不安:心惊胆颤的状态,常与the 连用 美国传统〔line〕the line between sanity and madness 神志正常与精神错乱的分界线英汉大词典〔mass〕masses The body of common people or people of low socioeconomic status. Used withthe. masses 大众,庶民:平民或社会经济地位上低下者。常与the 连用 美国传统〔mope〕mopes Low spirits; the blues. Often used withthe. mopes 情绪低落;忧郁。常与the 连用 美国传统〔private〕privates Private parts. Often used withthe. privates 阴部,生殖器。经常与the 连用 美国传统〔shake〕shakes Informal Uncontrollable trembling, as in a person who is cold, frightened, feverish, or ill. Often used withthe : shakes 【非正式用语】 发抖:不能控制的颤抖,如寒冷、害怕、发烧或生病的人身上发生的。常与the 连用: 美国传统〔star〕stars The future; destiny. Often used withthe. stars 命运:未来;命运。常与the 连用 美国传统




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