

单词 射入
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INTERESTING〕Sergei Rebrov scored the goal that finally ended an enthralling match. 谢尔盖·雷布罗夫射入一球,终于结束了这场引人入胜的比赛。朗文写作活用〔Miss〕After more misses, they finally put two arrows into the lion's chest.又射偏了几次之后,他们终于把两支箭射入了狮子的胸膛。柯林斯高阶〔amber〕A burst of sunshine sent a beam of amber light through the window.破云而出的阳光透过窗户射入一束琥珀色的光线。外研社新世纪〔amniography〕Radiographic examination of the uterine cavity and fetus following injection of a radiopaque substance into the amnion.羊水造影术:将造影剂注射入羊膜腔内后,用放射线观察子宫腔和胎儿美国传统〔apt〕It seemed apt that the winning goal was scored by the captain.可以说,致胜一球是队长射入的。麦克米伦高阶〔bag〕Larsson bagged his thirtieth goal of the season in Celtic's win.拉尔森在凯尔特人队赢的这场比赛中射入他在本赛季的第 30 个球。朗文当代〔beam〕Sunlight was beaming through the cracks in the roof.阳光从屋顶的裂缝中射入。外研社新世纪〔blank〕The heavy curtain blanked out the window's light.厚厚的窗帘使窗口射入的光线模糊不清。英汉大词典〔blasting〕Ramsay blasted the ball into the back of the net.拉姆齐劲射入网。柯林斯高阶〔blind〕The sudden bright lights in his eyes blinded him.突然的强烈光射入他的双眼使他头昏眼花。21世纪英汉〔buried〕She buried an arrow in the target.她把一支箭深深射入靶内。21世纪英汉〔bury〕The bullet had buried itself in the floorboards.子弹射入了地板里。麦克米伦高阶〔crucial〕He scored the crucial goal against Holland.他在对荷兰队的比赛中射入关键一球。外研社新世纪〔dark〕Reflecting only a small fraction of incident light.光线微弱的:反射入射光的仅一小部分的美国传统〔diagonal〕Peters received a diagonal pass and headed the ball into the net.彼德斯接到斜传球后将球顶射入网。剑桥高阶〔die〕United scored an equaliser in the dying minutes of the game.联队在最后时刻射入一球,将比分扳平。朗文当代〔diffuse〕The light diffused into the room.光线漫射入房间。21世纪英汉〔dribble〕He dribbled past two defenders and scored a magnificent goal.他带球越过两个防守队员,射入非常精彩的一球。牛津高阶〔drive〕He scored with a brilliant 25-yard drive.他在 25 码外一脚劲射入球得分。牛津高阶〔enter〕The bullet entered his head.子弹射入他的头部。英汉大词典〔extra time〕Beckham scored in extra time.贝克汉姆在加时赛中射入一球。朗文当代〔fightback〕Dadi launched the fightback when he netted from close range.达迪发起反攻, 近距离将球射入网内。外研社新世纪〔flick〕Davies picked up a flick from Melchiot and shot into the corner.戴维斯接住了梅尔奇奥特的快速传球, 射入球门一角。外研社新世纪〔goal〕Paul scored three goals in the game.保罗在比赛中射入3球。麦克米伦高阶〔goal〕Young rolled the ball across the six-yard box for Rooney to tap the ball into the open goal.杨用地滚球把球传向小禁区,鲁尼轻轻一触射入了大开的球门。剑桥高阶〔hammer〕He hammered the ball into the net, giving France a 3–2 win over Italy.他将球劲射入网,使法国队以3比2战胜了意大利队。剑桥高阶〔ice hockey〕A game played on ice in which two opposing teams of skaters, using curved sticks, try to drive a puck into the opponent's goal.冰上曲棍球运动:一种冰上运动,两队运动员在冰场上使用弯曲的球棍,尽量把冰球射入对方的球门美国传统〔injection〕An anaesthetic was administered by injection.麻醉剂已注射入体内。牛津高阶〔injection〕The injection of the earth satellite was achieved as planned.地球卫星按计划射入轨道。英汉大词典〔inject〕The drug is injected directly into the base of the spine.药物被直接注射入脊椎末端。朗文当代〔intercept〕Barry intercepted Naylor's pass and scored the third goal.巴里断下内勒尔的传球,射入了第3个球。剑桥高阶〔interval〕He scored his first goal of the match three minutes after the interval.下半场刚开始3分钟,他就射入了他本场比赛的第一个进球。剑桥高阶〔into〕Flavell had accidentally discharged a pistol, firing it into the ceiling.弗拉维尔不小心扳动了一把手枪的扳机,子弹射入了天花板。柯林斯高阶〔into〕The bullet went into his leg.子弹射入了他的腿里。外研社新世纪〔laser〕The dye is activated when a laser is shone into the affected eye.当激光束射入病眼时, 染料便被激活了。外研社新世纪〔length〕Carter ran half the length of the pitch to score a brilliant goal.卡特尔跑过半场的距离,射入一记精彩的进球。麦克米伦高阶〔loan〕David Speedie, on loan from Southampton, scored his first goal for Birmingham.租借来自南安普敦的戴维•斯皮迪为伯明翰队射入了第一球。外研社新世纪〔lob〕The goalkeeper had come out of the goal and Webster lobbed the ball over his head into the empty net.守门员离开了球门区,韦伯把球挑过守门员头顶,射入了球门。剑桥高阶〔loft〕They successfully lofted a spaceship into orbit.他们成功地将一艘宇宙飞船射入轨道。21世纪英汉〔loop〕The ball looped over the goalkeeper into the back of the net.