

单词 年会
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHOOSE〕Seattle has been chosen as the venue for next year's conference. 西雅图被选为明年会议召开的地点。朗文写作活用〔HOLIDAY/VACATION〕The YMCA is running a day camp with crafts, sports, and water fun. 基督教青年会正在举办一个日间活动营,活动包括手工艺、体育和水上游乐。朗文写作活用〔RETURN〕These birds return to the same place every year to build their nests. 这些鸟每年会返回同一个地方筑巢。朗文写作活用〔RUDE〕Teenagers who have jobs can be quite dismissive of their peers who don't. 有工作的青少年会很轻视没工作的同龄人。朗文写作活用〔RUN〕Omar's running the marathon this year. 奥马尔今年会跑马拉松。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕Maria's going trekking in the Himalayas this year. 玛丽亚今年会在喜马拉雅山地区徒步旅行。朗文写作活用〔Y, y〕I took him to the Y.我把他带到了基督教青年会旅馆。柯林斯高阶〔YMCA〕He's a member of the YMCA.他是基督教青年会会员。韦氏高阶〔YMHA〕Young Men's Hebrew Association.犹太人青年会美国传统〔YWCA〕She's a member of the YWCA.她是基督教女青年会会员。韦氏高阶〔YWHA〕Young Women's Hebrew Association.希伯来女青年会美国传统〔add up〕That adds up to more than a thousand dollars a year.那样加起来每年会超过一千美元。韦氏高阶〔ambush〕The outgoing chairman was ambushed by reporters after this year's annual meeting.即将离任的董事长在今年年会后遭到记者的拦截采访。外研社新世纪〔annual〕The annual meeting is in July.年会在七月召开。韦氏高阶〔anything〕Anything that's cheap this year will be even cheaper next year.今年的便宜货明年会更便宜。柯林斯高阶〔appreciation〕Based on the history of the company, you can expect a significant appreciation in your investment over a number of years.考虑到这家公司的历史,你的投资过几年会大幅增值。韦氏高阶〔bet〕My bet is that next year will be different.我确信明年会有所不同。外研社新世纪〔big〕She thinks longer skirts will be big this year.她认为今年会流行中长裙。韦氏高阶〔cannot〕I cannot predict what will happen next year.我预料不到明年会发生什么事。剑桥高阶〔chairman〕The first item on the agenda at the AGM was the election of a new chairman.年会的第一项议程是选举新主席。外研社新世纪〔conference〕The organization held/hosted its annual conference in New York this year.这个组织今年在纽约举行了年会。韦氏高阶〔congress〕The two-year session of this legislature between elections of the House of Representatives.国会会期:众议院代表选举期间的两年会期美国传统〔convention〕He addressed the annual Republican convention.他在共和党年会上讲了话。牛津搭配〔convention〕The 58th annual convention of the Pennsylvania section of the American Legion was held in Philadelphia.第58届美国军团宾夕法尼亚州分部年会在费城举行。外研社新世纪〔convention〕We go to the weeklong annual teachers' convention every summer.我们每年夏天都会参加为期一周的教师年会。韦氏高阶〔cover〕She's covering the party's annual conference.她正在报道这个政党的年会新闻。牛津高阶〔defame〕We expect politicians to defame each other in an election year.我们预料政客们在选举年会互相诽谤。21世纪英汉〔delusion〕He's under the delusion that he will be promoted this year.他怀有自己今年会得到晋升的错觉。剑桥高阶〔due〕Dues are increasing this year.今年会费涨了。韦氏高阶〔eligible〕Over 500,000 18-year-olds will become eligible to vote this year.今年会有超过 50 万年满 18 岁的人有资格参加投票。朗文当代〔fivefold〕There has been a fivefold increase in membership this year.今年会员人数增加到了五倍。韦氏高阶〔folly〕It's sheer folly to build nuclear power stations in a country that has dozens of earthquakes every year.在每年会发生几十次地震的国家建造核电站简直就是愚蠢至极。柯林斯高阶〔format〕For this year, we have decided to change the format of the conference slightly.我们已经决定将今年会议的形式稍作改变。牛津搭配〔gaudy〕A feast, especially an annual university dinner.盛大宴会:宴会,尤指大学中的年会美国传统〔guesstimate〕Current guesstimates are that the company's turnover will increase by six percent this year.按照目前的大致估测,这家公司的营业额今年会增长6%。剑桥高阶〔harvest〕There will be a bumper(=very large) harvest this year.今年会有大丰收。麦克米伦高阶〔headline〕Eminem is headlining at the festival this year.埃米纳姆是今年会演的主角。朗文当代〔idea〕No one has any real idea how much the company will make next year.没人真的知道该公司明年会赚多少钱。柯林斯高阶〔if〕The team will go racing next year if – and it's a very big if – they can raise six million pounds.该队明年会参加比赛 — 如果他们能筹集六百万英镑,但这是一大疑问。朗文当代〔imagine〕The company will do better next year, I imagine.我认为,这家公司来年会做得更好。韦氏高阶〔improvement〕We expect to see further improvement over the coming year.我们期望来年会有更进一步的改善。牛津高阶〔invite〕You are cordially invited to attend the annual parish meeting.诚挚邀请您光临教区年会。牛津搭配〔knock (some) sense into sb〕A couple of years in the army will knock some sense into him.在部队里呆上几年会让他懂些道理。剑桥高阶〔lay〕The conference laid the basis for a series of annual gatherings.