

单词 市内
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔TOWN〕area of a town 市内的地区朗文写作活用〔apparition〕the sudden apparition of Lincoln perched on its hill with its great cathedral坐落在小山上的林肯市及市内的大教堂突然映入眼帘外研社新世纪〔cycle〕maps of cycle routes within London伦敦市内自行车路线图外研社新世纪〔dormitory〕the daily shuttling between dormitory and work-place 每天从郊外住宅区到市内工作地点之间的穿梭通勤英汉大词典〔downtown〕a downtown address 市内地址剑桥高阶〔endeavor〕endeavored to improve the quality of life in the inner city. 努力改善城市内的生活品质美国传统〔gallery〕details of museums and art galleries in the city 市内各博物馆和美术馆的详细介绍朗文当代〔in-city〕in-city and suburban bus lines 市内及市郊的公共汽车路线英汉大词典〔in-city〕the in-city edition of a paper 报纸的市内版文馨英汉〔in-city〕the in-city edition of a paper 报纸的市内版英汉大词典〔in-store〕an instore bakery. 设在超市内的面包店柯林斯高阶〔inbound〕catch an inbound bus 搭乘开往市内的公车文馨英汉〔intracity〕intracity buses 市内公共汽车英汉大词典〔intracity〕intracity public telephone calls 公用电话的市内通话文馨英汉〔local〕a local telephone exchange 市内 (或本地) 电话局英汉大词典〔move〕to move the troops into the city将部队开入市内21世纪英汉〔of〕in the north of Taipei 在台北北部(台北市内)文馨英汉〔outside〕theatres both in and outside London. 伦敦市内外的剧院柯林斯高阶〔outside〕theatres both in and outside London伦敦市内外的剧院外研社新世纪〔partiality〕a partial ban on the use of cars in the city. 市内部分地段轿车禁行令柯林斯高阶〔partial〕a partial ban on the use of cars in the city市内部分地段汽车禁行令外研社新世纪〔practical〕a practic al little car, ideal for the city 适合城市内使用的实用小汽车牛津高阶〔reintroduce〕plans to reintroduce trams to the city 市内重新使用有轨电车的计划牛津高阶〔rough〕the roughest neighbourhood in the city 市内最危险的街区牛津高阶〔sightseeing〕a sightseeing tour of the city 市内旅游观光麦克米伦高阶〔sprinkle〕churches sprinkled over the city 星星点点地分布在市内的教堂英汉大词典〔station〕the city bus station 市内公共汽车站朗文当代〔teeming〕the teeming life in and around the town 市内及其周围的热气腾腾的生活英汉大词典〔townhouse〕the Duke's townhouse in Mayfair 公爵在梅菲尔的市内住宅朗文当代〔town〕going into town for shopping. 到市内商业中心区购物美国传统〔treasure hunt〕a treasure hunt at one of the city's flea markets 在市内一家跳蚤市场寻宝韦氏高阶people who work in the city but live in the suburbs 在市内上班但居住在郊区的人们牛津商务




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