那个球绕过守门员射入网底。朗文当代〔lucky〕He scored a goal on a lucky shot.他幸运地射入一球。韦氏高阶〔mainline〕To inject (a drug, such as heroin) directly into a major vein.把(毒品,例如海洛因)直接注射入主静脉美国传统〔near post〕It's always annoying for a keeper when he's beaten at the near post.球从近门柱射入总会让守门员很恼火。剑桥高阶〔net〕He has netted 21 goals so far this season.这个赛季至今他已射入 21 球。牛津高阶〔peach〕Anderton scored a peach of a goal.安德顿射入一个好球。朗文当代〔penetrate〕Amazingly, the bullet did not penetrate his brain.令人惊讶的是,子弹并未射入他的脑部。剑桥高阶〔penetrate〕The bullet penetrated his left shoulder.子弹射入(或打穿)他的左肩。英汉大词典〔penetration〕The heavier the arrow, the greater its penetration into the target.箭越重,射入靶子越深。英汉大词典〔pierce〕One bullet pierced the left side of his chest.一颗子弹射入他的左胸。柯林斯高阶〔pierce〕The arrow pierced his shoulder.箭头射入他的肩膀。牛津高阶〔pile driver〕He hit a pile driver into the net from 20 yards out.他从20码外一记猛踢,把球射入了网。韦氏高阶〔post〕He steered a shot between the goalkeeper and the near post.他把球从守门员和较近的球门柱之间射入。牛津搭配〔ray〕Light rays bend as they pass from air to water.光线从空气射入水中会发生折射。剑桥高阶〔rip into〕The bullets from our antiaircraft gun ripped into the fuselage of the enemy bomber.我们高射炮的子弹射入敌人轰炸机的机身。21世纪英汉〔second〕Italy scored a second goal just after half-time.下半场刚刚开始,意大利队便射入第二个球。牛津高阶〔shot〕Taylor scored with a low shot into the corner of the net.泰勒一脚低射,把球射入网角。牛津高阶〔slant〕The sun slanted across the garden (through the windows).太阳斜照着花园(斜射入窗户)。英汉大词典〔slant〕The sunlight slanted through the windows into the room.阳光从窗户斜射入室。21世纪英汉〔smack〕Beckham smacked the ball into the net.贝克汉姆将球怒射入网。麦克米伦高阶〔snatch〕They snatched victory with a goal in the last minute.他们在最后一刻射入一球获得胜利。麦克米伦高阶〔spacefaring〕The launching of vehicles into outer space.发射:将航空器发射入太空美国传统〔strike〕Brazil struck first with a goal in the third minute.巴西队第三分钟先射入一球取得先机。朗文当代〔sunshine〕Please let in the sunshine.请让阳光射入。文馨英汉〔transmittance〕Physics The ratio of the radiant energy transmitted to the total radiant energy incident on a given body.【物理学】 透射:透过特定物体的辐射能量与射入这个物体的总辐射能量之比美国传统〔vicarious〕He got a vicarious thrill out of watching his son score the winning goal.他看着儿子射入获胜的一球,也同样感到欣喜若狂。牛津高阶〔when〕The best moment was when he scored the winning goal.最精彩的一刻是他射入致胜一球的时候。朗文当代〔winner〕Moran scored the winner with only two minutes left.比赛只剩两分钟时,莫兰射入了致胜的一球。朗文当代〔winner〕Rooney scored the winner after 20 minutes 鲁尼在 20 分钟后射入了致胜的一球。牛津高阶〔winning〕Beckham scored the winning goal.贝克汉姆射入了制胜的一球。朗文当代Amazingly, the bullet did not penetrate his brain, although its impact gave him a severe concussion.令人惊奇的是尽管子弹的威力使他受了一次严重的脑震荡,但子弹并没有射入头部。剑桥国际He scored his first goal of the match three minutes after the interval.中场休息才过3分钟,他就射入了他本场比赛的第一个球。剑桥国际In the last ten minutes of the game, Germany scored two goals, snatching victory from the jaws of almost certain defeat.在比赛的最后10分钟内,德国队射入两个球,从几乎注定的失败中取得了胜利。剑桥国际Manchester scored three goals in quick succession (= one after another).曼彻斯特队连续射入三个球。剑桥国际Midday sun streamed into the drab little room which gave it a sudden cheerfulness (=it became bright and pleasant).中午的阳光射入这间毫无生气的小屋,突然给了它一种快乐的气氛。剑桥国际Scotland spoiled England's party by scoring an equalizing goal in the last minute of the match.苏格兰在比赛的最后一刻射入一球,扳平了比分,令英格兰队大为扫兴。剑桥国际The ball deflected off my hockey stick, straight into the goal.球弹离我的曲棍球棒,径直射入球门。剑桥国际The footballer scored with such velocity that the goalkeeper didn't stand a chance of saving the goal.那位足球运动员用飞速将球射入门内,守门员根本没有机会扑救那个球。剑桥国际The footballer volleyed the ball into the net. 那足球队员将球凌空抽射入网。译典通The goalkeeper was wrong-footed and could only watch in despair as the ball shot past him into the goal.守门员弄错了来球方向,只能绝望地看着球从他的身边射入球门。剑桥国际The sun shone directly (= in a way not blocked by anything else) in my eyes.阳光直射入我眼中。剑桥国际




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