这次会议为后来一系列的年会奠定了基础。英汉大词典〔lifetime〕We'll see a tremendous lot of technological changes during/in our lifetime.我们在有生之年会看到无数的技术变革。剑桥高阶〔may〕I may be back next year.我可能明年会回来。外研社新世纪〔may〕I may be back next year.我可能明年会回来。柯林斯高阶〔membership〕Annual membership (= the amount you have to pay to join a particular organization for one year) is £25.每年会员费为25英镑。剑桥高阶〔millenarian〕One who believes the millennium will occur.千禧年信奉者:相信千禧年会复活的人美国传统〔mischance〕If by some mischance our attempt fails, we'll try again next year.如果我们的尝试因为运气不好而失败了,我们明年会再试。剑桥高阶〔motion〕Someone proposed a motion to increase the membership fee to $500 a year.有人提议将年会费增加至500美元。剑桥高阶〔parent〕The parent company is expected to spend $50 million in advertising this year.母公司预计今年会投入5千万美元用于广告。剑桥高阶〔pest〕Each year ten percent of the crop is lost to a pest called corn rootworm.一种叫玉米根虫的害虫每年会让粮食减产10%。柯林斯高阶〔pick up〕Officials hope that trade will pick up in the new financial year.官员们希望贸易在新的财年会有所起色。外研社新世纪〔prime〕Middle age can be the prime of life if you have the right attitude.如果心态正确,中年会是人一生中的全盛时期。剑桥高阶〔request〕All club members are requested to attend the annual meeting.俱乐部全体会员均须出席年会。朗文当代〔say〕Someone with, say, between 300 and 500 acres could be losing thousands of pounds a year.比方说,拥有 300 到 500 英亩地的人,可能每年会损失几千英镑。柯林斯高阶〔say〕Who can say what will happen next year? 谁能说得出明年会发生什么事?牛津高阶〔sevenfold〕There has been a sevenfold increase in membership in the past year.去年会员人数增加到原来的七倍。韦氏高阶〔solid〕The first two years provide a solid foundation in the basics of computing.头两年会给计算机应用的基础方面打下坚实的根基。朗文当代〔speculate〕The newspapers have speculated that they will get married next year.报纸猜测他们明年会结婚。剑桥高阶〔step〕He will formally step down at the party's annual conference in October.他将在10月召开的党的年会上正式辞职。英汉大词典〔tenfold〕Membership grew more than tenfold this year. 今年会员人数增长了十倍。剑桥高阶〔try for〕He said he was going to try for first place next year.他说他明年会争取夺得第一名。外研社新世纪〔try〕He said he was going to try for first place next year.他说他明年会争取夺得第一名。柯林斯高阶〔unsmart〕He is a young accountant — hard up, shy, unsmart.他是一个青年会计——缺钱花,胆怯,人也不机灵。英汉大词典〔waste〕This city produces 20 million tons of household waste each year.这个城市每年会产生2000万吨生活垃圾。剑桥高阶〔waste〕Up to 10 million tonnes of toxic wastes are produced every year in the UK.英国每年会产生多达1,000万吨的有毒废弃物。柯林斯高阶〔white Christmas〕Do you think we might have a white Christmas this year? 你觉得我们今年会过个白色圣诞节吗?剑桥高阶〔winter〕We're in for a cold winter this year, I hear.听说我们今年会遭受寒冬。韦氏高阶〔yield〕Shareholders are expecting a higher yield this year.股民们期盼今年会有更高的收益。朗文当代〔ymca〕We stayed at the YMCA.我们住在基督教青年会。牛津高阶〔y〕I'm going to the Y after work tonight.今晚下班后我要去青年会。韦氏高阶A couple of years in the army will knock some sense into him.在军队里呆了几年会让他懂些道理。剑桥国际Annual membership (= the amount you have to pay to join a particular organization) is £25.每年会员费为25英镑。剑桥国际Gathered here tonight at this annual ceremony we have a whole constellation of film stars/actors/acting talent/directors.今晚的年会上聚集了一大群电影明星/演员/表演天才/导演。剑桥国际He's deluding himself if he thinks he's going to be promoted this year.要是他以为自己今年会得到晋升,那是在自欺欺人。剑桥国际Headteachers gathered in Brighton today for their annual conference.今天校长们聚集在布赖顿召开年会。剑桥国际I cannot predict what will happen next year.我不能预计明年会发生什么事。剑桥国际I wonder if we'll have early frosts (=happening in the autumn) this year.我不知道今年会不会有秋寒。剑桥国际I've been invited to speak at the annual conference.我已获邀在年会上讲话。牛津商务Its annual meeting was hijacked by critics.年会被反对者操纵了。牛津商务Middle age can be the prime of life if you have the right attitude.如果你正确对待,中年会是你一生中的全盛时期。剑桥国际No one is expecting a very generous (= large) pay increase this year.没有人指望今年会有大幅度的工资增长。剑桥国际Someone proposed a motion to increase the membership fee to £500 a year.有人提议将年会费增至500英镑。剑桥国际The company holds an annual conference for its networkers.这家公司为其网络雇员举办年会。牛津商务The smart money is on a rise in the stock market over the next year.看准行情投资在股票市场的钱在次年会增长。剑桥国际The third year is spent on placement in selected companies.第三年会于所选的公司实习。牛津商务




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